#sarah cameron obx


Pouge Princess Chapter 3

Rafe Cameron x Reader

A/n: Sorry this took a little longer then the other chapters I ended up doing a couple of rewrites. I’m really excited for chapter 4 and 5 I have alot planned for them. Anyways enjoy

Warning ⚠️: swearing

Word count: 2,930

Days when the club is understaffed are the worst days in existence. Because instead of being out on the course you’re stuck helping the wait staff in the kitchen. Forced to serve and carry heavy trays, trying your best to remember what food goes to what table.

The only saving grace was that you worked with JJ, one of the few pogue friends you still had. You knew JJ since before your big school jump as a kid, he was basically the last friend you ever made at your old school before the big switch.

“Your day dreaming again princess, we don’t leave until two so maybe you should hustle with these orders.” JJ said, leaning into you with three tracys in hand.

“I wasn’t daydreaming, I was just in deep thought.” You grabbed one of the trays he was holding and made your way over to your tables.

“Well what’s the difference then you look spaced out either way?”

“Daydreaming uses your imagination and deep thoughts are usually focused on a single topic.” You said walking back into the servers area once the trays were dropped off.

“Bullshit you’re making that up, is this what they’re teaching you over at kook academy because I’d want my money back.” You giggled, slapping his shoulder.

“God you’re annoying anyways onto better news you should come by the beach after our shift. Come watch John B and I surf and stuff.”

“Hmm I can’t, I’m supposed to hang out with Sarah after this.”

“Come on you hang out with Sarah all the time, just bring her with you it’s not like John B’s gonna complain. I barely get to see you, you’re always hanging out with Sarah or Topper, the sexiest surfer guy on all of the island.” His voice goes high when he says Topper’s name, folding his hands and lifting up one leg.

“Why are you doing that?” You whined hitting his arms.

“Because that’s how you say his name, your voice gets all soft and dreamy anytime you mention him. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you liked him. Maybe that’s why you’re still single, are you holding out for him” JJ says, pointing an accusing finger at you.

“Omg why has my lack of dating life been a hot topic recently. I do not like Topper, he is and always has been a close friend.”

It felt as if liar was painted across your forehead with the way JJ was looking at you. Were you being that obvious ? If JJ could tell then everyone must be able too all it takes is one person to notice before word gets around.

“Hmm all I’m gonna say is maybe it’s time to get yourself a boyfriend I’ll help you go through applications.”

Before you could respond your manager came through the service doors eying you two to get back to work. You guys continued to work keeping your eyes glued to the clock for your shifts to end. When two o'clock finally hit, JJ and you bolted out the doors not wanting to get pressured into staying an extra hour or more.

“Alrighty princess, make the call to Sarah you’re coming with me today I aint taking no for an answer.” JJ lifted you up holding you as if you were his bride as he was whisking away from the altar.

You couldn’t help but to laugh as he carried you all the way to the twinkie. John B was always nice enough to lend him the twinkie whenever he had to work. JJ was struggling to open the door with you in his arms reaching out to grab the handle as best as he could.

“Ok ok we’ll come just put me down before you pull a muscle.” You said in-between laughs.

You hopped into the van taking out your phone to see if Sarah was ok with the change of plans. “She said yha we just gotta pick her up.”

“Ok treat me like your own personal uber driver I guess.” JJ said driving off into the direction of Sarah’s house.

You guys picked up John B and Sarah before finally heading to the beach. Sarah and you watched layed up on two towels as the boys were surfing.

“ So is this like a double date ?” Sarah said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Omg Sarah you know JJ is like one of my best friends. Why is everyone getting on me about this recently.” You turned around deciding to lay on your stomach so you didn’t have to face her knowing she couldn’t comment on how your face was flushed if she couldn’t see it.

“I’m just saying, me and John B, you and JJ it would be perfect honestly. Think about it JJ is totally into you too.”

“He is not, we’re sandbox buddies for life.”

