#james fleamont potter

Sirius stared around at the students milling over the grass, looking rather haughty and bored, but very handsomely so

- Sirius Orion Black



“He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed.
“I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately.
“Was he playing with the Snitch?” said Lupin eagerly.

- James Fleamont Potter

Returning the favor ~ J.P.

James is a knight in shining armor for anyone in need of help. Especially students who call in the middle of the night.

Warnings: swearing, alcohol, stalker behaviours (briefly mentioned)

Y/N is crouched over the toilet in the back of the local dive bar. She’s doing her best to keep her balance but between the high heels, the alcohol she consumed and the small surface of the toilet seat, she knows it’s only a matter of time before her foot lands in something she doesn’t want to think about. She’s staring at the screen of her phone, an unknown number glaringly white against the black drop of her dial page. The girl who had been in the bathroom when she rushed in had taken one look at her face and understood the situation and offered this number, stating that it’s a group of guys from uni that are happy to offer their protection to anyone who feels unsafe after the sun goes down.

I don’t need anyone to save me,she thinks but then, her traitorous mind supplies her with images of the man who’s probably waiting for her outside the women’s bathroom. Her thumb quickly presses the green icon.


“James, mate, wake up.”

With a groan, the man in questions stirs, trying to ignore his best friend. He opens one eye, attempting to focus on his surroundings but failing because of the dark and lack of glasses. “What do you want, Remus?”

The other man rolls his eyes, pulling the covers away from James’ body and ignoring the boy’s protests. “Our services are needed.”

Those words make all protests and bad mood evaporate. James sits up immediately, reaching for his glasses and slipping them on. “How long ago?”

Remus smiles at the protective tone his friend’s voice takes whenever this happens. He’s proud of how much James has grown since he’s met him at the tender age of eleven. “Not long, maybe five minutes. I’d go myself but Sirius is pretty sick and you know how he gets…” they share a knowing smirk, pictures of a sick and pouty Sirius filling their minds. “I’d ask Pete but he’s out on a date so that leaves you.”

James is out of bed before Remus finishes speaking, gathering the cleanest clothes he can find littered around his floor. “Where are they?”

“She’s at the Three Broomsticks. Her name is Y/N and she’s locked in one of the stalls of the women’s washroom.” Remus presses on their communal phone’s screen and turns it towards James, “Y/N is the one with the y/c/h and black top. The guy might still be right outside the door of the bathroom. You can either text or call her, hers is the last number that called.”

James nods, pocketing the phone and heading towards the door, “I’ll text you when I’m on my way home.”

“Be careful, Prongs.”

James grins and shoots a wink over his shoulder, “Always am, Moony!”


It doesn’t take long for James to reach the dive bar. It’s nearly three thirty am but being a Friday night, he isn’t surprised to see the area in front of the entrance full of students loitering around sharing fags and laughs. He quickly enters the pub, a cloud of smoke following him and stops for a moment to shoot Y/N a text, letting her know that he’s just arrived and making his way to towards the restrooms.

Thank you so much for coming! The man I’m trying to avoid is tall and bulky and has gray hair and is plain creepy.The response comes in within seconds and James smiles despite the situation at hand. Even though he’s been doing this since his first year, he still can’t comprehend how some people are incapable of respecting someone else’s decision, making them feel so unsafe that they have to call in some stranger to rescue them. Now more than ever, James is glad that he has his act together and that his reputation as a mischievous yet good person precedes him.

It doesn’t take him long to spot the man Y/N was describing and it takes all his self control to not confront him. Ignoring the other man, James slips into the women’s washroom, making sure to lean against the door with all his weight. He hears shuffling from one of the stalls, and trying to be as reassuring as possible, he calls out for Y/N.

A few seconds later, a face pops out from one of the cubicles and James tries to smile reassuringly. Y/N eyes him wearily, “James?”

James nods, “Pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I’m here to escort you home.” He knows that at the best of times, he’s an oblivious wanker but only a blind mind wouldn’t be able to see the palpable relief on the girl’s face when she notices him there.

“Thank you so much for doing this,” Y/N says as she tries to find her footing again, having spent the last twenty-three minutes squatting while in heels makes her unsteady. James offers his hand, letting her grip it tightly as she rises to her full height. “When that girl said that there was a group of guys that always come when you call, I thought she was setting me up.”

James raises his eyebrows, eyes glancing down at their conjoined hands. Girls in these situations tend to stand a few feet away from him, at least in the beginning, still afraid that he was going to hand them over to whomever was harassing them. “Then why’d you call?”

Y/N looks in to his eyes, and James finds himself a bit breathless for some reason. “Because not all men are bad and I need to have a bit of faith in the world.”

James grins, squeezing her hand before letting go. “I’m glad you called. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Y/N tilts her head to the side, studying him for a moment before smiling back. “I believe you.”

James’ grin grows brighter. He pushes himself off the door, “I don’t know if he’s still out there but my plan is to play the part of your boyfriend so that, even if he is still here, he’s less likely to try anything.” Y/N makes a face, one that James has seen many times before. He shrugs, grimacing. “I know. It’s bloody ridiculous that men only back off when a girl is taken. However, tonight we are going to use this to our advantage.”

Y/N nods, wringing her hands nervously in front of her, “How?”

“If you’re comfortable with it, I’m going to wrap my arm around your waist until we’re a few blocks away.”

Once again, the girl nods. She wobbles a bit as she moves towards him, and James gently grips her forearms to prevent her from falling. She gives him a sheepish smile, “I’m normally really good on heels, but between the drinks, the squatting and the adrenaline finally wearing off, these things are death traps.”

James shakes his head, smiling softly at her. “I get it, really. I’ve been so drunk I could barely stand, and I was just wearing flats.”

Y/N laughs, letting James wrap his arm around her waist and tucking her into his side. He lets her lean heavily against his body as they start walking and he gives her hip a gentle squeeze. A reminder that he’s there for her and will keep her safe. With a sigh, she reaches one hand out to open the door and wraps the other one around his waist.

The creep is still there, leaning against the wall across from the door as the two exit and Y/N feels a cold sweat break across her skin. James holds grows tighter as he drops his head so that he can whisper in her ear. “It’s going to be fine. I’ve got you.” She can feel his lips graze her ear even through her hair and the shiver that now runs down her spine is for an entirely different reason.

The man pushes himself from the wall, taking a menacing step forward but James doesn’t let it phase him. He knows what he looks like and he knows how to make himself look menacing. He stares the man down, arm still securely around Y/N but he knows that if he has to, it will take less than a second to push Y/N behind him.

“Can we help you?” James keeps his tone cheery, a fake smile on his lips but his posture and eyes let the whole room know that he is not to be messed with.

“No” is the reply and Y/N finds herself holding on tighter to James.

James’ fake smile only gets bigger, “Grand. Then if you don’t mind, my girl and I would love to be on our way.”

Without waiting for a reply, he quickly escorts the girl out of the hallway, “Keep looking ahead.” He instructs as they push through the crowded pub to get to the exit.

