#ryan shaver

Tommy Dorfman attends the InStyle And Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party 2019 at The Beverly HilTommy Dorfman attends the InStyle And Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party 2019 at The Beverly HilTommy Dorfman attends the InStyle And Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party 2019 at The Beverly HilTommy Dorfman attends the InStyle And Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party 2019 at The Beverly HilTommy Dorfman attends the InStyle And Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party 2019 at The Beverly Hil

Tommy Dorfman attends the InStyle And Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party 2019 at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 6, 2019 in Beverly Hills, California.

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13RW characters as dogs

(Not all the characters)

Jessica Davis as a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Why? brave, affectionate, smart, very pretty 

Tony Padilla as a Mini Doberman Pinscher

Why? Small, intimidating but a nice, outgoing, loyal, did I mention small?

Hanna Baker as an Irish setter

Why? Loving, Gentle, Affectionate, smart, loveable, beautiful hair

Clay Jensen as a Dalmatian

Why? Tends to be skittish, friendly, sensitive

Ryan Shaver as a greyhound

Why? Beanpole, sometimes quiet sometimes not, Can’t decide whether you love them or are annoyed by them, or both.

Cyrus as a Siberian Husky (whats his last name? if you know please tell me)

Why? Edgy looking actually a cinnamon roll, protective, playful, mischevious

Alex Standall as an American Pit Bull Terrier

Why? Short temper, courageous, stubborn, smart, loyal, precious

Zach Dempsey as a St. Bernard

Why? Cuddly, Giant, Loving, Playful, Gentle


Tyler Down as a Shiba Inu

Why? loyal, alert, charming, doesn’t have the best reputation but is honestly so precious and deserves the entire damn world


justin foley x reader imagine. 

anon: can i request a justin foley x reader? maybe do one where it’s the middle of the night and he sneaks over after a bad fight with meth seth and she like patches him up or something. idk if you do smut but maybe like a dash? im so sorry if this is super specific thanks!

warnings: a little bit of smut, mainly just making out. 

you didn’t expect justin to be calling you in the middle of the night, constantly blowing up your phone. call after call, message after message. but all the notifications had woke you up from your sleep. 

“justin what do you want? you should be asleep,” you said sitting up in bed turning on the lamp beside your bed that lit up your room dimly. “i need to talk to you,” his voice quivered. “justin? are you okay? where are you?” you asked worriedly. “go to your window.” 

you threw your phone onto your bed and hurriedly walked to your window. pushing the curtains away revealing justin at your window, on a ladder. it was sprinkling outside, the small rain drops landed onto his face slowly. you unlocked your window pushing it open allowing him to crawl in.

the dimmed light from the lamp reflected on his face allowing you to see him more better. his hair was slightly damped and he had blood traveling down from his nose to his neck. the blood on his chin blended in with the water on his face making it flow in different directions. there was a little cut underneath his eye that had a little bit of blood spilling out.

your lips parted once you saw him, “what happened?” you asked placing your hand on his face. his eyes were slightly red and puffy due to crying. “did seth do this to you again?” you ask. your voice was low yet soft. your eyes wandered all over him making sure he wasn’t hurt any where else. 

justin only nodded and you felt a painful stab in your heart. “you wait right here i’ll go get something to clean you up,” you said and made him sit on your bed. 

you left your room and went to go find things to help justin. when you came back you saw him sitting on your bed looking down at his hands, nothing but the sound of the rain from outside filled his ears as he was lost in thought. 

you sat beside him and picked up a damped cloth and lightly pressed it to his face. 

“do you want to talk about it?” you asked him, lightly pressing the cloth onto his skin trying to clear the blood off. justin looked at you as you concentrated on cleaning his face. 

“he thinks, he acts like he can control me. he acts like he owns the place, doing whatever he wants whenever he wants. he acts like he owns my mother and i, and i’m sick of it. my mother can’t see what he’s fucking doing, but i can.” 

you placed the cloth down and grabbed a band aid placing it on the cut under his eye. “i know i tell you this a lot, but i truly do promise you that it’ll get better. you’ll be free from him and not have to worry and live in fear. one day it’s gonna be him that suffers, not you.” 

you softly pressed the band aid down with your thumb, swiping over it to make sure it stays in place. “better?” you ask justin nodded,”yeah”.  it was silent after that. you put away everything that you took out and sat back on the bed. 