Sarah rolled her eyes at you. “Come on (y/n) you can’t tell me you’re hooked on "Frosty” still is this why you’re so against dating. I mean It’s been how many years, who even is this guy! You haven’t even told me your best friend in the whole wide world who he is. You’ve practically wasted all your prime dating years holding out for this mystery man. I don’t get it.“ Sarah started to wave her arms around frantically as she went into her rant clearly frustrated with your secrecy.

Frosty was your code name for Topper but Sarah couldn’t know that, while you could hide who you have a crush on you can’t hide that you have one. It was one of the rules to your "secret game”, you two must always tell each other if you like someone if you’re caught lying then you have to do a punishment of the others choosing.

Which you learned the hard way  when Sarah made you go to your first ever middle school party in a shirt that said Sarah Cameron’s bitch after she caught you doodling the code name on one of your binders.

“Come on (y/n) all I’m saying is you have a perfectly great guy that’s dying for the chance to be with you. And think of how perfect it would be to date a fellow pair of besties.” Sarah decided to prop herself up watching as the boys came back to shore.

“I don’t know, maybe you’re right.” Before you could finish your thought JJ flung himself down on your towel resting his head and torso on your back, his wet body feeling cold against your skin.

“JJ oh my God, I was trying to avoid getting wet today.” You said doing your best to turn and look over at him.

“Aw come on, maybe if you weren’t such a towel hog I wouldn’t have to do that.” He nuzzled his head into your back causing you all to laugh.

John B stood smiling, taking a towel from Sarah and wrapping it on his neck giving her a knowing glance. Suddenly his smile turned his eyes squinting as he looked off into the distance.

“Don’t look now but the kook patrol is on the horizon.” John B said watching as Rafe, Kelce and Topper made their way down to the beach.

You all couldn’t help but turn seeing that they also noticed the four of you lounging on the beach.

“Ugh God why are they coming over here.” Sarah groaned, bringing her knees to her chest.

“So who do we have here?” Rafe was the first to speak coming over to stand by you. All his eyes could focus on was the sight of JJ laying down on you. He felt that twinge of jealousy creeping up on him once again.

“Can you guys just not?” Sarah said glaring at her brother before darting her eyes at the two Boys standing behind him.

“We just came over to say hi to (y/n) actually, not you three.” Topper spoke, pointing his finger at you.

Looking up you shook JJ off of your back so you could sit up, he couldn’t help himself from sitting as close to you as possible in a protective manner, even though he knew Topper and them are your friends he still didn’t trust them.

“Um well do you guys wanna go over there and talk or something then.” You asked. 

All these years you’ve always tried your hardest to keep everyone separated from each other. You never wanted any confrontation knowing the history that they all share.

“I mean I want to talk to you about the charity event anyways so why don’t you hang out with us for a little bit.” Topper kept his focus on you not wanting to acknowledge the rest of the group.

“As long as you guys don’t mind, I’ll come right back. It will only be for a little bit.” You looked over at the group.

Sarah and John B could tell that you desperately wanted to avoid an issue at all costs. And by the sympathetic looks on their faces you could tell they were willing to be the first to compromise. JJ on the other hand was just trying to do his best to bite his tongue.

“Go ahead, we’re just gonna get ready to head back to my place, we’ll wait for you.” John B smiled, patting your shoulder as you got up to go with Topper and the boys.

Rafe glanced back at JJ as the four of you walked off noticing the way JJ’s eyes never left your frame. He was well aware of the look JJ was giving you. It was the same look he had plastered on his face all these years.

“So my mom wants you to help us with setting up on Saturday.” Topper said, acting as if the air on the beach wasn’t polluted with tension.

“Yha of course but isn’t she paying to have it set up?” You stayed close to Topper letting your arms brush together as you all continued to walk seminingly with nowhere in mind.

Rafe and Kelce having a conversation of their own, only chiming in when needed. That didn’t stop Rafe from glancing over at you any chance he got.

“Yha, she just wants us to make sure the clubs do it exactly how she likes. You know she just wants to micromanage everything. Anyways, enough of this boring talk, I heard you have a date this year.” Topper slapped Rafe on the shoulder causing both of you to look at him with shock in your eyes.

“A date! Come on Top where just going as friends.” Your eyes felt like saucers as you stared at him before looking at Rafe to confirm your Comment.