Y/N does as he says and when the cool night air hits her warm skin, she sighs in relief. She’s quick to steer them in the direction of the flat she shares with her friends and James, true to his words, drops the arm from her waist when they make it three blocks from the pub and there is no sign that they are being followed.

They walk in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and it feels as if only a few seconds have passed when they stop before the door of her building.

“Thank you, James,” she turns to look at him, hands wrapping around her stomach as the feelings of the evening start hitting her full force, “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up.”

He grins at her, ruffling his hair before shoving his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. It makes his chest appear larger and he doesn’t miss the way Y/N’s eyes rank his form. He feels blood rushing to his cheeks, “All in a night’s work. Save the number, although I really hope you never need it again.”

A part of him hopes that she does need, if just to see her again.

Y/N nods, placing a hand on his shoulder as she swiftly lets her lips graze his cheek. “Thank you. Have a good night, James.”

“You too, Y/N.”

James watches her enter the building before he turns around and starts the trek back towards his own flat.


Y/N really thought that she would never need to use James’ number again, even though she really wanted an excuse to see him again. There’s something about his reassuring presence and his smile that ties her stomach into knots. She’d love to see him again and get to know him.

Y/N tries not to dwell on the fact that it’s been well over a month and James has most likely forgotten all about her, him being a knight in shining armour and whatnot but a girl can dream. And she does. A lot. Every day. And night.

Y/N really does think she’ll never see him again when, at the end of a closing shift at the small coffee shop on campus, through the glass windows, she can see the same man from the pub hanging around. She almost regrets telling Gideon he could leave early but she knows how much studying he still needs to get done and as freaked as she is, her heart misses a beat at the thought of seeing James again.

Turning off the backroom lights and working on getting the last of the machines cleaned, she ignores the creep as best she can but when she realizes that he doesn’t seem to have any intention of leaving without confronting her, she pulls her phone from her apron and quickly dials James’ number. It only rings a few times before his voice reaches her ears, “‘Lo?”

“James? It’s Y/N.” She sighs in relief at the sound of his voice.

“Oh! Hi!” Y/N fools herself into thinking he’s equally excited to hear from her as she is to call him. “You ok?”

She hesitates only a second but he picks up on it, “Where are you?”

Her shoulders loosen and she feels tears fill her eyes, “I work at the small cafe on campus, right next to the library.”

“Lucky for you, I just got kicked out of the library because it’s closing time.” James chuckles at himself, hitching his bag higher on his shoulder as he quickens his pace. “Are there any customers or coworkers with you?”

Y/N shakes her head, “No, we closed about thirty minutes ago and I let Gid go home early.”

James speeds up, willing his legs to carry him faster, “It’s okay. I can stay on the phone with you.”

Y/N finally lets the tears fall along her cheeks, “It’s the same man as last time.”

James’ steps falter at her admission, the revelation only making him want to get there quicker, “Do you know him?”

“I’ve seen him around a few times.” She admits, moving behind the counter so she has a better view of the door. “He came to the cafe before and flirted with me and other girls but I don’t even know his name. I don’t understand why -”

“There’s nothing to understand.” James cuts her off, having to stop at a red light. He taps his foot impatiently and checks both sides before dashing across the street. “You did nothing wrong and he’s just a creep. I’m only a block or so away. Are you ready to leave?”

Y/N puts the phone on speaker and rests it on the clean surface. “Basically, yeah. I cleaned everything and I’m grabbing my stuff as we speak. All I need to do is turn off the lights and lock up.”

James smiles when he sees the coffee shop, “Grand! I can see the sign so you can go ahead and start turning everything off. I’ll be at the door when you reach it.”

“Do you mind staying on the line until I’m actually with you?” James hates how afraid she sounds. He doesn’t know her and has helped so many students throughout the years, yet something about Y/N makes him feel more protective than ever before.

“Of course not.” He’s quick to reassure her, “I’m here and I see the wanker. Come out whenever you’re ready, love.”

Y/N feels her face heat up at the pet name, and enjoys it much more than she should. Turning off the lights, she rushes towards the door, unlocking it before closing it behind her. She smiles in relief when James comes to stand right next to her, eyes narrowed at the retreating form of the man. Her hands shake as she tries to get the key into the lock and she jumps when a pair of warm hands cover hers. “Let me,” James whispers, taking the keys from her hand. He doesn’t move away from her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he locks the door. Y/N’s shaking and she lets herself be comforted by his warmth. James turns slightly, bringing her in for a hug and Y/N grabs a fistful of his jacket as she starts crying.

“I’m sorry,” she says between sobs, “I’m not usually like this.”

James smiles sadly, rubbing her back and squeezing her tightly, “You have nothing to apologize for.”

They stand like that for a good amount of time: James with his arms around her and soothing words, Y/N with her face crushed against his shoulder as she tries to stop crying. With an arm still keeping her close to his chest, James pulls out his phone and makes a call.

Y/N can feel his chest vibrate with the words he’s speaking but she isn’t really aware of what’s being said. She trusts James. He will make sure she makes it home safely. Both his arms are around her again and she’s finally starting to relax when a car’s horn makes her jump and cling to James even harder.

James doesn’t laugh as she expects him to. He just holds on to her. “It’s just my mate Remus. He’s going to give us a lift. He’s actually the one you spoke to on the phone last time.”

Y/N keeps her face hidden against his shoulder as she mumbles “He is?”

James nods, trying to get her to walk towards the car, “Yeah. Gentle giant really.”

Y/N finally looks up and James smiles sadly at her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, “Don’t let him know that I’m finally admitting this, but he’s taller than I am.”

James is rewarded with her laughter. She takes a step back, wiping her cheeks to rid any evidence of tears, “You keep saving me, I think I can keep this secret for you.”

James grins, gently taking her hand in his as he leads her towards the car idling by the curb. He opens the door for her, letting her settle before sitting beside her. He nods towards his friends in the front seats.

Remus turns around to give her a gentle smile, and if he sees the signs of her breakdown, he doesn’t acknowledge it. “Where to?”

Y/N rattles off her address, relaxing against the seat as the boys introduce themselves. None of them comment on what happened, doing their best to make her laugh and in no time at all, they’re pulling up in front of her building. Just like the previous time, James follows her to the door, patiently waiting as her shaky hands look for her keys in her bag. As she unlocks the door, James places a hand on her arm, making her turn to face him. He just smiles, reaching for his own bag.

Fuck it, he thinks as he reaches for a notepad and pen. Scribbling something on the bottom corner of the first page he opens it to, he rips it and passes it to her. She gives him a questioning look and James blushes. “It’s my personal phone number.” He explains, rubbing the back of his head, “The number you call is an old one and me and the lads take turns with it.”

Y/N smiles, pocketing his number, secretly thrilled. “And why are you giving me your personal number?”

James’ blush seems to intensify but he keeps looking her in the eyes, a lopsided smile tugging his lips upwards, “You seem to have a knack for getting yourself in trouble and well, I figured you felt comfortable enough 'round me.”

