


See you on the other side… ★

What a ride… So this is the end of Amphibia, huh? Everyone is getting sentimental about this series now (though I may be a little late with that), but no wonder. It’s just that good - the characters, the plot, the world, the relationships. Just delicious. It will definitely have a place in my heart. Even if it sounds silly, Amphibia is one of those fictional stories that has more than once lifted my mood and gotten me through worse times. Seeing it end is kind of sad, but the important thing is that you were able to experience it at all. Huge congratulations to all the people who worked on this cartoon for a good job, you really created something wonderful <33


class doodles :) forgive the shitty picture quality


It’s midnight and I can’t sleep so here’s the latest draft of my Sashannarcy fic!

If you want to wait until it’s done and actually good, I’m finishing it tomorrow and posting it to ao3.  If you’re ok with an unfinished draft, read on!

At the age of twenty three, Anne Boonchuy has kissed exactly one person.  

She doesn’t remember it very well- it was in the midst of a lot of stronger emotions, after all, and didn’t feel like a big deal until afterwards, but hell, it feels like a really big deal right now. 

She takes a bite of her sandwich and chews halfheartedly, lost in the memories of the girl she’d been nine years ago.

It was the night before the one year anniversary of their last trip to Amphibia.  She still remembers the feel of the grass under her back, of the stars hiding behind the light pollution of the LA night, of how sweaty and gross and perfectly at home she felt, out in the middle of the field.  

She always found herself drawn to nature, when she was missing them.  It usually helped.

But that night, it just wasn’t enough.  It wasn’t enough to feel the dirt under her fingernails.  It wasn’t enough to walk around with one shoe, a pathetic attempt at becoming an echo of who she had been.  It wasn’t enough, because when she looked up, the moon wasn’t the same, and when she looked down, her family wasn’t by her side.

Keep reading


man,, MANNNN,,,
i cant believe its over :’)

noname-ox: “You’d be surprised what makes it’s way back to you”


“You’d be surprised what makes it’s way back to you”

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Yyoy guys don’t understand I have literally been held hostage by timeskip amphibia for days I can’t do anything but draw them HELP ME!!!!!!

While i love the girls being Fashionable, please consider Anne’s wardrobe consisting of 90% shitty nWhile i love the girls being Fashionable, please consider Anne’s wardrobe consisting of 90% shitty nWhile i love the girls being Fashionable, please consider Anne’s wardrobe consisting of 90% shitty nWhile i love the girls being Fashionable, please consider Anne’s wardrobe consisting of 90% shitty n

While i love the girls being Fashionable, please consider Anne’s wardrobe consisting of 90% shitty novelty aquarium tshirts. 

i headcanon that, before the three of them all move in together (about a year after the 10yr anniversary visit) Anne and Sasha start meeting up more frequently, for lunch or to go out for drinks and dinner. (See my previous doodle comic ) 

Anne is frequently wearing her work uniform or silly tshirts.

Sasha: Anne only you could wear an outfit straight out of a giftshop and make it look cute

Anne: what

Sasha: what

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 Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually perman

Marie Antoinette syndrome is characterized by the sudden, somewhat inexplicable, and usually permanent whitening of hair on the head or another part of the body

I have a headcanon that Anne develops Marie Antoinette syndrome some time after returning form Amphibia.

 have a quick sketchy comic of Marcy and Sasha discovering it, soon after the three of them move in together. 

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then in their 20s they bond again and become a poly couple happy ending

we change, we grow, we come together

how i think of their relationship dynamics changing over the years. marcy and anne being close in middle school and having a softer relationship than with sasha, sasha and anne in highschool catching that spark of when they were closer every now and again throughout the years always playful, and sasha and marcy as adults rekindling a relationship off of mutual appreciation and healing of their inner children together. all my headcanon but its sweet to think about :-)

smile because we happened and keep on happening

wanted to draw the girls again and it turned into this cool design i think would make a good sticker! should i make this a sticker? would you put it on your water bottle?? i’d put it on my waterbottle!!

 Bueno, este es el último dibujo de hoy, los Zombies con mi tropo favorito, así que siempre tengo un

Bueno, este es el último dibujo de hoy, los Zombies con mi tropo favorito, así que siempre tengo un AU con ellos xD 

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do y'all think anne’s a swiftie? think she’s just sitting at home listening to all too well (10 minute version) and thinking about sasha?

marcy: ok. rule number 1, do not go off on your own. rule number 2, if you do go off on your own, do not go in the woods. rule number 3, if you do go into the woods, never, ever, EVER make out in the woods, or you will DIE in the woods…


marcy: where are anne and sasha

sprig: breaking rules 1, 2 and 3


quiero ver a mis niñas siendo felices ):


the girls on the wall… i weep

Oh fuck I never even noticed!


I finally figured out what Sasha’s huge ass fur Cape is for,,, to keep her gfs safe and warm ;;


Amphibia is great and they are the reason why <3


based on this tweet ab how Marcy makes web comics based on their amphibia adventures and Sasha sees them




The comfort Alex’s drawings gives me is unreal



based on @thisbelongsto-nohbodys headcanon about Marcy’s human mom

(scene: Marcy and Mrs. Wu are on a video call)

Marcy: Mom, I got something to tell you.

Mrs. Wu: What is it, Sweetie?

Marcy:*takes a deep breath* I’m pansexual and am in a poly-relationship with two girls.

Mrs. Wu: Okay. I accept you for all that and love you just the way you are.

Marcy:*breathes a sigh of relief* Thanks, Mom. I was worried you’d freak out about this.

Mrs. Wu: Nonsense, Sweetie. Who you love it of no concern of mine. So when do I get to meet your girlfriends.

Marcy: Actually you met them before years ago.

Mrs. Wu: What?

Marcy: I’m dating Anne and Sasha now.

Mrs, Wu: (starts going on a long tirade about those two girls and how during the year she went missing was their fault)

Marcy:*thinking* And there’s the freak out.



here’s finally boards for ‘Yes or yes’ episode

boarded flashback with Marcy crashing into Anne and Sasha’s prom night
man, what an episode it was