“thank you for everything.” he said. “anytime,” you smiled. 

justin pushed your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. both of you staring at one another not saying anything but listening to the rain start to get more heavier and louder. 

justin then looked at your lips and slowly leaned in, his lips attached to yours. your lips molded perfectly with his. his lips were soft yet cold but once they collided with your warm ones it melted the coldness away. 

your hands found their way up to his hair, your fingers tugging at it softly. he placed his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him. he always got lost in your lips, his mind blanked. he loved the feeling of you close to him like this. 

your lips were attached in a chaotic kiss. you were like a drug, you always made him feel good and you made him forget about whatever was on his mind. 

his lips moved away from yours down to your jawline and slowly down to your neck. your heart was beating rapidly. the temperature in the room was rising, even though there was a cold rainstorm outside, your bodies were hot. 

justin sucked harshly at your neck making you let out a groan of satisfaction. he pressed his lips back onto yours with so much love and passion. he hovered over you as your back pressed into the soft mattress.  

from there on you spend another few minutes just appreciating one another. hands roaming up and down on each other, open mouth kisses on each other exposed skin. you got lost in one another. all the shit on justins mind disappearing, and all of your thoughts and worrying for justin had vanish. 

you made each other forget, it felt like it was only you two in the world and no one else. 

last updated: february 7, 2018


alex standall:
night skies

justin foley:
movie night 

alex standall x justin foley



clay jensen:
↳ one

zach dempsey:


a/n: first imagine!! wanted to show my style of writing ig? its not the best, i’ve been stuck on this imagine for days but hope you like it.
(also i prefer everything lowercase oops)

“have you ever sneaked out before?” the question broke the silence in the room, the question that left justin’s lips that cause alex to freeze. the two of them currently sat in alex’s bedroom bored out of their minds. justin staring at the ceiling thinking, and alex playing his guitar softly. 

it was around 10pm when justin had ask if he can stay the night, and since then they haven’t really talked that much. justin didn’t think alex would say yes to him staying the night, considering they weren’t on best terms at the moment. but no one would answer any of justins texts and he had no where else to go. 

no one knew about his home life not even alex. the only ones who knew were jessica, zach and bryce. he’d normally ask them if he can stay at theirs, but zach had plans, jessica was completely ignoring him, and he didn’t really want to see bryce at the moment. alex was the only person left he thought of to go to. 

“why are you asking?” alex asked putting his guitar away. “because i want to know if you have ever sneaked out before?” justin said now staring at the boy. “well maybe, a couple of times,” alex said shrugging. 

“do you wanna do it?” justin asked smiling at alex. “justin you know my dad would kill me.” “but you said you’ve done it before,” justin whined. “so?” alex scoffed. “so whats one more night gonna hurt?” justin said, trying to get alex to do it. 

“he knows you’re here, he’s probably gonna check on us and see what we’re doing,” alex said. “why? is there something he doesn’t want us to do in particular? “ justin smirked. “shut up,” alex giggled. “come on its 11 at night i don’t think you’re dads gonna bother us.” “fine.”

around 11:30pm they stood in front of alex’s opened window. “ladies first,” justin smiled. “then why aren’t you going?” alex smiled back at justin. “whatever.”

alex sighed, as he felt the cool winds brush up against him. yes he has sneaked out before. usually late at night like this, his friends would drive by and give him a text saying that there at his and he’d climb down from his window. then they’d drive to wherever, blasting music out loud with the windows down. but that was at his old town. he has never sneaked out before where he lives now. 

alex stepped out of his window and grabbed onto the side of the window, from there he jumped off and landed onto the ground. he then looked up to see justin do the same as him. right before he jumped off he made sure to shut alex’s window, leaving it a little open for whenever they get back. 

“so where are we going?” alex asked when justin landed on the ground. “you’ll see,” justin said and began to walk away from alex’s, leaving alex to follow him. 

after 15 minutes of them walking around town and alex asking if they’re there yet, they finally made it. 

“you wanted me to sneak out to go to a cliff?” “shut up standall and look,” justin said and walked closer to the edge. “woah,” alex said breathless as he came across the view. “it’s beautiful isn’t it?” justin said shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. “yeah,” alex mumbled, not moving his gaze from the city lights.

it made alex feel at ease, all the shit going on, all the stress, it seemed so small to him now. looking at how small the city looked from where he was standing, nothing mattered. he felt disconnected. 

“i always come here when lifes shitty,” justin said breaking the silence, causing alex to look at him. “is that why you took me here, and asked to stay at my place tonight?” alex asked. 

justin sighed still looking at the city, “my mom, she doesn’t know how to take care of herself. she drinks a lot and gets with a new guy every month. her new boyfriend, he doesn’t like me that much.” “how much?” alex asked surprised justin was opening up to him. “he wants to get rid of me,” justin said not wanting to look alex. 