Just like last time, Y/N kisses his cheek gently, “Thank you, James.”

He nods, smiling and starts backing away, eyes still on her as she goes to enter her building. She stops when he calls out her name. She turns and sees him grinning at her, hands deep in his back pockets, “If you wanted to text or call even when you’re not in need of saving, I’d be more than happy to hear from you.”

Y/N laughs, returning his grin, “I’ll keep that in mind!”


As much as they’ve been texting and speaking on the phone, Y/N and James have yet to have time for an actual date though both know that’s what they want. Even if they don’t hang out alone one-on-one, James and his friends had started coming to the cafe regularly. They’re friends now, hanging out together, studying as a group. She just wishes she could get some alone time with the guy she’s pining after. They had even taken to walking her home, as well as having her over for dinner and drinks. Y/N had never had a group of friends, always preferring to hang out with one or two friends max, but James and the lads made being around them so easy and natural.

The coffee shop is scheduled to close in an hour and most of the patrons are taking their leave as Gideon starts closing off the machinery, cleaning them in the process and Y/N starts wiping down the empty tables and taking the garbage out.

There are only four tables occupied at the moment: one with James and his friends, one with Gideon’s brother and their friends, and the other two had students finishing up a study group. As Y/N makes her rounds, warning everyone present that they’d be closing shortly, James couldn’t help but stare at her.

“Isn’t she just gorgeous?” He asks dreamily, ignoring his friends’ eye rolls.

“Just ask her out. Put us out of our misery.” Begs Sirius.

This had been the only topic of conversation for the past month and all the boys are fed up with his pining.

“It’s complicated.”

“It’s really not. You like her, she likes you. Go snog her so we can end this endless pining. ” Remus shrugs, earning himself a glare.

“You think I don’t want to?” James runs a hand through his hair, finally glancing away from Y/N. “What if you’re wrong?”

The boys burst out laughing and when James yells that it’s not that funny, tears spring from their eyes as they hunch over the table. Y/N glances their way, a confused expression on her face and James wishes that the ground would swallow him whole. He slides lower in his seat, arms crossed over his chest and cheeks in flames. He was going to get back at them.

Y/N comes by, hugging him from behind and letting her chin rest on top of his messy hair, “What’s so funny?”

James glares at his friends, kicking Sirius in the shin when he saw him open his mouth, “Nothing, love. We were just taking the piss out of James.”

Y/N’s eyes light up, “Can I join?”

James huffs, shaking his head so she’s forced to let go to not get hit, “Fuck all of you.” When he notices the look on Remus’ face, he points one finger menacingly at him, “Not a fucking word, Lupin.”

Y/N giggles, shaking her head, “As amusing as this could be, you lads have to leave. It’s closing time.”

They gather their things between laughter and shoves and as they exit the shop, Y/N hot on their heels to lock up, James turns around to kiss her cheek, “Meet you out front in thirty?”

She blushes, nodding her head, “Yeah, thanks.”

He winks at her, “My pleasure.”


Y/N hates parties. She almost hates them as much as she hates her best friend that had dragged her to said party. That same friend who had promised to stick by her side yet disappeared about thirty minutes after they arrived to get dicked down.

Not that Y/N’s jealous. She isn’t. She just hates parties and she hates standing alone in a corner, sipping her non-alcoholic beverage because she promised to be designated driver. She’s almost tempted to text James, but things have been a bit weird ever since the boys had mocked him at the café the other day.

With a sigh, Y/N looks for a spot where she can sit and scroll mindlessly through her phone until her friend decides she’s ready to leave. I need new friends.She locates an empty spot on the couch when someone throws an arm around her shoulder.

A familiar voice reaches her ears and she turns to stare at James, wide-eyed and confused, “What?”

James smiles at her, though his eyes look a bit panicked, “Just pretend to be my date.”

Y/N laughs but shuffles closer to him, sliding an arm around his waist, “Can I ask why?”

James chuckles, smiling softly at her. “Because my friends are wankers and some bird won’t leave me the fuck alone.” He kisses her temple and relishes in the fact that he can act as he always wants too around her.

Y/N melts into his side, squeezing his side. “Guess it’s finally time to return the favor huh?”

James grins down at her, and he finds himself thanking his younger self for this brilliantly stupid idea of walking drunk students home. He’s about to say as much, ready to shoot his shot when the same girl he was trying to get away from suddenly appears in his line of sight.

Y/N laughs at his pout, making him glare at her, “It isn’t funny!”

Y/N kisses his cheek, enjoying the feeling of it heating up beneath her lips, “You’ve got to admit, it kind of is.”

“All of my friends are assholes.” He mutters and the girl stands in front of them, glaring at Y/N. On her part, Y/N just smiles, snuggling closer to James.

“Can we help you?” It reminds him of the first time they met: James speaking those words to the man that caused their meeting.

The girl smiles fakely, “Am I to believe that you two are together?”

Y/N makes a face, “Am I to care about what you believe?”

The girl says nothing, just eyes them both and glares at Y/N. With a roll of her eyes, she turns under James’ arm and gently places a hand on the side of his neck. James gives her a confused look but before he can ask anything, she’s raising on the tips of her toes and pressing her lips gently against his.

The moment seems to last for an eternity and when she pulls back, James feels his mouth fall open as his cheeks feel as if they’re on fire. “D-did you just k-kiss me?”

Y/N’s cheeks are not fairing much better and she bites her bottom lip, hand still on the side of his neck where she can feel his pulse racing. She nods shyly, looking into his eyes as she smiles gently, “I’ve wanted to for a long time.”

James finally snaps out of his stupor, grinning as he wraps both arms around her and spinning her around, sending her drink flying. They both laugh, and when he finally sets her down, he gently cups her face and kisses her again. And again. And again.

“I’m so glad you did,” he says a bit breathlessly.

Y/N grins, arms wrapping around his shoulders as she starts playing with hair at the nape of his neck, “Are we finally going to have our date now?”

“Name a time and place, love.” James grins and kisses her again.

James is sure that nothing will ever feel top this moment. Well, maybe their wedding day might, but that’s still awhile away.


Regulus Black wears eyeliner

At first, he was really scared to put on makeup, because toxic masculinity but the first time he did it, he ran into James, who did not expect to be dreaming about a certain boy with eyeliner kissing him that night.

And that is how James Potter fell for Regulus Black

i’m coming out as a james kinnie

i thought i was a marlene kinnie but i’m definitely just a lesbian james kinnie

Chapter 2: He blamed himself    read here on ao3 

Chapter two of my fix it fic


Chapter 2: He blamed himself 

He blamed himself. Everyday until the department of mysteries he blamed himself. He blamed others too. Peter, Voldemort, Dumbledore. In fits of anger he even blamed Remus, but that blame never lasted and he laid the blame with himself again.

Thinking of Remus was what almost broke him. They had argued all the time, just as much of his fault as it was Remus’, and in the last few months he hadn’t trusted him and he regretted that constantly, but he still loved the man with all his heart.

