#roe v wade


“Pro-life” crowd want to give people the death penalty for having an abortion.


So disabled people can be forcibly sterilized.

Immigrants can be forcibly sterilized

Prisoners can be forcibly sterilized (remember inmates are disproportionately BIPOC)

Trans people can be forced to get sterilized

And now they’re trying to ban abortions.

Don’t get it twisted. This pro-choice argument is literally eugenics. They’re just trying to force the “acceptable” populations to breed (abled cishet white women) while they weed out the “undesirables” from the gene pool.

This couldn’t be a more blatant attempt at eugenics.



Original thread:


Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.

Made from the same dirt as Adam, Lilith viewed herself as his equal and refused to be subservient to him.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

Comparing abortion to the Holocaust is so deeply fucked up on so many levels but one thing that’s telling is that some of the people who compare the number of aborted fetuses to the number of people murdered in the Holocaust are the same people who will be like “we have to have civil debates about this in good faith in the marketplace of free ideas” and it’s like. If you really think this is like, a baby genocide, why are you being so chill about this. Maybe it’s because we both know a fetus isn’t a person.







In light of the roe v wade scare I’ve been seeing a lot of culturally Christian gentiles talk about registering with the church of satan to get religious exemption from anti abortion laws and like… if that works, that’s genuinely rad, but y’all know religious freedom laws aren’t like, for everyone, right… I haven’t looked into this but I just don’t see this ending well :\

It’s like. In practice laws are applied differently to different groups of people in America, even if the text of the law is not explicitly bigoted. I thought we were all on the same page about this. This is literally the first thing they tell you in antifa school

ok no, do NOT send money to The Satanic Temple, they campaign for this bullshit every time this happens, and they routinely lose every court case they try to defend this shit at. And they’re cryptofascists 100% after your money and do not give a shit about you. Please please PLEASE donate straight to abortion funds/ PP, not to white supremacists in black robes. I’m begging y’all. 

You put in the tags they ask you to sign an nda???? That’s some Scientology bullshit holy shit

Yeah, TST is bad, bad news. Lucien Greaves is an edgelord scumbag scammer and doesn’t deserve a single thin dime out of your pocket.

Uh, we got tagged here.

We are not Lucien Greaves. He, Doug Misicko, is suing us along with Cevin Soling through their for-profit corporation United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a “The Satanic Temple”.

If you would like more on the racism, see this:

More on the “can’t help with abortions” stuff, see this and the longer thread:

And if you want to get just an idea of how their court performance has been so far, see this:


Thank u for all the info! Yeah I didn’t look into it bc I assumed it was just well intentioned people misunderstanding religious freedom laws… this is way worse


In light of the roe v wade scare I’ve been seeing a lot of culturally Christian gentiles talk about registering with the church of satan to get religious exemption from anti abortion laws and like… if that works, that’s genuinely rad, but y’all know religious freedom laws aren’t like, for everyone, right… I haven’t looked into this but I just don’t see this ending well :\

It’s like. In practice laws are applied differently to different groups of people in America, even if the text of the law is not explicitly bigoted. I thought we were all on the same page about this. This is literally the first thing they tell you in antifa school

In light of the roe v wade scare I’ve been seeing a lot of culturally Christian gentiles talk about registering with the church of satan to get religious exemption from anti abortion laws and like… if that works, that’s genuinely rad, but y’all know religious freedom laws aren’t like, for everyone, right… I haven’t looked into this but I just don’t see this ending well :\


You know even before the whole possible overturning Roe V Wade bullshit started happening, I was comfortable with the idea of never partaking in reproductive acts.

Now that has increased twenty fold and I’ll maim and kill any man who even so much as thinks of taking off his pants in my presence.

I highly recommend to anyone who sees this to join The Satanic Temple or an organization similar to it. Their 3rd tenet protects your right to bodily autonomy, not just abortion, and its completely free to sign up.

Last time I checked, membership cards are 25 dollars and also come with a certificate(they actually have some really cool designs you can choose from), stickers, and stuff like that. It’s not required to be a member though.

Here’s a link to their website, I highly encourage that you check it out, especially if you are a uterus-owner

And no, they don’t practice animal sacrifices or anything like that.

Tldr they believe in science and being a decent human being

I still recommend reading through their website, they have FAQs and their mission statement that spell it out better than I do.

We understand you had the best of intentions here, but you definitely should not believe The Satanic Temple’s marketing about itself because they have lost all of these relevant court cases so far, and arguably are actively harmful to the cause of reproductive autonomy and abortion access.

It sucks, yeah. There is no “one weird trick” to get an abortion using a religious liberty loophole, and unfortunately The Satanic Temple is literally profiting off of the misconception they push and people want to believe is true.

There are other things about TST and its owners that suck, but in regards to this, not being able to show how they’ve been effectiveand not being willing to show where the money is actually going ought to be enough.

In light of the news out of SCOTUS:

if you are a person/couple in the US looking to have a child through sperm donation and have accounts through sperm banks I recommend that, in solidarity of everyone that will be affected by the over turning of Roe V Wade, and for your own health and safety that you delete all those accounts and put your pregnancy plans on hold. If asked why you have canceled explain that the US is no longer a safe country to pursue a pregnancy in.

I have already deleted my accounts for the reasons listed above and I hope you will consider doing the same.




Finally, some goodnews.


