

Abortion bounty hunters are now legal in Texas.

This is so fucking scary.

Not only are abortions now illegal after six weeks (which would outlaw at least eighty-five percent of abortions since people can be unaware they’re pregnant at that stage), but any private citizen can sue people who violate this law for ten thousand dollars. People who can be sued includes anyone who “aided and abetted” the abortion—including not only doctors and healthcare providers, but the people like the fucking uber driver who drove you to the clinic.

And the Supreme Court has done nothing about it.

I am afraid.

I am angry.

I am in disbelief that a group of people, with full knowledge of the terrifying consequences of their actions, pooled their resources, wealth, and knowledge to launch this assault on abortion rights. Displaying a dearth of empathy, they plotted around Roe v. Wade by employing private citizens as bounty hunters,people they will pay thousands of dollars to report abortions.

They launched a modern-day witch hunt.

It’s hard to sort out my emotions. I feel like a pile of autumn leaves, whipped into a tornado of glacial reds and frothing golds and everything in between, unable to separate the colors, the movement, the chaos.But there are three things I do know.

I am a woman—a human being.

My rights are beginning to rot.

And I am furious.

I’m a witch who proudly and vehemently knows that women deserve control and power over their own body and the choices they make for themselves. If you disagree, then disrespectfully fuck off and burn.

if men were the ones that needed abortions, you could get an abortion pill at the dollar store.

(ID: a photo of purple glitter with a white box in the center, black text inside the box reads “support your local abortion fund”.)

Check the National Network of Abortion Funds website to find your local abortion fund.

(ID: eight images with pastel rainbow backgrounds, there are black curved lines bordering each corner and black text in the center of every image; the text reads 1) “transgender and pro-choice”, 2) “include trans people in your abortion rights advocacy”, 3) “pro-choice and childfree without apology”, 4) “bodily autonomy is a human right”, 5) “this isn’t gods will you’re just an asshole”, 6) “not subject to the rules of your religion”, 7) “my body my life my future my choice”, 8) “forced pregnancy is torture”.)

okay, so, bearing the bullshit deranged theocratic Oklahoma abortion ban in mind, this seems to be the story of the current anti-abortion movement in the US:

American conservatives have spent the last 40+ years passing laws and making economic choices that have made parenthood in the US increasingly difficult and undesirable, and now said conservatives are crying about the birth rate declining and fears about an aging population and the effect on the economy and some other racist bullshit I won’t get into here, and instead of admitting that they fucked up and working on laws and programs that would make parenthood more desirable, they’re trying to force people with uteruses to have children as a punishment for having sex.

or, you know, am I missing something?

*as always, please donate to a community-based abortion fund if you can spare the money. they provide essential funds for people who cannot afford the costs associated with abortions, including the procedure itself as well as travel and housing.


there is no woke or acceptable way to put conditions on which abortions are allowed! individual choices about your fucking body are not the same as eugenics! abortion on demand without apology!


These people are insane

Actually white evangelicals tend to be pretty racist and sexist…so yeah, perfectly rational for non-white women to not want to birth children for them to adopt.

If you want black and brown women to have kids, create a world that they and their kids can thrive in.

Don’t act like women of color are being cruel for not wanting to have kids in a world where for profit adoption is a thing, where black and brown babies are sold for cheaper rates in comparison to their white counterparts within these systems, where non-white kids face a disproportionate amount of disciplinary action and mistreatment in public schools, where non-white babies - especially black babies, are most likely to be stillborn, etc.

Black and brown women have to consider all of these additional factors on top of these typical concerns a parent faces.

And let’s be honest, when white evangelicals adopt non-white children, it’s often not out of genuine kindness. That non-white baby is just an accessory, a living thing to remind their adoptive parents of how charitable they are.


‘bodily autonomy for some marginalized groups but not all’ will literally never, ever work. the right to abortion and the right to medical transition and the right to engage in gay sex and the right to take birth control are inextricably linked by the core right of bodily autonomy. shooting one kills them all. support others’ bodily autonomy or yours will be taken too

micdotcom:Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs is not the first violent attack waged at a Plannedmicdotcom:Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs is not the first violent attack waged at a Plannedmicdotcom:Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs is not the first violent attack waged at a Plannedmicdotcom:Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs is not the first violent attack waged at a Planned


Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs is not the first violent attack waged at a Planned Parenthood facility, and it likely won’t be the last. Mass shootings at Planned Parenthood and other reproductive health clinics might not be common, but violence and harassment are — and as one chart shows,  shockingly on the rise.