A light bulb went off in Rafe’s head when he saw the way you looked at him, it all started to make sense. It was Topper that you’ve been interested in all these years, his best friend was the reason you treated him like he was invisible.

“Get real it’s not a fucking date come on man.”

Rafe couldn’t help but to feel hurt by how quickly you dismissed the idea of going on a date with him but it all made sense now. That still didn’t stop a bitter taste from forming in his mouth as he looked over at you though. To make matters worse he saw JJ starting to approach them all.

“Hey (y/n) we’re starting to pack up the twinkie you coming?” JJ didn’t even bother to look at the boys, only focusing on you.

“Hello to you too.” Rafe said his patience was starting to wear thin.

“That’s rude you’re not even gonna say hi or excuse me.” Kelce spoke up mad that he interrupted the conversation.

“Maybe someone should teach him some damn manners.” Topper chimed in, his previous demeanor changing completely.

You looked over at the boys trying your best to ignore their taunts just wanting this exchange to end. 

“Don’t listen to them ok, I’ll be there in a sec, I’m just gonna say goodbye first.” Your hand reached out to his shoulder giving it a slight squeeze not knowing that this would be Rafes’ final straw.

He was doing his best to not let this whole thing get to him but he just couldn’t contain himself any further.

“You know you don’t have to slum it with that dirty ass salt-lifer if you don’t want to (y/n), you can just hang out with us. But hey, I guess you always did love your charity work.” Rafe laughed, smiling widely as JJ puffed up his chest getting closer to him. 

“You know Rafe your a fucking ass what is (y/n) only good enough when it’s convenient for you because I heard what happened at the club and while (y/n) might of let it slide I haven’t.”

The boys were now in each other’s faces, fists clenched while Topper and Kelce took a few steps closer ready to jump in if Rafe needed them too.

“Big talk for the guy that will be serving my mai tais next week, if you wanna keep your job I suggest you shut the fuck up.” Rafe jabbed his finger into JJ’s chest with each word he spoke.

JJ was asked to work the day of the charity ball and you knew it was a big opportunity for him to make a few extra bucks. Big events at the club always mean more tips and overtime. You didn’t want JJ losing out knowing how much he needed the money.

You did your best to slide in-between the two boys putting your hands on each of their chests.

“Can you guys please just stop it and put your egos aside for once just drop it.” You looked at both of them watching as they backed away, Topper grabbing onto Rafe and patting his shoulder while you pulled JJ aside. 

“I’ll meet you guys at the twinkie ok, just give me a minute please.” You smiled gently, holding onto his shoulders once again before he walked off, still angry at the situation but stopped himself from going any further for your sake.You turned around facing the boys, your mood now bitter.

“Can you guys just please for once not do anything stupid. I know you all have your problems but I can’t keep being in the middle of this. I don’t want any problems at the charity ball next week.” You tried your best to sound stern but there was a slight quiver to your voice that you just couldn’t mask.

“(Y/n) look…” Topper tried taking a step forward but you simply backed away too upset by his action the most.

You rarely see that side of Topper you knew it was there but you’ve been lucky enough to avoid it for the most part.

“I’ll see you guys next week bye.” You turned around picking up your pace to head towards the van. Rafe couldn’t help himself from following you, catching up after you got far enough from the guys.

“Hey I know I’m not the easiest person in the world to be around so don’t be mad at Topper and Kelce, they only tried to have my back. I’m not making any promises but if I stick by you at the charity ball then I’ll have no choice but to be in my best behavior.”

You paused looking over at him studying his face before he went on. “I mean it’s hard to get in trouble when you have little Miss baby doll with you.”

“Let’s just see how everything goes I’m keeping my fingers crossed for no issues.” You waved goodbye walking off to go to the twinkie.

Sarah and John B were clearly trying to calm JJ down as he paced around ranting about the altercation that just accused.

“JJ I’m sorry about before I should have stepped in sooner.” You said going to Stand by Sarah.

“Hey it’s not your fault they’re dicks.” John B said arms crossed watching as JJ finally stopped pacing.

