#russian films


Two in love (Dvoje), 1965

Mikhail Bogin


Come and See (1985), Dir. Elem Klimov

• Cinematography By: Aleksei Rodionov


What to watch in russian language?

It’s a very good question! Thank you, Tiff!
So, russian television mostly is an adaptation of some European and American tv shows, serials and films. But! There are some really good stuff, that I would like to mention.
*it’s important that I chose shows, serials and films that *I* like, because you can easily find all this popular&well-known stuff on internet, but I want to show something that is worth watching in only my opinion:)


Иван Ургант
And yes, everyone chooses it. But there are reasons why! 1 - it’s funny, 2 - you can watch it on YouTube for free (it updates everyday, so all series are fresh), 3 - it’s a very good version of Jimmy Fallon.

StandUp на ТНТ
So, it’s standup on TNT. Everything is clear, I think. It’s funny and it’s a good practice of intermediate+ level (I watch English standups all the time :D)
And pay attention to the site of the channel “ТНТ”, there are the most interesting things for teens (in my opinion)
You also can watch Танцы на ТНТ, Импровизация, Comedy Club, Где логика? etc. You can find anything you want.

Уральские пельмени
Old comedians with kind jokes about russian reality. It’s not THAT funny, but one of that things that you can watch to improve Russian language and understanding of our culture:)


It’s a serial on TNT again. But it’s a good one, I mean picture and idea, just find it on internet and watch:)

Закон каменных джунглей ZKD
It’s TNT production again :) It’s about some “bad” teens, maybe something like British “skins”.

It’s something like idea of “Sherlock”, but the main character is a snuff-taker, he breathes in and finds important information. Maybe you will like it!:)


I can’t help you with films. I, and the most part of russians, don’t watch our films. It’s not interesting, it’s awkward, clumsy. I can’t help you with it.
I don’t know any good modern russian film.

> If it is too difficult for you, try to watch cartoons
> if you have watched all of this, try to find films of not-russian production but with Russian voiceover
> remember of YouTube, there are a lot of Russian people:)