From the moment Sirius had laid eyes on the boy sitting in that train carriage he wanted to know him.

For the first few years he had protested in his mind that he just wanted to be friends with him but there was always an inkling that he never thought of Remus like he thought of James. And that had scared him. His family’s prejudices were so deeply ingrained into him that even now, at the age of 22, he still occasionally felt that his and remus’ relationship was wrong.

When he and Mary started dating it had just been to keep James off his back and then Remus had kissed him on his birthday. Sirius remembered the kiss more vividly than anything else. It had been perfect but he was terrified of admitting, even to himself the feelings he had for Remus. And so he had continued to date Mary and started to shut Remus out a little bit.

The next while of him and Remus shagging secretly and then pretending that they weren’t attracted to each other had been torture for the both of them. Sirius had let Remus believe that he simply didnt care about him in that way as a way of trying to convince himself hadn’t worked so he had been unbelievably cruel to the wolf and to himself.

Then in Cornwall when they had admitted their feelings Sirius had felt freer than ever before and even with the war it had stayed that way until James and Lilys’ deaths.

He loved Remus with all his heart. When he wasn’t there it hurt physically and even when the two of them were arguing he never wanted to even think about another person.

He loved Remus more than anyone could ever love anything he thought, with perhaps the exception of Lily and James. The two were perfect together and were perfectly matched. He would never admit it but he was incredibly jealous of the two of them. They had been destined for eachother from the beginning, so unlike him and Remus, and had barely had a minute of hardship in their relationship.And they had yet to be parted. Even in death. Perhaps it was the place he was in but Sirius wished constantly that Voldemort had killed him too and that he wouldn’t have to live without Remus anymore.

Live knowing that Remus hated him so much. And that was what almost broke him. That Remus probably would never learn the truth.


{So after i read all the young dudes i was obviously wrecked and i wanted to change the ending so it didnt hurt as much. I dont think you need to read ATYD to read this (i am kida taking it as canon) but if you haven’t you really should. Anyway the chapters vary in veiwpoint and this one is from Lily’s. Enjoy :) }

Chapter 1 (read here on Ao3. i think i have like four chapters posted now)

She heard the scream from her husband

She had heard the scream from her husband and the cruel words the monster had sneered at him and the flash of green had shone through the entire house but she couldn’t let herself think about it. She would later. If there was a later.

Instead she had to focus on her son.

She held the boy close to her chest, tears streaming down her face, before placing him in his crib.

She could hear the footsteps of the man walking through the house, the charms for changing the layout only slowing down the inevitable.

Her voice shook as she whispered to Harry that she loved him. That his father loved him. That Sirius and Lupin loved him. She was about to say Peter but then realised that he must have given the information to Voldemort. Anyway it didn’t matter now.

She told her son how much he was loved by her and his father and their friends. And how much his grandparents would have loved him. How much anyone who met him had loved him.

Then the door flew open and ‘he’ stood there.

She pleaded with him. Pleaded and pleaded but green light shot towards her and the world went black.

She had visions in that darkness. Visions of her son and her husband. Of her friends and her family. Happy ones to start. Memories of days in Hogwarts spent by the lake. Of days before Hogwarts when tuney had been kind to her and Severus had been a good person. Of her wedding day and the day Harry was born. But slowly they turned darker. Memories of Harry crying. her friends arguing. Of her and James arguing. Meetings about the war. Severus and Petunia cursing at her. Hearing the lists of the dead which had grown longer everyday. Seeing the corpses at the funerals. Seeing Marlene lying so still. Hearing the thud of James hitting the floor.

Then darkness crept in again and she saw nothing more.

When she awoke she couldn’t see anything. She was lying on something hard, perhaps a large rock and there was wind whistling loudly and the sound of waves crashing somewhere near. She shivered and peered into the darkness.

She felt hollow. She hadn’t a clue what had happened and where she was. She supposed she was dead but she felt very cold and she was definitely corporeal as she could feel herself and the rock she was on.

As she waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness she tried to use her magic. No luck. Not that she had expected there to be a result as she had died far away from her wand. Well, had she died?

Lily Potter had always been a quick and logical thinker. One of the things that had set her so apart from her husband and that had held her back when she started liking him was that she would think things through carefully and try and come up with the best solution to a problem whereas James would rush straight into things without giving a second thought to the matter. At first she had struggled with that but had eventually realised that his need to protect his loved ones, that often hindered his thoughts was what would keep them safe during the war. At any rate he wasn’t as nearly so reckless as his best friend. That was something at least.
As she was sitting in the dark thinking about this Lily wondered how Remus could deal with being with sirius. Knowing that the man’s recklessness and impulsiveness had put both of them in danger so often. Yet Remus is always stuck by him.

Thinking of her friends had helped Lily calm down. But then she remembered that her husband was dead and her son probably was too and she melted down into tears.
Light drops of water at first. Just enough to coat her lips with salt before she was sobbing loudly and uncontrollably.

After a few seconds of sobbing loudly someone from somewhere in the darkness asked

“Is someone there?”

She would have recognised that voice anywhere and despite the situation she grinned happily.

“James?” She asked, not caring that he couldn’t be speaking, that he was dead.

“Lils!” James shouted, the relief in his voice obvious. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah. I think so. Nothing really hurts. Are you OK?”

“Yeah. What happened? Where are we?”

“I don’t know darling. But he’s got Harry. I’m sorry I tried to hold him off but he cursed me. I thought I was going to die. I thought…. I thought he killed you” The tears started again as she tripped over her words.

“Darling it’s alright. You did everything you could and obviously I’m not dead.” He joked, a bit of humour in the dank place they were in cheering Lily up immensely.

They tried to find each other by following their voices but they came to the conclusion that they were trapped apart from each other. They tried magic again and again. Spells for light. For letting people know where you were. For help. For heat. Even patronuses but nothing worked. So they gave up and talked to each other through the darkness.
Hours later, or at least what Lily thought to be hours later James drifted off to sleep and she sat in the silence listening to his snoring. She must have fallen asleep soon after and she woke up with a dim light shining through the room.

She could see it more clearly now. Cavernous with tall ceilings and rough walls. There was a gate of sorts at one end of the room,enclosing her. A thin slit in the wall gave way to light behind it and she could hear seagulls screeching over the sound of the waves.

James was awake too and his cell, for want of a better word, faced Lily’s. They were so close. Barely a meter and a half between the two sets of bars and when they stretched their arms through their fingertips scraped each other.

If they strained their ears and tried to listen past the deafening waves they could hear screaming coming from far above them.

Food and water appeared in their rooms three times that day and they ate in silence, so rare for the two of them. So rare that it was just the two of them. Whilst in hiding they had barely a moment together without Harry and before that there were always friends, usually Sirius and Remus spending time with them.