“Let’s just go home.” JJ mumbled heading into the van to head back.

When you guys arrived back Sarah gave you a little wink as John B and her made their way to his room. While you and JJ sat on the couch.

“Why do you hang out with them (y/n) ? Like I get you need to have friends and everything when you’re in kookville but why Rafe and them.” JJ turned to you, his arm resting against the back of the couch.

“I mean It just kinda happened when I was a kid. Rafe’s always been rough around the edges and Topper and Kelce we’re just defending him I guess. They aren’t always like that. I just hate it when you all fight.” You turned to JJ staring into his eyes.

“I just worry sometimes you know I don’t want you to get hurt or anything especially by Rafe I mean dudes a fucking wild card.”

“ You know I’ve known them all for years, I mean Rafe is unpredictable but he has his good moments. You don’t need to worry about me” You reassured him by leaning your head into his arm and he gladly accepted your affection.

Truth was you couldn’t help but to feel a little uneasy about next week like something was brewing in the air. Everything just felt off and you couldn’t put your finger on what it all was, hopefully this would all go away once the charity ball was over.

A/N: Well here u have it chapter 3 is officially done. Next week we’re going to the charity ball folks and buckle up bc its gonna be a good one

Shadowgirl’s masterlist

A/n: As of right now the only Fandom I’ve written for is Obx so I’ll just leave the title as such. I’m planning to write for other Fandom soon maybe a little scream fic for spooky season . I’d also just like to thank @gillybear17 for being nice enough to send me a tutorial on how to do this

Outer Banks

| Rafe cameron

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

| Sarah Cameron

| Blurbs / Headcanons

Scream (1996)

| Randy Meeks

Secret Game

{A pouge princess one-shot}

(Sarah Cameron x Bff Reader)

A/n: This is a little tie in with my pouge princess series I figured I’d dedicate a one shot to the game I’ll be mentioning alot. You don’t need to read this one to understand anything in pouge princess but I figured it would be a cute add on.

Warning ⚠️: none, everyone is aged down so Rafe is 10, Sarah and reader are like 7 and Wheezie is 4

Word count: 1,349

Sarah and you gathered underneath the covers of the tent Ward helped you guys build. Giggling as you pulled out a flash light to illuminate the small space, a notebook with stickers and sparkly pens scattered all around the two of you.

Sarah opened up the notebook to the first page popping open one of the pens in the process. “What should our game be about?”

“Umm i don’t know we should make it so we stay friends forever.” You giggled

“yha definitely we need something that will never tear us apart, something that we can play for years to come.” Sarah said doodling little hearts around the header of the notebook.

“How about we make it a game of truth? So we always have to tell each other everything.”

“That’s boring though we need something more.” Sarah huffed

“Oh I know how about in the truth game we have it where we never lie to each other about anything.”

“And if your caught in a lie you have to do what ever the other one says. But what type of things can’t we lie about” Sarah said writing down in the notebook what the two of you just came up with.

“We always have to let the each other know when we’re mad. You said taking a pen and adding the rule in.

"You always have to let me know if you like someone.” Sarah said turning the notebook towards her to add it.

“What why.” You winned.

“Because I wanna know everything we can’t keep secrets remember.” Sarah stuck her tongue out at you and you busted into a fit of giggles.

“Ok fine what else should we add?” “How about when ever one of us says pop quiz we just ask each other random questions and we have to answer no matter what and if not we do mini punishment.” Sarah pops up scribbling down the new rule.

“That’s a good idea we should keep tally of whoever has the most punishments.” You two continued to scribble in the notebook giggling at each thing you two wrote.

Before you knew it you had pages full of rules covered in stickers and written in glittery pens. The only thing left was to put a name towards your creation so the two of you sat there stumped trying to come up with something to call your game.

Suddenly your tent began to shake rapidly causing the blankets around you two to collapse ontop of you. Sarah and you cried out crawling out from underneath to see Rafe arms crossed with a scowl on his face.

“Your tents in the way, I wanna watch TV so why don’t you two get lost.” Rafe said stating daggers into the two of you.

