#sanders sides fanart



I feel like “which event could cost us more to miss?” is a less interesting question than… “which event has more to offer us?” Don’t you?


The Justice card indicates that the fairest decision will be made. Justice is the sword that cuts through a situation, and will not be swayed by outer beauty when deciding what is fair and just.

The Justice card reversed indicates dishonesty.


Random long-haired Roman sketches I did last night, ‘cuz I still love him


I have drawn Janus’s scales in so many different ways and I will continue to do so until a style finally clicks



Oh yeah, uhh some more Remus sketches I forgot about. He’s kinda fun to draw ngl

(click for better quality)


Is he not just the cutest?

God I love all the sides way too much, I’m very proud of this Roman <3


That one Encanto scene but it’s Logan

Who do you think he’s talking to


I imagine Virgil and Remus would totally work together to prank the others, and Janus just deals with them.

I’m just starving for good dark sides interactions T-T

a new animatic?? for the first time in a year…? it’s more likely than you think

also, this animatic was in progress when i was hit with multiple different things in my life and i haven’t had the motivation to finish really anything for almost a year. this project has a lot of style changes but i still wanted to finish it to show myself that i could. (this was made before SvS Redux so its spoiler free )

tower-of-deceit: I had the drawing prompt “lost in the fog” so I decided to draw fantasy au Logan an


I had the drawing prompt “lost in the fog” so I decided to draw fantasy au Logan and Roman, bc why not


Post link


POV Roman as he wakes up to discover that A) Virgil has turned into a toddler again, and B) he’s chosen you to spend the day with

virgil is … babey