In between meals they talked. They tried to figure out where they were and what had happened to them. They also tried to assure each other that Harry would be OK but neither of them really believed it. However if the unspeakable had happened neither of them would have been able to face it and they both cried themselves to sleep that night.
The next day the sound of the waves disappeared for awhile and the screaming above them stopped as loud shouts and jeers sounded through the hall and cells they were in.

And those shouts were what led James to his theory of where they were.

They were sitting in silence a few days later when Lily suddenly felt very cold and she shivered. Dark memories and thoughts infiltrated her mind and she looked over at James who had started to cry.

Then the feeling was lessened and James jumped up with a triumphant laugh.

“Lils! I figured out where we are!” He said gleefully.


“Azkaban!” He said, the happiness in his voice fading.

“What? How?” She asked incredulously.

“I don’t know how we got here but it just seems the most likely outcome. We know we’re in a castle near the sea. We know that there are other people in this place who are being tortured or something and we both keep on getting periods where we feel terrible. So dementors possibly. ”

Lily didn’t know what to make of this other than admiring her husband’s thought process.

This revaluation didn’t help the two of them much however perhaps it calmed them a little to know where they were and shake off some of the uncertainty.

Over the next few days they could hear more shouting and heckling coming from above but not as loud as from the second day.

And soon days must have passed into weeks and weeks must have passed into months. They tried keeping track by scratching tallies on the walls but they kept on having different answers.

They tried not to think about what might have happened to Harry or to their friends or what was going on with the war and instead they talked about memories. Happy ones usually especially that summer in Cornwall before everything went downhill. As more time passed they were starting to run out of things in their life to talk about so they started making up stories about different worlds.

Months stretched into what must have been years and any hope they might have had at the beginning of escaping or being rescued was scuppered. They had tried hundreds of times to escape but nothing worked and no one had come near them.

At a certain point talking and thinking about their friends was too much and they spoke very rarely of them if at all. They spent most of their time telling stories and surprisingly dancing.

Lily had never been amazing at dancing. Sure she could dance in a party in the gryffindor common room but that was about the extent of her talents. James however had been taking lessons his whole life.

In a suppressed memory, Sirius has taught Lily to dance for her wedding but she had resigned not to think of her friends and that memory had faded.
James taught her to dance in the prison. They would sing songs that they had played on Sirius’ record player in Hogwarts and music they had listened to after school and they would dance to the music together, waiting for when they could hold each other again.

So for years and years, they would tell tales from worlds they had constructed in their heads and they would dance and sing and scream until they fell asleep, their hands stretching towards each other through the barriers.

- has the WORST insomnia

- never sleeps at night but always sleeping during the day

- you will never catch this boy awake in history of magic

- used to chain smoke but when he started dating lily, he stopped because he knew she didn’t like the smell of it

- sirius stopped smoking as well because he didn’t want to tempt james into smoking again

- bisexual king

- until the day he died, he would’ve been completely fine marrying sirius and even in the afterlife

- literally has the BEST friendship with sirius it’s not even funny like everybody is so jealous

- mother hen :’) 

- since he never sleeps at night, he’s always awake at the crack of dawn and is always waking the boys up with him

- “if i don’t see feet on the ground in thirty seconds, i’m opening the curtains!’

- “don’t you make me count to three, mister!”

- “sirius get out of the bathroom, peter needs to pee and he can’t hold it anymore” “you didn’t have to tell him that james!” “we’re all men here, peter, grow up and learn how to tell people you need to pee”

- super smart 

- loves the library but refuses to admit that he does

- once quoted shakespeare at lily and later, she told him it was one of the reasons she fell in love with him

- actually has really good sportsmanship

- like of course he gets super butthurt when he loses anything but he makes sure to tell the other player or players that they did a good job 

- literally the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet

- like he’ll hit your books out of your hands and then help you pick them up

- resorts to physical violence because “it gets the job done faster moony don’t lecture me”

- has punched snape before but only because he called sirius privileged and james was not having it

- has a toad at home

- never told anybody about the toad (her name is cecilia and he loves her very much) so when sirius moved in and saw the toad vibing on his window sill, he flipped his shit

- cecilia pees on sirius every time he picks her up but it never stops him

- james is sure sirius loves cecilia more than he himself does

- when remus and peter find out about cecilia, they also flip their shit

- cecilia becomes the marauders mascot

- lily finds out halfway through seventh year that they have a mascot and it’s a toad named cecilia and teases them endlessly about it

- also has a cat at home

- his name is sandwich (james named him when he was four) and he’s best friends with cecilia

- the potter family owl is named odessa (james calls her dessy) and she hates james but james loves her

- he had a crush on regulus in his fifth year and never told a soul. remus knew but didn’t say anything

- his friendship with remus :’)

- it was his idea to become animagi (he read about it in a book) and it was also his idea for the map

- he did a lot of the charm work on the map

- there were a lot of ‘hypothetical’ questions for flitwick during this time period and flitwick was all too happy to answer them

- took ancient runes and arithmancy from third year to seventh and made an O in both

- took divination in third year with sirius, remus, and peter but he was the hermione in that group

- while remus, sirius, and peter were like ‘alright i can dig it’ with divination, james was getting SO heated about it 

- for the remainder of their school career, he made sure to tell them all the flaws in divination at any chance he could

- lily was super into divination, though, just because she thought it was really interesting and there were too many instances of it being real to be counted as coincidences, and james literally almost imploded when he found this out

- when they heard the prophecy for the first time, james literally stood up and left lmao

- “i’m not believing some bullshit prophecy that tells me my son has to die at the hands of voldemort, lily!” “what if it’s not bullshit” “are you fucking shitting me right now lily”

- only agreed to go into hiding for lily 

- also took care of magical creatures from third to seventh year and also made an O in that

- when they learned about unicorns, the unicorn looked at all the girls in the class and then trotted past and stood in front of james

- james never stopped gloating about this ever

- “sorry what was that? i couldn’t hear you over the sound of being trusted by a unicorn” “a unicorn trusted me minnie why would i ever break the rules like that”

- didn’t actually mind slytherins

- was almost one himself and def wouldn’t have made a huge deal about it because euphemia was a slytherin when she went to hogwarts and he knew they weren’t all bad

- the only reason he never styled his hair was because his dad invented sleekeazy’s. that’s it, that’s the only reason. he did it to spite his dad.

- momma’s boy !!!

- until the day euphemia died, james was not embarrassed to hold her hand as they crossed the street and tell her he loved her

- could not fathom a world without his mother so when she died, he shut down for a good month and a half

- used to actually be afraid to curse

- said his first swear word in fifth year and never looked back

- “what the fiddlesticks” “for the love of all that is holy, just say fuck”

- “f-f-” “yes, you can do it” “i’m nervous”

- fleamont found out that he smoked when he was in his sixth year and he ripped him an entirely new asshole before pulling out his own cigarette and lighting it

- cannot hold his alcohol

- was drunk by the third butterbeer

- was destined to be the chill dad because his dad wasn’t

- yes you heard that right. euphemia was the chill parent. fucking deal with it.

