#samuel livinsgton

Transcript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.Samu

Transcript below 

Rose:[laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.

Samuel:[chuckles] Right?  You’re getting old, sis!

Matthew:[smiles]Congratulations on this little bean, Amber. You’re glowing.

Amber: Thank you so much, Matthew. [chuckles] It was a little… Unexpected but it’s still such a blessing.

Rose:[laughs]Congratulations Sam, Amber. I’m so happy for you two.

Samuel: Thank you, it means a lot.

Amber:[chuckles] Well, Samuel was excited to see Noah to tell him the news but it looks like he’s quite busy!

Matthew:[laughs] Right? Don’t worry, he didn’t even say hello to us yet.


Joey: Captain…

Lei:[laughs] Told you he would be here, Joey. Hey Stinky, if you don’t speed up your little calming-down-ritual, your coach’s gonna be mad-mad!

Yohan[to Noah]: Hey. You’re literally the most skilled out there, No’. You’re fine.

Noah: R-right. There’s no way I could lose, right? 

Yohan: No way.

Noah: I’m gonna win and we’ll all go to Clearwater High-

Yohan: Together. For sure.

Liana: “Calming-down-ritual”?

Lei: Oh yeah, before each match, stinky goes and cries a little bit in Yohan’s arms-

Noah: I’m not crying! I’m just- Absorbing his energy, uh- Because he’s really smart and calm.

Lei: Yes, yes, yes, come here. I’m gonna help you hide your eyes, sweetie.

Noah:[rolls eyes] Ugh, your energy is so ugly, man. Just like your face-

Lei: Hey! First of all, I’m really extremely perfectly pretty-

Joey: [clears throat] I think she’s really pretty, captain

Noah:[laughs]Look at him go, wow

Lei: As he should lol. Thank you Joey

Joey: I’m j-just sayin’, uh, anyways, captain? We have to go.

Noah: Right.

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