#russian constructivism

Russian Constructivism * Political propaganda posters based on the rise of communism in turn of the

Russian Constructivism

* Political propaganda posters based on the rise of communism in turn of the century Russia.

* Combination of collage, photomontage, and graphic design (typography).

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Russian Constructivist film poster utilizing photomontage, designed by Georgi and Vladimar Stenberg

Russian Constructivist film poster utilizing photomontage, designed by Georgi and Vladimar Stenberg 1929.

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 PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f PrototypeGustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922Constructivism f


Gustav Klutsis. Projects series for stands and propaganda facilities. 1922

Constructivism flows over the process from image to structure and from spatial structures to its production.

Through Suprematism created by Malevich to abstract spatial constructions made by Lissitzky with his ‘prouns’, Gustav Klutsis went beyond and started his own experiments of abstract spatial structures and traslate them into real objects through dynamic transformations. These artifacts are in effect,  something like materialized 'prouns’ in specific objects.

The Prototypes above were part of the project series for stands and propaganda facilities to  mark the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution and the Fourth Congress of the Komintérn in 1922.

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