

Small changes produce big transformations, especially in the kitchen. In the diet of an athlete, small changes in habits are more important for health than radical jumps with strict diets for a few months. Health is a matter of good general habits, which include good nutrition, planned training and a quiet and happy lifestyle.

To make it easier for you, here we give you 50 nutritional tips and some more… that take care of you and extend your life without making your smile bitter in front of the plate.

Do the shopping and cook at home. It’s not so difficult, cooking is relaxing and stimulating and is the best way to have a healthy and natural diet. Not only do you control the freshness and quality of the ingredients you use, you also choose the healthiest preparation method. If you avoid fried foods, sauces and meals prepared for cooking raw, steamed, grilled or baked, you get fuller, enjoy the flavour and avoid unhealthy ingredients such as artificial sweeteners and trans-fatty acids that can make you gain kilos and encourage the onset of certain diseases.

2. Add cinnamon instead of sugar. This spice is a powerful metabolism activator that helps maintain constant glucose in the blood, reducing the craving for sweet foods. Sprinkle cinnamon on yogurt, tea, milk, and you could lose a kilo a month.

3. Change your coffee for tea. You don’t have to give up coffee all the time, it also has its good side, but tea is a healthier option for every day. The mixture of caffeine and antioxidants in tea is stimulating, reduces the risk of cavities, prevents tumors, helps oxidation of fats and increases calorie expenditure.

4. Eat legumes 3 times a week. Go back to your grandparents’ plate with the advantage that we now have fast pots and cook chickpeas, beans, lentils, green beans, soybeans, etc. Studies show that people who drink legumes every week, have a 22% lower risk of being obese reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammation, etc..

5. Cooking with seaweed. They are the food of the future, not only do they provide very few calories with a strong flavour, they are also a source of protein without fat, fibre, calcium, iodine, etc. They are considered a depurative food because of their mucilage richness with laxative effects and because they contain alginates and derivatives, specific substances capable of absorbing heavy metals (arsenic, lead, mercury) and radioactive elements (strontium and cobalt) from the tissues and eliminate them in the faeces. They also contain fucinic and fucanic acids that block the formation of clots and thrombus in the blood and seem to inhibit the metastasis of tumors. They are widely used to lose weight because they provide a feeling of satiety and iodine can stimulate the thyroid and increase metabolic expenditure.

6. Cut food into small portions on the plate. You can reduce your calorie intake by up to 20% if you chop each food on the plate before chewing it.

7. Swap the cow for the goat. Goat’s milk has fewer calories than cow’s milk, and when it comes to cheeses, you can reduce calories by up to 40% if you choose cheeses made with goat’s milk. Goat’s milk produces fewer intolerances because it has less lactose. And if cow’s milk products make you feel bad or swell, reduce discomfort and gas by switching to goat’s milk because it is more digestive and less caloric.

8. Add different vegetables to sandwiches and salads. Do not stay in the lettuce and tomato and try to put some leaves of rocket, lamb’s lettuce, watercress, cucumber slices, celery, beet, turnip, ginger, etc.., vegetables bring more flavor and color to meals along with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and substances with healing properties. Make sure that your sandwiches always have a vegetable touch, so you take more care of yourself, fill up earlier and eat less.

Sautéed Chicken, Vermont Cheddar, Sun-dried Tomato Hummus, and Tomatoes. On Italian bread. 

Sautéed Chicken, Vermont Cheddar, Sun-dried Tomato Hummus, and Tomatoes. On Italian bread. 

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