STILL USE PRIVATE AND SECURE BROWSERS TO MAKE THESE PURCHASES AND CHECK YOUR BANK DISCLOSURES RE: privacy information. Do not post about it and do not leave digital trails about if and when you do this

[ID: A tweet by @ nytimes that reads, “Breaking News: Women can get abortion pills by mail for pregnancies up to 10 weeks without seeing a doctor in person, the FDA ruled. The decision comes as the Supreme Court considers whether to roll back abortion rights or even overturn Roe v. Wade.” Attached is a link to the article and a screenshot of the title and subtitle of the article. The article was published Dec 16, 2021. The title reads, “F.D.A. Will Permanently Allow Abortion Pills by Mail” and the subtitle reads, “The decision will broaden access to medication abortion, an increasingly common method, but many conservative states are already mobilizing against it.” /end ID]

So if abortion is taking away, is the government going to fix the problems with healthcare, paid family leave, childcare, father’s responsibility, education, school safety, unsafe environments, unequal wages, food insecurity, and other things that compel people to have abortions in the first place?



Disgusting. Disgraceful. Embarrassing [pending] decision.

Oh boy.

I hadn’t cried yet.

But the second I hung up the phone after calling my Senator’s office to ask them to publicly fight to end the filibuster so that the Senate could pass legislation ensuring abortion access, it hit me so hard exactly what I was being forced to ask for and I just immediately started crying.

Capital Switchboard: 202-224-3121

I see a lot of of people use the talking point of how making abortion illegal doesn’t prevent abortions, it just leads to unsafe ones and like. I don’t think enough people grasp that a lot of those for the overturning of roe v. wade literally do not care about the safety of people getting an abortion. This is not a talking point that will resonate with them. A lot of these people think that anyone who seeks an abortion deserves to suffer - i.e., if you can’t completely stop abortions, then maim and punish those who seek them out anyway. Because at the end of the day pro-lifers don’t give a shit about actual human lives. This is the culmination of a decades long effort to codify an authoritarian, far right, evangelical dogma seeking to control the bodies of afab people into law, and that push won’t stop until conservatives see a country where the comfort, safety, and right to exist of those who don’t fit into their narrow world view has been stripped away. It was never about being ‘pro-life.’ It has always been about hegemony.



[Image description: a series of tweets. The first is from Victoria Holmes, @spyturtle96, timestamped 3:06 PM, 04 May 22, with text as follows:

“Adoptees have been saying non-stop for months if not years they’re getting ready for another baby scoop era and no one listened to us. And now "domestic supply of infants” is in a draft and people still won’t listen to us.“

It is tagged ”#adopteevoices".

The next two are from Kim Penn, @kim_penn The first is timestamped 10:08 PM, 02 May 22 and contains the following text:

“I’m a very small Twitter voice, but I am begging my non-adoptee followers to educate yourself about what adoption is, what it does, and how evil and corrupt the adoption industry was and is. Listen to #adopteevoices. And then get your asses in the fight with us to end the system.”

The second is timestamped 9:58 AM, 03 May 22, and contains the following text:

“I promise you, adoption is absolutely NOT the win/win, fucking fairy tale, happy ending you’ve been led to believe. For every #adoptee, our story begins with loss. That’s our baseline. Any "happy ending” without acknowledging that is empty and an illusion.“

It is tagged ”#adopteevoices".

The final three are a Twitter thread from Laney (followed by three Chinese characters), @Lane_Xue, timestamped 8:55 PM, 03 May 22. The first contains text as follows:

“My parents faced reproductive, economic, social, & political injustice. I was relinquished because they could not keep me & I’m an adoptee. I am not a fucking (chess pawn emoji). Do not use my family separation to justify your desire to control others reproductive health care.”

The second contains text as follows:

“Abortion is a reproductive decision.

Adoption is a parenting decision often made by poor, young, economically disenfranchised people not given the resources or support to raise their children.

Do not conflate the 2 to justify feeding the adoption industries demand for (baby’s face emoji).”

The third contains text as follows:

“Do not fucking ask adoptees if they’d rather have been aborted. Adoptees are already 4x more likely to attempt suicide than non-adopted people.

The reason someone needs an abortion is none of your business.”

All three are tagged “#adopteevoices”.

After the final tweet there is a link to ncbi.nlm.nih.gov with the beginning of a title, “Risk of Suicide Attemptin Adopted and Nonadpoted Off…”

End ID]


Need everyone to understand that:

1) Supreme Court draft opinions do not leak. Ever. It is unknown and unprecedented. It just does not happen.

2) Supreme Court clerks are generally right-out-of-law-school graduates and if whoever did this gets caught they will never be allowed to practice law. No state bar is ever going to take them. Their legal career is done for. This person risked their entire future.

I hope the court can’t prove anything. May we never know their name. 


hey just so everyone knows, It Was A Draft

the supreme court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is not official yet. someone leaked a draft of the opinion that the members of the court have been circulating and revising (the draft was created by justice samuel alito).

which is insane by the way. it’s the first time that a draft of a supreme court decision has ever been leaked in the entire history of this country.

it makes perfect sense to feel grief or panic or dread or sadness or anger or whatever you’re feeling right now. this is fucking terrible and scary. just for the sake of avoiding misinformation, i wanted to clarify this because i think a lot of the headlines have been misleading, and the info gets even more misconstrued when it’s rephrased on social media and stuff
