#sakusa x atsumu

wattemeer:so you can drag me through hell if it meant i could hold your handwattemeer:so you can drag me through hell if it meant i could hold your hand


so you can drag me through hell if it meant i could hold your hand

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it’snaoyuki’s birthday!! they grow up so fast~

OMI DAY + bonus atsutan

omi and naoyuki (3) communicate thru their ✨ | sakuatsu son

answered some ig asks about naoyuki (skts son)

pt 10: a promise i’ll keep every day | sakuatsu hotel roomies au finale

osamu: ok, here you have the first aid kit, a book with all his allergies, a coat in case he starts getting cold, instructions on what to do in an emergency…

sakusa: we’re just going on a date.

osamu: no, he’s your responsibility now.

hey all! sorry i’ve been inactive (i’ve migrated to twitter these days) but i wanted to give ahey all! sorry i’ve been inactive (i’ve migrated to twitter these days) but i wanted to give ahey all! sorry i’ve been inactive (i’ve migrated to twitter these days) but i wanted to give ahey all! sorry i’ve been inactive (i’ve migrated to twitter these days) but i wanted to give a

hey all! sorry i’ve been inactive (i’ve migrated to twitter these days) but i wanted to give a shout out to this amazing zine i’ve had the pleasure of being a part of! ♡

preorders close in less than 2 weeks, so if you’re into sakuatsu and want to grab a copy, please check out the store:


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sakusa made atsumu wash his hands 3 times before he allowed any hand holding

forgot to post this here yesterday!!! anyway …. two miyas on the olympic team …. miya kiyoomi …

kiyoomi knew it was a bad idea to go on a road trip in atsumu’s old car and it seemed like the universe wanted to prove his point when it broke down in the middle of nowhere… but sharing snacks with atsumu and listening to him talk about his childhood… maybe it was worth it

imagine atsumu and sakusa both still having crushes on kita and ushijima and then one day they find out that kita and ushijima are dating each other and atsumu is like ahaha what if we used each other as a rebound… ahaha… jk… unless??? and then sakuatsu become fwb while they try to get over kita and ushijima but then they end up falling in love and don’t tell the other bc they both think that the other is still in love with kita/ushijima so then they’re just dumb idiots in love with each other

the entire national team knowing that kiyoomi has a crush on atsumu and deciding to “help” kiyoomi get with atsumu bc atsumu is dense as fuck
