#saezuru fandom


[Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai spoilers]

Why can’t things just be simple like:

Doumeki: I know it’s been four years, but I’ve somehow been keeping tabs on you

Yashiro: No, I haven’t done it with anyone else after you, and I still dream of you at random

No, we have to make Doumeki act like a bitter ex boyfriend coz why tf not? (it’s actually kinda hot)

It’s their first encouter, and first time being alone together after those four years. There was no proper closure after everything that happened. Doumeki has been through a lot, and Yashiro has been secretly suffering too.

Man, I wish they could just be happy, now that they’re with each other again.

Today, I present to you, my latest obsession:

Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai

• [ * spoilers ahead * ] •

It’s about Yashiro, someone with a twisted past and Doumeki, who comes his way, being all gentle to him, actually caring for him. Yashiro thinks that he’s a mess, he doesn’t deserve this pure affection that Doumeki has to offer. He’s just not the person that Doumeki ought to give these feelings to.

So he pushes Doumeki away, like that’s all it was. He said that he had forgotten about him. Yet, there was this lingering feeling. There was this part of Doumeki that stayed with him, after a few years of being apart.

That one intimate moment with Doumeki changed Yashiro. He did not want anyone else to touch him again, after Doumeki. Maybe he did not want to wash away the traces that Doumeki left. He did not want any other person’s mark on his body.

I just want more of this! Yes, it started off as a yaoi, but it progressed as a really interesting story. I want to know what happens next. Do they get to have a happy ending? I know they’d meet each other again (in Chapter 40), but what happens next? I need answers.

Kou Yoneda’s work has awakened something in me, and now I can’t help but wait for the next chapters.






I don’t come onto tumblr anymore but I have for the past couple of days, and I will say: I feel badly for the active people here who are distraught by some saezuru “fan” backlash, whether it’s to the last chapters or to the series in general. it sucks, and it’s exactly why I moved away from the fandom like I did. I suspect the fervent reaction is because there are a lot of young fans that flock to the series at first (since the prospect of sex and violence and slowburn drama in a BL is tantalizing) and then realize the content is handled in a much more sensitive, thorough, and realistic way than most BL/yaoi manga are. so all hell breaks loose. they get frustrated and vent in a way that can be borderline, if not outright, despicable. the series does not follow the standard formula (which often includes rape without issue because it’s *true love*) and is therefore a waste of time.

no one is obligated to help such people grow and learn, especially strangers on the internet; we are only responsible for ourselves. I hope those of us who love saezuru for what it is can continue to enjoy the shared, harmonious company of those that adore this wonderful series.

For the better part, I just want to focus my support in Saezuru and Sensei. I might be one of those that’s still naive and blind to fully understand, but I am open for new perspective, because I want to understand it better. We really cant force people from their opinions, even if there are other healthy and helpful posts to help them understand the story and characters but still remain a toxic fans… I doubt there is even a fandom that’s without toxic fans. I just hope this will not bother Sensei or disrupt her story, rush her even. If people arent happy anymore, they’re free to make their own stories, but for the love of god, please let Yoneda-sensei write her story peacefully. It’s hers and hers alone, we’re just her audience.

Every fandom has toxic, idiot fans who throw a temper tantrum when the story doesn’t do exactly what they want it to, or envisioned for it.  But I think the OP is right.  A lot of fans of this manga seem emotionally immature and unable to grapple with the ugly realities being dealt with in this series, and in particular, with the reality of trauma, and the ways in which it manifests and impacts the lives of those living with it.  They seem to want an easy, quick solution to Yashiro’s problems in particular, thinking if he just admits his feelings for Doumeki, that will somehow solve all of his issues and he’ll magically be “better” to live happily ever after with his one true love, which is absurd, given the entire story revolves specifically around the idea of the reverberating and lasting affects of trauma, and sexual trauma at that.  Yashiro hates himself.  Those issues aren’t going to just go away.  Even knowing Doumeki loves him, even knowing he loves Doumeki, that won’t do away with a literal lifetime of built up shame and humiliation and feelings of guilt and absolutely wrecked self-esteem.  That won’t do away with the fact that Yashiro never learned how to fight for himself, and even worse still, that he never realized that he even had a right to feel angry or upset over the way he was treated and what was done to him.  It won’t do away with the struggle he faces every day with believing he’s a bad person who deserves maltreatment.  These issues are so deeply ingrained in Yashiro, that the reality is, he probably won’t ever be fully free of them.  It’s not about logic.  It’s about emotion, and emotional damage.  Yashiro has been treated as subhuman for essentially his whole life, since he was nine years old, and probably before, given what a deadbeat mother he had.  Anyone who expects him to just “get over” that, and the damage it caused him, to be able to move past a negative self-image that’s been literally and figuratively beaten into him since young boyhood, is a fucking idiot.

