#skip takamori

your favorite brainslug and mine[ID: a drawing of skip takamori from dimension 20, flying with a jet

your favorite brainslug and mine

[ID: a drawing of skip takamori from dimension 20, flying with a jet pack. skip is a middle-aged japanese man with a thick mustache, five-o’clock shadow, and dark hair that is greying at the temples. he wears a brown jacket, jeans, and cowboy boots. he is clutching the straps of a jetpack, trailing green gas behind him, and is saying “right on!” with a mild expression.]

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zac can’t make a character that’s competent that last more than a few episodes. god (dm) needs to nerf him, too powerful

Have I mentioned how much I love Zac’a physical comedy?

Cause the man is a god at facial expressions.

(Bonus Closeup):

This is a super vague reference, but I personally believe that Skip’s little smile looks like this one from Poptropica:

Riva adding “I’m sorry” when they couldn’t pinpoint any location bc they were drugged and Skip quickly adding “it’s okay” before the scene moves on was completely insignificant but I liked it

If I was in this ASO episode I would simply not give them the trays back. I am keeping every single good tray I am given. I will not make a weapon out of them, but I will make a fort out of them. Maybe I’d like, break them and sharpen them, but a fort sounds more fun

Riva being drugged the entire time is incredibly funny

I do have to ask how the fuck they plan on transporting them out of there for an escape when they are in a large dome though I am not going to lie

However; Lucceino kiss, Skip’s weird fuckery obsessed dad, Lou/Gunnie not only recognizing the Morse code but linking it to squid game, the Barry reunion, Zorch completely freaking out and Sydney hyping everybody up all in one episode was Such a fever dream I am screaming in real time right now