“he hurts me, and my mom she doesn’t even at least try to stop him,” justin said holding back the tears that are forming. he took his gaze away from the town and looked down at the ground. all the flashbacks and memories replaying in his head.

alex just stared at him feeling pity. justin then took a deep breath and looked at alex. the city lights reflected on justin making his red glossy eyes visible to alex. 

justin chuckled at him, ‘see that broken glass bottle over there?” justin said pointing behind alex. “that was me, last week.” 

alex shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to think of the right words to say. “you don’t have to say anything,” justin said as if it was like he read his mind. alex couldn’t help but look at justin as justin looked at the city. 

“being here makes me feel like nothing matters, everyone from up here look so small, and they don’t matter.” alex then looked away from him staring at the city.

alex still stood there in silence, and it was like that for a minute. they just enjoyed the feeling of the breeze brushing against them, and the sound of cars from below. 

“justin?” alex said looking at him again. “yeah?” “i just want you to know when lifes shitty you have two places to go, here and my place.” justin then looked back at alex. “thank you.” 

alex didn’t say anything, they just continued to look at each other. it was then 11:59pm when alex leaned in and push his lips against justins. 

the kiss was quick once alex realized what he did as he pulled away. but that doesn’t change the fact that justin still kissed back. “i-” alex continued but justin just placed his lips on alexs. 

justins lips molded perfectly with alexs, his lips felt like satin and alex didn’t want to pull away. justin reached his hands out of his pockets and placed them on the sides of alexs face. his lips were like wine and he wanted to get drunk. 

both of their hearts were beating faster than ever. they both could feel the heat and tension as justin sucked on alexs lower lip. 

justin finally pulled away and looked at alex. alex felt hot, he has never been kissed like that before. “thank you,” justin said once more. “you already thanked me,” alex smiled. justin smiled at him and threw his arm around alexs shoulder. 

alex was still smiling as he leaned his head on justins shoulder and they both looked at the town they lived in. “what time is it?’ justin asked breaking the silence. alex grabbed his phone from his pocket. “12:01″ 

i dont even know. 

justin foley x reader. 

anon: can you write an imagine where you and justin have a movie night?

a/n: so sorry im barely now posting this. im not very happy with it but i hope you still like it ♡

the smell of popcorn lingered around the dark room. the only light shining in was coming from the tv. you and justin sat on your bed cuddled into each other underneath a blanket, trying to find a movie to watch. you were having a movie night but all you’ve been doing is debating on what to watch. 

“lets watch a horror movie!” justin exclaimed knowing you’re not the kind to watch scary movies. “how about a romantic movie?” you suggested scrolling down the channels.

“no lets watch a scary movie,” justin said causing you to look at him. the light from the tv reflected on him, showing his messy appearance. his hair was messed up and he wore a plain white shirt with sweatpants. even when hes not trying to look good he still manages to look good. 

“romantic,” you protested smiling at him. “horror.”,  “romantic.” ,“horror!”, “romantic!” 

“okay how about we settle this on rock, paper, scissors?” he said. “hmm best two out of three?” you asked and justin nodded. 

you both sat criss-cross facing each other with your fist in your hand.”rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” you both exclaimed. “hah scissors beats paper!” justin said pretending to cut your hand with his fingers. “whatever we still got two more rounds,” you muttered. 

“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” “yes! rock beats scissors!” you said throwing your fist into his hand, pretending to crush it. “last round!” justin said smiling. “best of luck foley,” you said. 

“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” “i won! paper beats rock, yes!” “technically in the real world rock beats paper.” “you’re just mad because i won,” justin smirked. “whatever,” you said as you slumped back on the bed.

once he settled on a movie you both returned back to cuddling under a blanket. about an hour into the movie you hid your face in justins shoulder, facing away from the tv.

nothing but the sound of girls screaming filled your ears as you shut your eyes tightly. once the screaming had stop you relaxed your eyes, you weren’t really afraid to watch it you just weren’t the kind to watch the gory parts. 

“is it over?” you asked. “mhm,” justin hummed causing you to face the tv. three seconds later and a jump scare happened causing you to jump. 

“justin!” you groaned slapping him lightly. “what,” he laughed. “i hate you,” you said looking at him. “im sorry how can i make it up to you?” he asked turning to look back at you. “by changing the movie.“ after a lot of convincing justin finally changed it.

thats how you ended up watching a cute animated movie, finding dory. even though you both have seen it a million times you both still chose to watch it. the sound of crunching of popcorn and the movie filled the room as both of you watched the movie. 

it was in the early a.m and eventually the only sound that could be heard was soft snores and light breathing as justin fell asleep. you were starting to get very sleepy, barely holding your eyes open. you then turned off the tv and cuddled back into justin. 

shutting your eyes you fell asleep as well. your head laid on his chest with your arm hanging loosely around his waist. you both were tangled up in each other. both of your bodies being pressed on one another. it felt warm and nice as you both laid there sound asleep. 
