#roleswap au

















Role swap au where Zuko was the Avatar who got frozen for a hundred years, so when he’s rescued from the ice instead of a goofy twelve year old Katara catches this mysterious teenager with long hair and a cool scar and a fucking DRAGON

Katara: BOY???? HOT BOY?????? HOT TEENAGE BOY?????????

Zuko: *speaks*

Katara: nevermind I hate him

How does Aang factor into this? I ask because the more I think about it the more I want him to somehow be trying to capture the Avatar.

Aang is 112 years old, decided he was going to be Zuko’s airbending teacher, and refuses to take no for an answer

Aang: Aw, the new Avatar doesn’t want me.
Aang: *gets out a weighted net* Time for Plan B then.


Look, you know how you keep a net from falling on you? YOU AIRBEND IT, SUCKA. Air comes right after fire in the cycle so it’s not like the guy has any other options. Do you want a flaming net falling on you? No? Then learn to airbend. Or this tiny old man will cart you away like a trussed turkey and lecture you about the power of laughter, going with the flow, opening your chakras, and other hippie shit.

Sokka, slouching against a fence, not moving: Oh nooooooo, that creepy old man stole the Avataaaaaaaaaar.
Sokka, sitting down on the ground: We should dooooo something.
Sokka, pulling out his lunch: Otherwise he might actually learn something. That would be teeeerrible.
Katara, indignant rage coursing through her body: Sokka!!!!!!!! We have to go look for him!!!!
Sokka: Might! Actually! Learn! Something! Katara!
Katara: *wavers*
Katara, also sitting down: We have to go look for him…. *gets out her own sandwich* But, maybe after lunch.

I love that this transforms Aang’s role in the full Team Avatar familial situation from the baby of the family to the Grandpa with weird hobbies

My brain, immediately after the “Aang won’t take no for an answer” post:

Aang: I’m gonna ride him! *jumps on Zuko’s shoulders*

Actually, I thought a bit more about this: If Aang is “grandpa figure who won’t fucking stop teaching Zuko to be a better and more spiritually fulfilled person,” then what is Iroh doing?

And then it hit me.

Iroh: *sitting in a teahouse at a paisho table*
Iroh, deadpan: I must capture the last airbender. 
Iroh: It is the only way to make sure the powe rof the Avatar won’t be turned on the Fire Nation.
Iroh: Only then will I be redeemed in the eyes of the Fire Lord for my failure at Ba Sing Se.
Iroh: …
Iroh: Anyway, it’s your turn.

About half of the B plots are just Iroh finding new ways to feign incompetence and bad luck so that his political watchdog can’t prove that he’s letting Aang - and by extension Zuko - get away.


Sometimes Iroh plays paisho with Aang, whose entire disguise during these games consists of a painfully fake mustache.

AANG WAS THE OTHER PLAYER IN THAT SCENE OF COURSE IT’S PERFECT (the moustache is just a bit of Appa’s fur tied in a string)

i think about this post all the time and if i may, i would like to suggest keeping the banished royalty angle for zuko.

he was the eldest son of fire lord sozin, who knew the avatar was the greatest threat to the fire nation, but also knew the new one would be a firebender and he couldn’t exactly merc his own people, now could he? but he always planned to order a convenient little assassination on whoever the new avatar turned out to be and in the meantime took out the air temples so that avatar couldn’t learn the next element in the cycle. of course, when it turns out to be his son, sozin, stellar dad that he is, thinks “if you want something done right” and shoots a fire blast at his firstborn.

zuko enters the avatar state, blows up half the palace, etc etc as one does, gets a nasty scar for his trouble, and escapes, hence why he was hanging out far enough south to necessitate katara and sokka cracking open a cold boy a century later.

all this is to say 1. i think it’s a good way to maintain zuko’s background and characterization in an au like this and 2. it leads to a secret second roleswap

because this makes zuko iroh’s uncle.

Imagining Iroh’s voice saying “uncle zuko” I’ll be busy laughing for the next few hours.

ok so we got the berdly+noelle replacing susie+kris in my fic monsters of legend (go read it its on ao3 aha) where thats the only roleswap and its brought on simply by alphys sending them to retrieve chalk for her instead of the susie+kris duo… but its also fun to think of OTHER possible combos replacing the susie+kris like-

noelle + susie is rlly fun bc ralsei feels like the third wheel the whole time but he encourages noelle and susie both and tries to get them to confess to each other already. They just get along and are generally kinda sweet and nice friends. 