- was an amazing liar purely because of fleamont

- like this boy could lie straight out of his ass the second he learned how to talk

- “james fleamont potter did you break this vase” “didn’t I tell you, dad? the manor’s got a poltergeist!” “we do?!”

- the manor did have a poltergeist but he didn’t know that at the time

- humble rich kid

- his house is huge but so is his heart

- sirius found out his middle name was fleamont when he moved in because fleamont yelled his full name SO often

- james hates that sirius knows his middle name

- sirius loves that he knows james’ middle name

- sirius and sandwich the cat have a silent feud going on that james fuels by privately telling both of them that they’re his favorite

- his actual favorite is cecilia

this got super long but still, feel free to add your own weird james headcanons!

i have decided that i shall kin dorcas meadows because i can so be prepared for dorcas content

Remus: I have concluded that I can’t deal with people stupider than me.

James, Sirius and Peter:

Sirius: But you deal with us.

Remus with tons of empty coffee cups beside him and sleep-deprived eyes: Do I really?

/: An old fic I wrote ehe. I’m a sucker for angst what can I say. Hope you dearies are ok and enjoy!

: Remus Lupin × Reader

: around 3000

: Fluff/Angst

// . .


As I ran along the corridor, late for class, I bumped into someone with a loud ouch.

“I’m so sorry”

“Hey its no problem, let me help you,” a soft voice responded. As I reached for my potions home work, a hand brushed mine.

Remus John Lupin, my rival. The only person who’s intelligence rivaled mine. The person who makes my life living hell. The sweetest gum-drop to everyone, loved by all. However, I’m not “all.”

“Y/N?” he asked, looking at you with those big brown eyes.

“I’m fine Lupin,” I responded as I grabbed my book from his hand.

“At least let me-”

“I said I’m fine.”

He slowly got up, and offered me a hand. I huffed and shoved it as I stood.

“You know I was only trying to help y-”

“I’ll see you in class Lupin,” and with that I stormed off, leaving a very confused boy.

Now you’re probably wondering, what makes one hate Remus Lupin, the sweetest guy, the glory of the marauders. Well let me tell you, not much.


My mother and his were the very best of friends, there by, we became best friends. Every holiday, every weekend, every opportunity we got, we were at the Lupins. Remus and I grew close. He shared his love for reading with me, a love I always had but never felt so confidence to share with him.

From fantasy to romance, I read it all, but I never shared it with him. The vulnerability I felt knowing he’d see what I enjoyed, what I loved, what I wanted, it was too much. His mum told my mum about his “illness.” He thought himself a freak, a monster. He would cry about it, the pain he felt, the embarrassment of scars. To me, he was all but an angel sent from heaven, beautiful and pure.

Before we began Hogwarts, we made a promise to never leave each other’s sides, to remain best of friends, no matter the houses or the circumstances. As it turned out, we weren’t sorted in the same house. Everyone was shocked knowing that studious Remus was sorted in Gryffindor while me, odd-ball and awkward, was sorted in Ravenclaw. At first we were both shocked, but we kept the promise.

Until one faithful day.

Now while I never shared my love for reading with him, I did share everything else. My love for baking, knitting and potions, you name it, he knew. We shared our darkest secrets with each other. He shared his insecurities about his scars, and me my insecurity about being “fat.” We made plans to open a book/tea shop, he would supply the books and I the tea, obviously. He knew everything about me, except for my reading and I knew everything about him. And for that, I loved him, but he never loved me.


In the beginning of the first year in Hogwarts, in the middle of a potions class, we were presented with amortentia. Why we were presented with such a complex potion at such a young age, I couldn’t tell you. Perhaps Professor Slughorn was feeling cheeky. I smelt him in it.

I smelt the soft worn out pages of the books that he read, I smelt the roses he always grew, his chocolate he always carried and something entirely him. After class, we met at the lake, our place where we’d meet and study. As I approached him, he seemed really tired, as usual, and something I thought I never imagined he would posses, anger, raw and bitter anger.

“Hey Rem, you alright?” He turned to me with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

“Rem oh Gods, whats wrong?” I rushed towards him and slowly wiped his tears away.

“Talk to me, please,” I asked softly while I wiped all evidence of tears.

He looked up at me, those beautiful kind eyes, eyes that held so much emotion but always the best ones.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he said batting my hands away.

I awkwardly fixed my glasses, “Okay well whenever you’re ready, you want to start studying for our potions exam?” I began to unpack my bag when he got up, fuming.

“You know what, yeah I do want to talk about it” I sat up, completely confused.


“Y/N how is it, the one person, the one person who hates reading, detests it, passes every exam without fail? And not just passes, but tops every class. How?”

I sat there gaping, “Well I-”

“Don’t lie to me, don’t you dare.”

I stood up, a feeling of anger consuming me. “What do you mean Remus? I study just like you, just like everyone.”

He grunted and groaned, “Stop lying to me,” he screamed, “I read everyday, I study all the time, and yet you, you get all the awards, all the academic glory”

I felt myself begin to heat up and tears begin to form, tears I begged not to fall.

“What do you want me to say Remus? That I cheat? That- That I use spells to make me remember? Is that what you want to hear?”

He stared at me, his gaze hardening.

“I’ll give you one chance, and one chance only, tell me the truth.” I step back, gaping, confused.

“I already told you Remus, I do the same as you, I study.”

He looked to me and said in a tone I never believed he could conjure, “Fine, if that’s what you want to tell me, don’t talk to me at all.”

“Remus you can’t be serious.” The tears I tried my best to hold, began to spill furiously as his words made me crumble.

“Y/N, I don’t ever want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to study with you and I sure as hell-”

“I smelt you in the amortentia today,” I blurt surprising myself.

“You what?”

“I smelt you, the chocolate, the roses, your books,” I say sniffling.

He laughed, a cruel sarcastic laugh, “Oh really? Me? You must be joking?”

I stared at him, confused and hurt.

“You think I’d ever smell you, or like you. Y/N you’re bloody lying to me, I could never like, or for that matter, love someone as hideous as you.”

My eyes began to gush now. How dare he? The one person I trusted, my best friend.

“Remus you don’t-”

“Oh but I do,” he said while he picked up his bag and looked at me.

“What about our plans?”

He looked to the school, “I could never work with someone like you Y/N, I’ve never disliked someone as much I dislike you now.”

He began to walk to the school,

“Remus wait I-”

“Leave me alone forever Y/N, and don’t come here anymore, I have other plans here, plans that don’t include you.”

With that, he walked away, leaving me, my tears streaming, my glasses foggy and my heart broken.


So you see, I never really hated him, but I obliged to his wishes. We never met again, he hung out with his friends, James and Sirius and Peter. As for me, I hung out with the first person I spoke to in Hogwarts, Andromeda Black. Now, Andromeda and I are two very different people, but we shared a love for potions . She knew of my love for reading, she saw me reading on my first night at Hogwarts. We became quick friends, and she soon became my best friend. She’s like a sister to me, but I never did tell her about Remus.