There seems to be some sort of general complaint about Yashiro not being able to just “get over” his trauma, and get better, as if he’s continuing to be affected by it just to be difficult, or just to piss Doumeki off.  As if he’s doing it on purpose.  There’s also the implication there on their part of a belief that Yashiro is somehow weak, or pathetic, or cowardly, for struggling the way he does.  For not being able to just move on.  It would be funny if it weren’t so horrific.  This attitude I’m seeing toward a character like Yashiro, a person living with deep and lasting trauma rooted in a childhood experience which lasted SIX YEARS, is truly upsetting, both for how it exposes a shocking and disturbing lack of compassion and sympathy for traumatized people, and for the utter lack of understanding at all for how trauma works and how truly overwhelming and torturous it can be for those living with it.  You can’t run from your memories and the emotions attached to them, you can’t just get rid of them, or heal from them like a physical wound.  These sorts of wounds continue to live and fester and poison those living with them for their whole lives.  These people don’t seem to get that.  It also shows a complete lack of inclination by these people to learn, or better understand these issues.  On top of that, it’s just repulsively selfish.  They’re mad at Yashiro for still having problems because they want to have their own fantasies realized and played out, and to hell with any sort of realistic or compassionate rendering of what it’s actually like for victims of child sexual abuse, having to live with the weight of that trauma day in and day out, every moment of their lives.  What’s important to them is their own satisfaction.  It’s sickening.  

My great fear of course is that these sorts of disgusting complaints and criticisms will actually affect Kou Yoneda and pressure her to change her plans or force something she had no intention of happening.  I don’t think that will happen.  She seems to have way too much artistic integrity and love for these characters to give into the childish, selfish demands of an idiotic faction of her fanbase.  I’ve heard her say that she’s known what the last panel of this story is going to be since the beginning of creating it, and I trust that she’ll stick with that plan, whatever it may be.  The fans are just going to have to accept it, and too bad if it isn’t what you want. 

I’d like to stand an applaud everyone’s comments here.

I’m nearly fifty, and I swear, it’s not just Saezuru. Almost every manhwa I read the fandom is filled with very young girls, with little to no emotional experiences, shouting down older women and definitely firing off wrong take after wring take from the hip, and heaping abuse of one kind or another on others in the fandoms, because they’re either being performative in their goodness and virtue signaling or are being just down right nasty and insensitive.

I have had to pause more than once and stop myself from wading in snatching these children, but it’s not hard ultimately to keep scrolling.

One, dese ent my children out here on Rihanna’s Good Internet, and as was said in the original post, it’s not my responsibility to meet immature, selfish, bad ass kids I don’t know from a tree in my yard, where the are. Their observations almost never add anything meaningful to the discourse, and they rarely have the grace or smarts to participate on any other level. Generally I understand the need to grow, but some of them are just bullies. Entitled, over privileged bullies.

The fears that this immaturity and nastiness could and no doubt has in fact effected so many of the authors I can testify to as a writer of other genres.

People can feel so entitled to your output, your body and imagination, that they objectify and reduce your humanity in favour of moe. It can be crippling as an artist, because it paralyses you emotionally and creatively. Demanding fans are one thing, but the Internet has made it very easy to get up in peoples inboxes in a way a fan letter could not in previous generations.

When you see these mangaka, exhausted, struggling mentally, it’s not just the brutal pace of publishing alone… it’s their fans and ‘stans’, literally sucking everything out. Some people find it’s easy, or at least manageable, others it can lead to physical and mental decline.

So when I see this shitty ass attitude from these young girls and women, who place extraordinary demands on these artists, and who often won’t support the artist with actual money, as an artist myself, it’s infuriating.

The girl who does Yours To Claim has gotten death threats I understand, because of this Team Yahwi/Team Cain stuff (for the record: I am Team Cain). The Team Yahwi girls are furious enough to threaten the author. Like how fucking dumb can you be?

But it goes to show that the artists aren’t different from Janet Jackson, or Britney Spears, or Madonna… maybe not in terms of popularity, but as an artist, they are protected from a great many things including crazy people on the Internet.

As a writer, I feel especially strong about saying we need to protect the mangakas. I’m not sure how, because telling some of these people to shut the fuck up is unlikely to do anything but incite and inflame them further, but I do feel older fujoshi should take some kind of stance to call this out where we see it.

Where I come from we don’t let bullies just roam around unchecked.

It’s really awful the way artists get treated by “fans” sometimes.  Any kind of threat, or personal attack, is about the lowest, most disgusting thing someone can do to someone who shares their talent with the world.  They have no obligation to share their talent or their vision, and yet some fools have the gall to act entitled, as if an artists work is owed to them, or made specifically for them.  But they have no right to any artists work, only the artist does.  If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it.  But don’t go around whining that it isn’t what you wanted, or shitting all over the work and calling it names or deeming it worthless because it failed to meet your expectations.  People can be unbelievably stupid and selfish, and it’s hard not to get pissed off about it.

Of course it’s best to just ignore these loons.  Bully’s are always looking for a reaction, they thrive off of it.  If you just ignore them, generally they’ll just fade away into oblivion where they belong.  But it’s also hard, because they say such stupid shit, and as you pointed out @saezurumurmurs, one wants especially to defend the artist and their work from this kind of unfair and disgusting treatment.  It’s hard to keep your mouth shut, and sometimes you just can’t, if the things being said are particularly, egregiously ignorant and unkind.  
