
We went to the Satanic Temple’s naked ritual to endorse The Witch. More pics and highlights here. We went to the Satanic Temple’s naked ritual to endorse The Witch. More pics and highlights here. We went to the Satanic Temple’s naked ritual to endorse The Witch. More pics and highlights here. We went to the Satanic Temple’s naked ritual to endorse The Witch. More pics and highlights here. 

We went to the Satanic Temple’s naked ritual to endorse The Witch. More pics and highlights here

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Catholics are Anti-Semitic.

From the Catholics that I dealt with in the past, I’ve noticed their hatred towards the Jews. They blame the Jews for the death of Jesus and they demand that Jews should apologize for his death.

As a real Christian, I don’t blame the Jews at all for the death of Jesus. I blame Judas. I have nothing but love & respect for the Jewish community. They have nothing to apologize for. Jesus dying on the Cross was supposed to happen.

There’s also weird conspiracy theories that these Catholics beLIEve about the Jews, such as drinking the blood of Christian children and that synagogues have some sort of torture chamber beneath the synagogue.

Neither conspiracy theories have been proven. Yet they are still pushing these lies about the Jewish religion to this very day. Catholics are very hateful against the Jews and it doesn’t help that some movies about Jesus portrays Jews in a negative light.

There’s even a Catholic who hates The Ten Commandments movie. A movie loved by the Jewish community. I too love that movie and I’m not even Jewish. I think Catholics need to stop hating the Jewish community.

Hate is evil, hate is a sin. Instead of hate, we should love. Instead of being evil, we should be good to each other. Peace be with you.


John Milton

‘For I Do Loath The Uneducated And Rejoice Over The Prophets And Artisans’

The lore and mythology that man constructs fancies His interest as it would the mind of any human, leading me to further believe in curiosity also being a gift, not only to mankind, but to a pleothra of creatures alike. I only hope the library I have accumulated will appease Him and His queer nature.
