#secret keeper


James and Lily Potter are playing with their son in the living room, watching him dart around on his toy broom and anxiously hovering over him to protect his head when he inevitably bumps into the sofa. They watch him lovingly as he gradually slumps in their arms, sleeping sweetly. Lily shushes James as they tiptoe out of the nursery, gently half-closing the door, so just a little bit of warm light peeks through and he won’t be scared when he wakes up. The two drowsily embrace one another before falling asleep themselves.

Harry Potter is sleeping peacefully, with two loving parents - James and Lily Potter, two young people enjoying their married life - because it isn’t the 31st of October yet, and their secret is safe for now.

I’m here to listen!

Dear people of tumblr,

Here’s the thing: I’m a bit lonely and want to talk to someone without you know… going out, cause introvert and all that. So I thought I might make myself useful in the process.

My offer: if you have a secret weighting on your mind, a confession to make, a deep love for a show/movie/whatever that you just HAVE to tell someone, a crush, regrets, or literally just anything under these categories and others —> come talk

If you want advice I can try and give you some, if you simply need to vent I can listen, if you need to fangirl/boy sure let’s go I’ll get on board.

My point is COME TALK AOUT ANYTHING, I promise no judgement, an open mind and no ulterior motive except maybe helping someone in need, someone who would like to talk to a perfect stranger about things they can’t tell their family/friends etc.

This is a SAFE SPACE!

My inbox is open, my fingers are ready to type, my ears are listening, my heart is open. Consider me you secret keeper, your own little psychologist, or stranger to whom you can vent because you’re breaking down.

I’m waiting! :)