I call them the Icy Hearts trio bc 1. its a cool name. but also 2. noelle and susie crush on each other cmon but also ralsei has that heart on his dress and also they ALL learn how to use healing magic and also one could say that before she opened up susie gave people the cold shoulder aha. 

But yeah theyre cool and they take care of each other and stuff. Perhaps not as exciting as other friendship trios and stuff, but they’ve got a stable friendship going on and do lots of fun things together. I can imagine them baking together and stuff. AND ALSO PLEASE LIKE. maybe noelle could actually convince susie to play nice and prevent her from switching to the villain’s side, or just. idk man but either way their journey would be fun !! maybe just for funsies u could have noelle and susie put in a jail cell together so they can talk things out while ralsei rescues them, or ralsei and susie with him encouraging her to open up and talk to noelle about her feelings or just sdthgstdrhrsh theres a lot of fun possibilities !!

berdly + susie Im not quite sure what to call these guys when theyre with ralsei tbh. i considered the gamer gang but i feel that’d be what we could call berdly, susie, ralsei, noelle & kris all together?? maybe?? idk but um name ideas appreciated lmao

anyways yeah berdly and susie are really fun because there’d be a ton of friction with them hating each other and there being a heroic and villainous rivalry between the two. This goes on for a while at the start and progress is hard with Ralsei having to stop the two from fighting before they bring out their weapons. Unfortunately for him, the two tend to ignore Ralsei in the beginning. 

Once they start to grow on each other though, they could be pretty nice friends! For one, theyre both gamers and i can imagine they’d go nuts when ralsei turns to them and asks “whats a video game?” and theyd all play video games together and get super competitive. 

also once we sort out berdlys whole ‘crush’ misunderstanding thing with noelle and he learns that susie likes her we could also have berdly being susie’s wing-man and setting her up with noelle. He tells ralsei and the two team up against her to hype her up and encourage her to do it and try to give her advice.

anyways um yeah yall should think abt roleswaps more and think of the possible dynamics, friendships and character interactions that could come from them. <3

Master of the Knights of Ren.A little sketch of Roleswap AU Hux. As a treat.

Master of the Knights of Ren.

A little sketch of Roleswap AU Hux. As a treat.

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bastart13: Some assorted roleswap!Arcana sketches while I was exploring new relationship dynamics. (bastart13: Some assorted roleswap!Arcana sketches while I was exploring new relationship dynamics. (bastart13: Some assorted roleswap!Arcana sketches while I was exploring new relationship dynamics. (


Some assorted roleswap!Arcana sketches while I was exploring new relationship dynamics.

(Note: Asra - Count, Nadia - Doctor, Julian - Magician, Lucio - Servant, Portia - Hermit, Muriel - Dead Count sorry muriel)

Relationship notes including Asra and Muriel under the cut but tl;dr

  • Julian and Portia split up to travel when they were young, only reuniting when he had to rescue her from being a gladiator. 
  • Nadia and Lucio were married, kind of divorcing when Nadia was “executed”. She’s back now, but he’s offended she didn’t tell him she was alive and is worrying about a “plague” instead of how he took their separation and her death.
  • Nadia ran into Portia when wounded in the forest and despite Portia’s isolation and her murder conviction, the two hit it off with Nadia becoming a frequent visitor when she needs a place to stay.

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saphirune: demon moons..?


demon moons..?

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Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 3) Hannah <> Foolish Karl <> Sam Karl, known as “The Mechanic” cRoleswap DreamSMP (Part 3) Hannah <> Foolish Karl <> Sam Karl, known as “The Mechanic” cRoleswap DreamSMP (Part 3) Hannah <> Foolish Karl <> Sam Karl, known as “The Mechanic” cRoleswap DreamSMP (Part 3) Hannah <> Foolish Karl <> Sam Karl, known as “The Mechanic” c

Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 3) 

Hannah <> Foolish 

Karl <> Sam

Karl, known as “The Mechanic” can redstone. He is also an introverted extrovert as he’s kinda awakened interacting with others at first but he gets out of his shell a bit later on. Yes he’s the warden of the prison (New name to be revealed ;) )

Sam is a builder but more of aesthetic builds that are era accurate (Yes hes the traveller for this au). He’s blast resistant and got the scarring on his face from an explosion. He often wears a mask because it crackles sometimes with mini bursts cause creeper hybrid. It’s similar to pop rock sounds.

