


Her civilian name is Freya West (old name, I’ll probably change it) and she’s a superhero from north Germany. She’s a single mom and works at a flower shop.

Her superpowers are communicating with birds and being able to see through their eyes and she can jump very high (no flying unfortunately).

She can only fall as high as she jumped. This means she could jump 10 meters in the air and fall down again, but she couldn’t jump down a 10 meter building. (I might change that tho, not sure)

Sanderling on the Beach @ Titchwell Norfolk

Sanderling on the Beach @ Titchwell Norfolk by Adam Swaine
Via Flickr:
Sanderlings breed in the Arctic, visiting the UK in the winter and passing through on migration during spring and autumn. The distance they travel varies, but individuals have been known to make 32,000 km annual round-trips to their breeding and wintering grounds.

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Sanderling on beaches all around the Wash.

Sanderling on beaches all around the Wash. by Adam Swaine
Via Flickr:
A small pale, almost ghostly, wader that is frequently seen running in the tide edge on beaches all around the Wash, rather like a group of clockwork toys. Its distinctive running action arises from the fact that, unlike other waders, it has no back toe, only the three forward facing ones.Sanderling are primarily winter visitors to The Wash, but the first birds can arrive back as early as July and some do not leave until May, so a few birds can be present almost year round..

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Sanderling Scientific name: Calidris alba

Sanderling Scientific name: Calidris alba by Adam Swaine
Via Flickr:
Typically associated with sandy beaches, but also mudflats and coastal pools. Usually seen in its rather smart grey, black and white winter plumage, often showing distinctive black ‘shoulder’ markings. On beaches, has characteristic feeding habit of running back and forth with the surf…The Sanderling scampers about the waves looking for marine crustaceans, fish and even jellyfish to eat. It visits the UK in winter from its Arctic breeding grounds, but can also be seen as it passes through on migration during spring and autumn

#waders    #waterside    #water birds    #waterways    #seascape    #seasons    #sanderling    #norfolk    #norfolk coast    #north norfolk    #wildlife    #nature watcher    #natures finest    #nature    #nature lovers    #nature reserve    #counties    #east anglia    #east coast    #beautiful    #english birds    #english    #england    #britain    #british    
Sanderling Coastal @ Titchwell RSPB Norfolk

Sanderling Coastal @ Titchwell RSPB Norfolk by Adam Swaine
Via Flickr:
The sanderling is the sandpiper most often encountered near where the waves crash. To make a safe identification of an adult sanderling outside of spring, note what the sanderling does not have: streaks, spots, or brown markings. Adults are smooth and silvery above and clear white below. Often, a blackish shoulder patch is visible

#sanderling    #seasons    #seascape    #seaside    #beautiful    #norfolk    #norfolk coast    #english birds    #water birds    #waders    #coastal    #coastal path    #east anglia    #east coast    #wildlife    #britain    #british    #british birds    #migrants    #uk counties    #adam swaine    
Sanderling @ Titchwell RSPB Norfolk Coast..

Sanderling @ Titchwell RSPB Norfolk Coast.. by Adam Swaine
Via Flickr:
Migration is not random. There is a pattern to the arrival of different species. First to arrive in Norfolk, in March, come the chiffchaffs, sand martins and wheatears. In April the floodgates open! Blackcaps and willow warblers arriving in huge numbers at the start of the month; followed in mid-April by swallows, house martins, whitethroats, garden warblers and cuckoos. The end of April sees reed and sedge warblers adding their voices to the dawn chorus. This is a good time Common tern carrying fish, by Trevor Round to spot them when, at areas such as NWT Cley Marshes amongst the still winter-brown reedbeds, newly arrived male warblers sing persistently and prominently throughout the day in their urgency to find mates. Our Norfolk coast is one of the best places to observe migration. By late April a full set of terns – common, Sandwich and little – will add their raucous calls to those of resident black-headed and herring gulls. On coastal wetlands, such as at NWT Holme Dunes, April is a brilliant time to observe passage wading birds. Birds such as godwits, knot, curlew, sandpiper and little stint have moulted from their much duller winter greys to take on brighter chestnut browns

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Sanderling on Titchwell Beach Norfolk

Sanderling on Titchwell Beach Norfolk by Adam Swaine
Via Flickr:
Titchwell is generally known for the RSPB nature reserve which comprises the large swathe of saltwater marshland and freshwater lagoon. This important habitat is a twitchers paradise with its reedbeds and marshes home to avocets, bearded tits and marsh harriers. But Titchwell is also home to an oft overlooked sandy beach. Backed by low sand dunes and the reserve beyond Titchwell is home a wonderful expanse of pristine beach. At low tide, what is already a quiet spot can feel pretty much deserted as the sand extends for what seems like miles in every direction..

#sanderling    #the wash    #beautiful    #seasons    #seaside    #england    #english    #english birds    #migrants    #water birds    #waders    #adam swaine    #nature watcher    #natures finest    #nature    #nature lovers    #titchwell beach    #norfolk    #norfolk coast    #north norfolk    #coastal path    #coastal    