After I left Remus on the corridor, I ran and met Andromeda in potions.

“Hi dearie, saved me a seat?” She laughed and moves her bag.

“Students, please note, today we will be brewing potions in pairs,” the class sighs, “pairs that have already been chosen.” I sighed loudly.

“Cmon its not that bad, you could be paired with that cute Hufflepuff guy.”

We laughed softly. Remus and another guy ran in and swiftly sat down. Professor Slughorn began to call the list of pairs.

“Andromeda Black and Xenophilus Lovegood,” with that Andromeda groaned and got up.

“Y/N Y/L/N and Remus Lupin,” and my mouth fell open.

Remus came to my seat and we began to collect and prepare the potion. No one knew the potions name, only its ingredients. However, these ingredients seemed familiar but it never clicked. I felt his eyes stare through me.

From the first year to the fifth year, my body didn’t really change, I still remained a “fat girl” but hey I grew some boobs. Does he still think I’m hideous, I thought. I shook my head and we worked in silence.

“So how are you Y/N” he asked softly.

Those beautiful innocent eyes stared right through me. Nope, not happening.

“I’m fine Lupin”

“Quite the tumble you took today, I-”

“Let’s just finish this okay?” He shook his head and we worked in silence.

He seemed, nervous? Sad? Distressed was the word. After finishing the potion, we all gathered at the front. Dread began dawn on me as I fit the puzzle pieces together.

“Now, who can tell me the name of this potion hmm?”

“Amortentia , sir,” I said in a soft voice.

“And Y/N can you tell me what happens when you smell this potion?”

“You smell things that you love sir,” I answer shakily.

“Very good Miss Y/L/N, please, do us the honours of smelling the potion first.” Dread filled me, but I still walked towards his desk. Please, I silently beg, please.

“Well Y/N what do you smell?” I inhaled the the aroma.

“I smell- I,” I gulped, “I smell roses, chocolate a-and books.”

Professor Slughorn applauded

and awarded Ravenclaw 20 points and I return to my original place. I felt his eyes on me, but I only felt pain. After four years, how can I? As class is dismissed I began to rush outside, but he grabbed my hand.

“Y/N please wa-”

“Let go of me Lupin”

“Y/N, please I-”

“Lupin let go of me,” I heard my voice break with emotion. He heard it too and let me go.


Later that evening, at the brink of dusk, I sat in my room reading. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, a favourite of mine, and one of Remus’ too.

I sighed and stared out the window. Its been four years Y/N, pull yourself together. Those four years were one of the most brutal years. Thank goodness for Andromeda, without her I’d be so lost and defeated.

After that day where Remus and I fought, he moved on well, he was constantly surrounded by his friends and well I, I was alone. I spent my time helping Madam Pomfrey.

I learnt how to conjure spells to fix injuries and how to fix bones and so on. Although Remus and I stopped speaking, I never told anyone about his “illness,” but I did help make the potion to control it, Madam Pomfrey taught me how to.

He didn’t know this either, not that he’d care or want to talk to me or- Pull yourself together Y/N, he forgot about you, he kept his promise and you did too. I sighed and began to turn in for the night, my mind racing.

To say I avoided Remus for the next week was an understatement, I ran from him. I spotted him the corridor, I ran the other way. Saw him in class? Sat away from him. Saw him in the library or lake? I’d be gone before he could say quiditch. It hurt, but I needed to do it, our last conversation played in my head over and over again. I couldn’t bear his venom again, but I missed him, but could I manage without him? Hell yes.


On the Sunday that week, I walked down the stair well of my common room, wearing a fluffy sweater and cozy joggers. It was exactly midnight and I’d gone avoiding Remus perfectly.

The heavy monsoon of October interrupted my sleep, but otherwise the school was sound. I crept down and checked for anyone. No one, lovely. Now I know what you’re thinking, Y/N what on earth are you doing? Its bloody midnight. Well, I’ll tell you. I was going to read. Due to my hectic schedule and lack of free periods, I spent most of the day working. But at night, it was the only time I read. I grabbed my wand and made my way to the library, my footsteps muffled by the pitter patter of the rain.

As I reached the library, I sighed in relief. No hiccups on the way, thankfully. However, the scent of chocolate lingered in the air. I tensed but brushed it aside, he was here today Y/N, I said to myself. I shook my head and began to search for a new book.

I gently tapped my wand against a lantern and held it. Tonight was a mellow night, I wanted some excitement, a bit of comfort. I sighed, laughing to myself as I grabbed Pride and Prejudice from the bookshelf.

I made my way to my reading nook, a cozy little spot, very hard to find, between the ends of the furthest bookshelves. As I read, my eyes became droopy. Five minute won’t kill me, I convinced myself. As my eyes grew heavy and began to shut, a loud crash jolted me awake.

Who on this bloody earth would be in the library at this hour, I thought to myself. I extinguished the lantern and hid between two bookshelves. I held my breath and counted silently as I heard footsteps approaching. I exhaled slowly as I heard them fade away slowly. I stood up and sighed, picking my book from the ground, making my way back to my nook. Or I would have, if it weren’t for the hand that grabbed me.

I spun around and was promptly shoved against the bookshelf, a warm lean body pressing into my cold soft one. They covered my mouth but I saw no hand, their other hand trapping my hands above my head. They slowly removed their hand from my mouth, and removed their cloak. The warmest brown eyes, eyes filled with emotions I’ve only read about, met mine.

“Remus,” I exhaled in a mix of shock, hurt and relief.

He stared at me, those big thoughtful eyes watching my every move. He took his hand and fixed my glasses that slipped down.

“Hi Y/N,” he said softly. My heart caught in my chest and my throat felt thick with emotions.

“Let go of me Lupin,” despite me being a larger girl, Remus was still stronger, by a lot.

“Cmon Lupin, let me go, I’ll leave and you can have your private time,” I begged looking into those beautiful hazel eyes.

“If I let go,” he whispered softly, his breath tickling my ear, as he leaned in,“will you let me talk for a minute?”

My heart hammered, “Yes.” He slowly let go of my hands and stepped back. I sighed with relief, and then shoved him and ran.

I ran out the library, down the hall. I heard him calling my name but my tears that streamed my face answered why I couldn’t stay. After four years, I never did stop loving my- the big goof. I reached the end of the corridor and ran onto the lawn, a stitch forming in my right side. I gasped as I felt myself begin to freeze in the cold rainy night. Bloody twit used a hex on me. He approached me with a vigor and I stared at him, tears streaming, and my heart hurting.

“What the hell Remus, let me go,” I gritted as I tried to move. He took my wand away and held it.

“Look, I just want to talk, I’ll let you go but please, please listen to me,” he pleaded.

How could I ever say no to that beautiful boy? I nodded as best as I could and he unfroze me, my wand still in his hand.

