#sarah cameron x you


Secret Game

{A pouge princess one-shot}

(Sarah Cameron x Bff Reader)

A/n: This is a little tie in with my pouge princess series I figured I’d dedicate a one shot to the game I’ll be mentioning alot. You don’t need to read this one to understand anything in pouge princess but I figured it would be a cute add on.

Warning ⚠️: none, everyone is aged down so Rafe is 10, Sarah and reader are like 7 and Wheezie is 4

Word count: 1,349

Sarah and you gathered underneath the covers of the tent Ward helped you guys build. Giggling as you pulled out a flash light to illuminate the small space, a notebook with stickers and sparkly pens scattered all around the two of you.

Sarah opened up the notebook to the first page popping open one of the pens in the process. “What should our game be about?”

“Umm i don’t know we should make it so we stay friends forever.” You giggled

“yha definitely we need something that will never tear us apart, something that we can play for years to come.” Sarah said doodling little hearts around the header of the notebook.

“How about we make it a game of truth? So we always have to tell each other everything.”

“That’s boring though we need something more.” Sarah huffed

“Oh I know how about in the truth game we have it where we never lie to each other about anything.”

“And if your caught in a lie you have to do what ever the other one says. But what type of things can’t we lie about” Sarah said writing down in the notebook what the two of you just came up with.

“We always have to let the each other know when we’re mad. You said taking a pen and adding the rule in.

"You always have to let me know if you like someone.” Sarah said turning the notebook towards her to add it.

“What why.” You winned.

“Because I wanna know everything we can’t keep secrets remember.” Sarah stuck her tongue out at you and you busted into a fit of giggles.

“Ok fine what else should we add?” “How about when ever one of us says pop quiz we just ask each other random questions and we have to answer no matter what and if not we do mini punishment.” Sarah pops up scribbling down the new rule.

“That’s a good idea we should keep tally of whoever has the most punishments.” You two continued to scribble in the notebook giggling at each thing you two wrote.

Before you knew it you had pages full of rules covered in stickers and written in glittery pens. The only thing left was to put a name towards your creation so the two of you sat there stumped trying to come up with something to call your game.

Suddenly your tent began to shake rapidly causing the blankets around you two to collapse ontop of you. Sarah and you cried out crawling out from underneath to see Rafe arms crossed with a scowl on his face.

“Your tents in the way, I wanna watch TV so why don’t you two get lost.” Rafe said stating daggers into the two of you.

“RAFE HOW COULD YOU.” Sarah yelled out stomping towards her brother fists clenched, trying her best to meet his eyes as he toward over her.

“You two have been in here for hours its time for you guys to go on in your room.” He said jabbing his finger into Sarah’s forehead.

You could tell by the look on Sarah’s face that she was ready to blow if it was possible you where sure steam would shot out of her ears. You walked over to them clenching the notebook that Sarah and you had spent hours working on trying to break up the brawl before it gone any worse.

“How about we all watch TV together and we can rebuild the tent and all hang out.” You squeeked looking down as you spoke.

Rafe turned his attention away from Sarah to pinch your cheeks shaking your whole body in the process. “Like I wanna hang out with a bunch of damn babies I’m not here to babysit its bad enough I got Wheezie following me around all day.”

Low and behold you turned your head as best you could to the sound of a little Wheezie tottering her way up to you all. Crossing her arms just as Rafe was before.

“Yha a bunch of babies.” She mimicked looking towards her brother for approval.

Rafe didn’t let of of your face only glancing over to Wheezie with a slight smile before turning his attention back to you two. Sarah wasn’t letting Wheezie’s distraction get in the way she pushed herself as close as she could to Rafe getting in his face

“Don’t touch my (y/n).” Sarah yanked Rafe away from you causing you all to tumble down, you sat up trying your best to pry Sarah off of Rafe as she began to slap him her arms flailing rapidly.

Rafe layed back blocking her shots as best as he could as you held onto her waist trying to pull her off.

“Sarah please let’s just go to your room i hate it when you guys fight like this.” You pleaded but Sarah kept on wailing away that was until you heard heavy foot steps aproch and all of you froze in place to see Ward standing by the doorway.

“Now what in the world is going on in here,  I shouldn’t hear you guys when I’m all the way in my office.” He said his voice sounding stern as he looked at us all with his hands on his hips.

“Rafe started it” Sarah cried out  shaking her way out of your hold to go rest her head on her father’s legs.

“He messed up our tent and said the D word Daddy, he even started to pinch (y/n)’s cheeks too.” Ward put his Hand ontop of Sarah’s head sending a look over towards Rafe.

“What did I tell you about messing with the girls Rafe, you should know better then that. We're  gonna have to have a talk in my office later.” He said voice harsh as he looked over to Rafe.

“But dad you seen she was hitting me why aren’t you gonna do anything about it.” Rafe huffed pointing his finger at Sarah as she turned her head to stick out her tounge before nuzzling her face back onto Wards legs.

“She wouldn’t of done it if you didn’t go and start this whole mess now I want you to apologize to the girls and come find me in my office after that.” His voice was harsh feeling like he cut Rafe with each word spoken. Rafe looked down his face hot with rage only nodding at his fathers words.

“Now when I’m done with that I’ll help you girls rebuild your tent.” Wards voice softened as he spoke to the two of you.

Sarah and you flashed him huge smiles thanking him as he walked off back into his office. Rafe turned to you first picking up the discarded notebook and handing it over to you.

“What’s this?” He said looking at the decorated cover.

“It’s the rules to our game.” You said shly before Sarah stomped over once again facing Rafe.

“Its the rules to a secret game,  so only (y/n) and me can play. Your not allowed now say sorry or I’ll tell dad on you again.” Sarah eyed him waiting for him to finally apologize.

“Whatever I don’t wanna play anyway, I guess I’m sorry.” He shoved his hands into his pockets taking one more look at you as you smiled at him before heading towards Ward’s office.

Wheezie followed suit after getting lost in the commotion as she followed Rafe most likely to sit outside of the door to wait for him. “That’s what we should call our game.” You said looking over to Sarah opening back up the notebook.

“It’s perfect since only we can play no one can ever know what our game is about its just for us and us only.” Sarah gleamed as you two wrote down the name.

You both burst into giggles rolling around the floor in pure glee after finally figuring out the name to your game. Neither one of you realizing that a silly little game created by two kids would go on to span years worth of friendship. 

A/n: I hope guys enjoyed I wrote this while I was hiding from my manager at work today