“RAFE HOW COULD YOU.” Sarah yelled out stomping towards her brother fists clenched, trying her best to meet his eyes as he toward over her.

“You two have been in here for hours its time for you guys to go on in your room.” He said jabbing his finger into Sarah’s forehead.

You could tell by the look on Sarah’s face that she was ready to blow if it was possible you where sure steam would shot out of her ears. You walked over to them clenching the notebook that Sarah and you had spent hours working on trying to break up the brawl before it gone any worse.

“How about we all watch TV together and we can rebuild the tent and all hang out.” You squeeked looking down as you spoke.

Rafe turned his attention away from Sarah to pinch your cheeks shaking your whole body in the process. “Like I wanna hang out with a bunch of damn babies I’m not here to babysit its bad enough I got Wheezie following me around all day.”

Low and behold you turned your head as best you could to the sound of a little Wheezie tottering her way up to you all. Crossing her arms just as Rafe was before.

“Yha a bunch of babies.” She mimicked looking towards her brother for approval.

Rafe didn’t let of of your face only glancing over to Wheezie with a slight smile before turning his attention back to you two. Sarah wasn’t letting Wheezie’s distraction get in the way she pushed herself as close as she could to Rafe getting in his face

“Don’t touch my (y/n).” Sarah yanked Rafe away from you causing you all to tumble down, you sat up trying your best to pry Sarah off of Rafe as she began to slap him her arms flailing rapidly.

Rafe layed back blocking her shots as best as he could as you held onto her waist trying to pull her off.

“Sarah please let’s just go to your room i hate it when you guys fight like this.” You pleaded but Sarah kept on wailing away that was until you heard heavy foot steps aproch and all of you froze in place to see Ward standing by the doorway.

“Now what in the world is going on in here,  I shouldn’t hear you guys when I’m all the way in my office.” He said his voice sounding stern as he looked at us all with his hands on his hips.

“Rafe started it” Sarah cried out  shaking her way out of your hold to go rest her head on her father’s legs.

“He messed up our tent and said the D word Daddy, he even started to pinch (y/n)’s cheeks too.” Ward put his Hand ontop of Sarah’s head sending a look over towards Rafe.

“What did I tell you about messing with the girls Rafe, you should know better then that. We're  gonna have to have a talk in my office later.” He said voice harsh as he looked over to Rafe.

“But dad you seen she was hitting me why aren’t you gonna do anything about it.” Rafe huffed pointing his finger at Sarah as she turned her head to stick out her tounge before nuzzling her face back onto Wards legs.

“She wouldn’t of done it if you didn’t go and start this whole mess now I want you to apologize to the girls and come find me in my office after that.” His voice was harsh feeling like he cut Rafe with each word spoken. Rafe looked down his face hot with rage only nodding at his fathers words.

“Now when I’m done with that I’ll help you girls rebuild your tent.” Wards voice softened as he spoke to the two of you.

Sarah and you flashed him huge smiles thanking him as he walked off back into his office. Rafe turned to you first picking up the discarded notebook and handing it over to you.

“What’s this?” He said looking at the decorated cover.

“It’s the rules to our game.” You said shly before Sarah stomped over once again facing Rafe.

“Its the rules to a secret game,  so only (y/n) and me can play. Your not allowed now say sorry or I’ll tell dad on you again.” Sarah eyed him waiting for him to finally apologize.

“Whatever I don’t wanna play anyway, I guess I’m sorry.” He shoved his hands into his pockets taking one more look at you as you smiled at him before heading towards Ward’s office.

Wheezie followed suit after getting lost in the commotion as she followed Rafe most likely to sit outside of the door to wait for him. “That’s what we should call our game.” You said looking over to Sarah opening back up the notebook.

“It’s perfect since only we can play no one can ever know what our game is about its just for us and us only.” Sarah gleamed as you two wrote down the name.

You both burst into giggles rolling around the floor in pure glee after finally figuring out the name to your game. Neither one of you realizing that a silly little game created by two kids would go on to span years worth of friendship. 

A/n: I hope guys enjoyed I wrote this while I was hiding from my manager at work today