Post link
stfuprolifers:There are many more being posted on Twitter right now. These are “pro-lifers” applau


There are many more being posted on Twitter right now. These are “pro-lifers” applauding or defending a terrorist for killing three people, injuring eleven, and terrorizing an entire community.

If these fuckers just killed each other, the world would be a much better place. Abortion is not murder. Opening fire on women seeking medical attention and killing 3 sentient humans is murder. Go fuck yourselves, pro birthers.

Post link

Abortion is healthcare!

Here’s an analogy for why I’m pro-abortion:

Being pro-abortion is like being pro-divorce. It doesn’t mean I’m rooting for your marriage to end or that it’s the right choice for your relationship. (That’s none of my business, frankly.) But it does mean that if you find yourself needing to separate from your spouse, you should have access to the legal means of doing that. For whatever reason.

To me, abortion is like that too. I want everyone who wants or needs an abortion to be able to access it legally. If that’s what they choose, or if that’s what becomes necessary, they should be able to do what 1 in 4 other pregnant people have been able to do and access a safe and legal abortion.

Abortion is healthcare, and healthcare is a right that everyone deserves access to. I believe that today, and I’ll believe it next month and next year. No matter what.

Last week was hard. It’s going to get harder. But we can and will always look out for each other. That’s the way through.

I donated to three abortion funds last week. They were:

@chicagoabortionfund (Illinois)

@yellowfund (Alabama)

@teafund (Texas)

If you are able, please donate to an abortion fund. They’re the best way to give direct help to those in need.


Oh boy.

I hadn’t cried yet.

But the second I hung up the phone after calling my Senator’s office to ask them to publicly fight to end the filibuster so that the Senate could pass legislation ensuring abortion access, it hit me so hard exactly what I was being forced to ask for and I just immediately started crying.

Capital Switchboard: 202-224-3121

This is what I said:

“Hi, my name is (full name). I live in (city), and I’m calling to let Senator (name) know that I want them to publicly fight to end the filibuster to allow the Senate to pass legislation ensuring access to abortion.”

They said they noted my position and asked me for my zip code.

When you call, you’ll be speaking with a staffer. Be sure to include where you live so they know you’re from their state/district. It takes 30 seconds. They make a note on your position, to be able to share with the Senator or Representative what percentage of the calls they get are for or against whatever issue you’re calling about. I’ve never had any staffer comment on my position- they just note it down.

Oh boy.

I hadn’t cried yet.

But the second I hung up the phone after calling my Senator’s office to ask them to publicly fight to end the filibuster so that the Senate could pass legislation ensuring abortion access, it hit me so hard exactly what I was being forced to ask for and I just immediately started crying.

Capital Switchboard: 202-224-3121


(ID: eight images with pastel rainbow backgrounds, there are black curved lines bordering each corner and black text in the center of every image; the text reads 1) “transgender and pro-choice”, 2) “include trans people in your abortion rights advocacy”, 3) “pro-choice and childfree without apology”, 4) “bodily autonomy is a human right”, 5) “this isn’t gods will you’re just an asshole”, 6) “not subject to the rules of your religion”, 7) “my body my life my future my choice”, 8) “forced pregnancy is torture”.)

Contraceptives = bueno.
Abortifacients = no bueno.

It’s really pretty easy to understand people.

I encourage you to take 3 minutes of your time, and watch this.
Watch this video with an open heart, and an open mind.

The abortion procedure is an exploitation of women, not “reproductive freedom.” Being able to say you’re allowed to end a life inside of you, which is made with half your DNA, and a 50% chance it will be a FEMALE, should not be something to be proud of. Choose life for your unborn baby, and show people how strong a woman can really be when put into difficult situations that involves an important decision for your own flesh and blood.

Bloodmoney, The Business of Abortion.
You can get more details on the documentary here:  http://bloodmoneyfilm.com/

#abortion    #bloodmoney    #planned parenthood    #trailer    #anti abortion    #pro-abortion    #pro-life    #anti choice    #pro choice    #business    #documentary    

Language of abortion.
