

So the one very short and sweet scene that honestly gave me so much life was when the Chunin Stadium started to collapse and the Boss Moms of Naruto (Sakura, Ino and Temari) sprung into action  


I was really excited to see Ino included in the anime version (she wasn’t in the film) because she was present in the stadium and also it’s in the actual manga. 

BUT THEN I started to see comments from people saying: 

  • “Why is Ino there?”
  • “She didn’t even do anything”
  • “Why does she think she can just jump in with Sakura and Temari. That’s just weird” 
  • “She only has mind jutsu” 
  • “She’s one-dimensional AF”
  • “Ino is useless”



Are people forgetting that Ino is FIRST AND FOREMOST A SHINOBI? And that the main thing about being a shinobi is backing your comrades and taking care of civilians before yourself? 

Yes Ino’s speciality is her Yamanaka Clan Mind techniques which is not ideal for this situation unlike Temari’s Wind Scythe Jutsu and Sakura’s strength. HOWEVER, that doesn’t matter here because they all have the basis of what it means to be a shinobi. 


If the boulder didn’t break, even Sakura and Temari would NOT use their jutsus because it isn’t necessary. They would use their speed and agility to save the civilians in the stadium. 

That is what Ino was doing so what if she didn’t partake in “destroying a boulder” she’s still doing her job and saving people. 

I don’t understand people who have to automatically call a character shitty and useless without even looking at the whole picture.

 You may say I’m playing favouritism but I’m actually trying to be objective. 

Would you call Kakashi useless because instead of using his purple lightening to attack or “destroy a boulder”, he used his speed and agility to carry people out of harm’s way? 

That’s all I have to say. 

I do hope to see more of them together and potentially fighting together ☺️✌️