I stared at him, my tears flowing in torrents, just like the rain,

“What do you want Remus? I did as you asked, I left you alone,” I shout over the boom of thunder. He looks at me and I saw tears flowing down his face too,

“Tell me the truth Y/N”

“Remus I di-”

“No Y/N, tell me why you wake up every night, why you sneak off to the library every night.”

“I-Remus b-”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice cracking, “You made everyone believe you were uninterested, bored by reading. You lied to me,” I sobbed.

“I didn’t want you to-”

“To what Y/N to judge you?” he stepped closer to me as the rain and soaked our clothes.

“To what, think you a nerd? Like me?”

“No I-”

“Y/N is that really what you think of me, well than-”

“I lied because I couldn’t let myself be vulnerable around you,” I say as I sob looking away, “Remus, I- I didn’t want you to see what I liked or what makes me cry, or angry or happy,” I sniffed as thunder boomed, making us both jump.

“Then why did you tell Andromeda?” I gape at him, “Yeah why?” I felt my anger build up,

“She found me reading one day Lupin, I don’t have to explain myself to you,” I huffed as I began to walk away.

“I smelt you, in the amortentia,” he admitted, his voice thick with emotion.

“In our first year, I smelt you,” he said, stepping closer to me,“I smelt green apples, like your perfume, cookies, like what we baked, and books. Books.”

I stood staring at him but he continued.

“I smelt you but you never told me about how you read, why you’d come to class tired, or why you stayed up all night. I thought you trust me Y/N”

“I did Remus and I do,” I cried, “I just couldn’t afford to be vulnerable around you.”


“Because I love you Remus,” he stared his mouth ajar,

“I’ve always loved you Remus, I love that you trust me, that you showed me everything, your likes, dislikes, loves, hates, the good and bad.”

The thunder boomed but I continued,

“I didn’t tell you because I was scared Remus, it felt like sharing a piece of my heart with you, and I didn’t know if I wanted to share so much, knowing that you didn’t love me.” I sobbed miserably as tears flow slowly down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry Y/N, I never meant to hurt you,” he cried stepping closer to me,“I know what I said that day, and I’ve never forgiven myself for it,” he said as be wiped his eyes, the thunder rolling.

“I’m sorry and I know I hurt you, I thought you hated me,”

“Remus I-”

“I thought you hated me and preferred Andromeda to me.”

“Rem, you were my best friend, and I loved- I still love you,” I admitted, defeated, “I didn’t want to show you everything, I didn’t want you to hate me.”

He held my hands and intertwined our fingers,

“How could I hate you when you’re my love?” he asked, as he crashed his lips to mine.

My eyes widened but I slowly melted into his embrace. He dropped my hands and pulled me in gasping softly. His hands wrapped around my waist and mine, tangled in his chocolate locks. I never felt such passion, such emotion, emotions I only read about. I felt tingling sensations stretch across my body but his touch soon soothed it.

He pulled away slowly, both of us gasping for air.

“I’ve always loved you Y/N,” he said as he pulled me close, his hands wrapped around my waist,“I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m so-,”

I silenced him kissing him softly,

“It’s okay Rem, I would have probably gotten mad too,” I said sniffling.

He chuckled stroking the small of my back. “Well, I think of a way I can make it up to you.”

“Oh?” I sniffled as I look at my beautiful boy.

“Y/N, you are the love of my life, I love, love, love you,” he held my chin and and makes me look up at him. Raindrops and tears mixed and fell down both of our faces.

“Be my girlfriend, and maybe one day-maybe one-,” I kiss him and he sighs, relieved.

“Yes Rem, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

He hugged me and kissed my forehead. We held hands and walked in the rain, talking and laughing.

“So how on earth did you know that I read in the night?” I asked him.

He laughed and pulled us into the corridor, sopping. He showed me the marauders map and explained it.

“I’m sorry I spied on you,” he apologized blushing. He held my hand and led me back to my common room.

When we reached, I turned to him.

“Thank you for the walk Rem, I’ll see you in class today?”

He smiled his signature gorgeous grin,

“How about we skip today?” I laughed and I kissed him,

“Whatever you want Rem, Whatever you want.”



James, with the invisibility cloak on: Bless you





Sirius: Where’s the pony I asked for 5 years ago?


Sirius:…what are you doing?

James, with ducklings following him: they finally accepted me as their leader.

James: Look! Pads! Lily and I are wearing the same sweater, we’re matching! It’s a sign!


Remus: Look Casanova, for the fiftieth time, we are wearing UNIFORM.

Remus: Merlin, it’s so bloody obvious that James is still smitten with Lily after all of this time but she’s completely oblivious! How can people not see what’s right in front of them?

Sirius: *wearing a ‘Please date me, Remus’ shirt* Haha, yeah. Funny that, isn’t it?-

James: *rushes into dorm* Guys, I have a plan - but I need someone to help out!

Sirius: I went last time.

Peter: So did I.

James, Sirius, Peter: *all turn to Remus*

Remus: Damnit, wait no, I - can, can we spin the wheel instead?

Sirius: *spins makeshift cardboard wheel with all of their names on* It landed on Remus!

Remus: *already out the door*


James: Well, I guess if Remus REALLY doesn’t want to do it, I’ll take SOMEBODY ELSE.

Remus: *head peeks around door* Rea-

Sirius: *manhandling Remus* Got him!

James: Woohoo! Let’s go!

Remus: Ugh, I should have hung out with Evans.

Ginny: *pulls a successful prank on Harry*

James: I’m so bloody proud, our Harry really won out with that girl.

Lily: Again, not the criteria most people would use to praise their daughter-in-laws.

Sirius: But valid nonetheless. *high fives James without looking up*

Lily: *to Remus* Can you believe these idiots?

Remus: Haha, I know right. *softly high fives Sirius as Lily turns around*

Lily: *still facing forward* I heard that.


Remus: Hey, I think we have a problem.

Sirius: What? The fire?

Remus: What fire?!

Sirius: You know what, forget it. Your problem sounds more interesting, I’m all ears.




Remus: *under breath* Did you accidentally start a fire with Prongs again?


Remus: *sigh of relief*

Sirius: This time it was Evans’ fault, mostly.

Lily: *frantically grabbing fire extinguisher from wall* Snitch!

James: Hey Moony, what colour are Sirius’ eyes?

Remus: The colour of the clearest sky emerging from the gentle dawn, the calmest ocean by the flinty shore; sparkling sea foam - magnetic and alluring, powerful and bright - bubbling over with pure energy and light.


Remus: I said grey.

Remus: *sitting quietly, probably reading a book*

Sirius: Merlin’s Beard, how could someone even be that ADORABLE?! OUTRAGEOUS. Ugh.

Remus: *proceeds to literally not move a muscle*

Sirius: *to James* You see what I have to DEAL with EVERYDAY?! It’s unbearable!

James: Mate, you can’t stop talking about him; just ask Remus out, I’m sure it can’t go that badly.

Sirius: Fine! Well, I’ll, I’ll see what the people have to say about it! *turns to group* Do you think I sh-?

Marlene, Dorcas, