#romo aro positivity

Romo aro moodboard. I can’t find a link to the post of the original creator (update: a-romantic&ndas

Romo aro moodboard. I can’t find a link to the post of the original creator (update: a-romantic–aromantic reached out to let me know they are one of the creators). From what I understand romo aro is for romance favorable aros/aros who want romance or aromantic spectrum people who experience some amount of romantic attraction. 

[Image description: a 3 by 3 moodboard. At the center is the romo aro flag, which is the aromantic flag (dark green, light green, white, light grey, and black stripes from top to bottom) with two thin pink stripes in framing the middle white stripe. In the middle row around the flag are photos of a pink rose in sunlight surrounded by greenery and a bright, light pink dahlia against an off-white background. 

The top row from left to right is a photo of two hands with hearts on the back touching each other over green grass, thick dark green foliage and grass, and light green leaves in sunlight. The bottom row from left to right is a photo of a bright white moon through leaves in a black sky, two small fireworks against a black sky, and finally a small streak of pink sunset over black backlit mountains. End description.]

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