Hannah is essentially Persephone in this au, since she is swapped with foolish. Their themes don’t switch, rather just their roles. So Hannah loves her builds and basically makes a custom biome on the DSMP. She’s also a bit more aggressive than her canon counterpart.

Foolish! He’s- He’s foolish. What can I say! He’s a friendly face in server and while he was an arena fighter, he’s just a very go lucky happy guy. He doesn’t really want to hurt people but he’ll do what he needs to do he can survive.

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Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 2) Tommy (Theseus) <> Techno (Atlas) Fundy <> Eret Schlatt <&Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 2) Tommy (Theseus) <> Techno (Atlas) Fundy <> Eret Schlatt <&Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 2) Tommy (Theseus) <> Techno (Atlas) Fundy <> Eret Schlatt <&Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 2) Tommy (Theseus) <> Techno (Atlas) Fundy <> Eret Schlatt <&Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 2) Tommy (Theseus) <> Techno (Atlas) Fundy <> Eret Schlatt <&

Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 2) 

Tommy (Theseus) <> Techno (Atlas) 

Fundy <> Eret 

Schlatt <> BBH 

Skeppy <> Ranboo 

(Sidenote: these designs are old and will be updated later, specifically technos and ranboo) 

Theseus is the Champion of the fates. He’s blind but still competent in fighting. He’s friendly but sometimes his monotone voice is very intimidating.
Techno is full of energy, ready for adventure. Often traveling the Nether and trading with piglins. He’s willing to be the hero but he isn’t perfect.

Fundy and Eret were a pretty dope swap. Fundy is a caring person but when it comes down to it, he only thinks of his success in the long run. He doesn’t hold grudges but he can be mischievous to those who wronged him. Eret loves to build and tries to get praise for whatever he does. He’s not taken too seriously so he tends to get away with more than he should. Laws? Non-existent. How about Alphabet Mafia Gang.

BBH swapped with Schlatt was a little too funny to not do it. Schlatt doesn’t swear but he does still drink. He attempts to be a good example but he’s an adult still, he can do things. BBH can swear, as a treat :) unrestrained, though he does apologize sometimes for the things he does.

 Ranboo keeps his lore of memory loss and his dilemma of sides. However skeppy gets to hear spooky voice in his panicked state. Skeppy is a bit more shy in this one and less mischievous, Ranboo is more willing with pranks.

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Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 1) Philza <> Dream Wilbur <> Tubbo George <> Sapnap  For aRoleswap DreamSMP (Part 1) Philza <> Dream Wilbur <> Tubbo George <> Sapnap  For aRoleswap DreamSMP (Part 1) Philza <> Dream Wilbur <> Tubbo George <> Sapnap  For a

Roleswap DreamSMP (Part 1) 

Philza <> Dream 

Wilbur <> Tubbo 

George <> Sapnap 

For anyone new: This is a Roleswap au for the the DreamSMP. People swap personality traits and roles. Though they keep some of their canon personalities. The au came from a discord in on and were all just vibing talking about a lot of things :)

(Sidenote: these designs are old and may be updated later)

Philza and Dream have the “friendly but menacing vibe” but very different. Phil is a menacing looking person but it somewhat friendly depending on the day and mood. But that changes later on.  Dream is like tough love and is a friendly person, though if you’re rude- that’s the menacing part.

Wilbur and Tubbo! Tubbo is still Tommy’s (Theseus) best friend in this timeline, but it’s similar to the relationship between c!Wilbur and Techno. Wilbur does try to make a good attempt at leading L’Manberg. Also Wilbur and Techno (Atlas) are canonically twins. 

George and Sapnap swap??? George is more chaotic and George is chilling a bit more often. Yes his house is the one that caught on fire.

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“Alright, which one of you brats woke me up?” -Theseus

Afternoon reblog

”I think I’ll be heading off now,” - Theseus [Timeline Ripples, Chapter 2]You guys seem to like Thes

”I think I’ll be heading off now,” - Theseus 

[Timeline Ripples, Chapter 2]

You guys seem to like Theseus a lot so here you go :) 

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Hello! I’m here to upload some doodles I’ve done. This is for Timeline Ripples! This are just what if scenarios, that I don’t confirm or deny will have have happened in the fic.

Essentially, it is a Roleswap AU meets the Canon Timeline fic!! If you haven’t seen much about it I’ll direct you to a few posts down where I have a lot of (old) reds for the characters.

Some swap examples being: Tommy and Techno, Dream and Phil. Sam and Karl, and Tubbo and Wilbur! Those are just some. Please check it out out ok Ao3. Timeline Ripples by AaronRoman
