#sanders sides deceit


Deceit, with his hand in the opening of a vending machine: I am the smartest, most civilised side here.

Roman:…are you stuck in that candy machine?

Deceit:I paid for my Rolos. I’m getting my Rolos.

Virgil: I will never trust Deceit. He’s a venomous snake, waiting to strike… and you know what we do to snakes?

Logan, without looking up: Chop their heads off, remove the skin and turn them into boots.

Virgil: Don’t be absurd. Who would want troll-skin boots?

Logan: You just said he was a snake.

Virgil: The Devil comes in many forms.







What if in the next Sanders Sides video Thomas starts treating Virgil differently because of what was revealed at the end of Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts?

What if Logan and Roman treat him the same as they did before, and are possibly even nicer to him because of Thomas’s shift in opinion?

What if Patton doesn’t call him “kiddo” or a fun nickname and doesn’t look at him the same?

What if Logan has to get tough with Thomas and Patton for being so rude to Virgil? (“He’s the same as he was before. So, why scrutinize him for events prior to getting to know him?”)

What if Roman has to comfort Virgil because he knows what Remus is like, and can understand the pain Virgil must’ve went through when he was a dark side?

What if the last clip is Deceit teasing Virgil because of this and tells him, “We both knew this would happen. We both knew the moment they found out, everything would change.”?

What if Virgil actually believes him?

Just some thoughts.

you stop right there-


Omg what if this is what sets Virgil over the edge and converts him back into a bad side. What if virge just gives into his delusions and it’s all down hill and edge from here like in Hamilton


Stop this or I will stab you

What if Virgil and Thomas are arguing and Virgil starts doing that thing where his voice is layered and deep and super loud and it scares Thomas really badly? What if the light sides stop him and get mad at him for being so aggressive with Thomas? What if Deceit appears to help comfort Thomas and Virgil feels out of place and he sinks away and no one notices until a long while later, when Thomas has calmed down? What if then Thomas realizes that he shouldn’t have reacted poorly to Virgils confession and he can feel Virgils presence but no body can summon Virgil and they don’t know why or where he went?????????

a new animatic?? for the first time in a year…? it’s more likely than you think

also, this animatic was in progress when i was hit with multiple different things in my life and i haven’t had the motivation to finish really anything for almost a year. this project has a lot of style changes but i still wanted to finish it to show myself that i could. (this was made before SvS Redux so its spoiler free )

(Click for better quality, zoom for gay shit in the background in the first panel :3)

Birthday Boy; Second Birthday Origins

I AM SO SORRY I AM UPLOADING THIS ESSENTIALLY A DAY LATE!! I was in classes all day yesterday and I didn’t have time to finish it in time DX either way here it is! Imma go crawl back into my lair now. Enjoy!

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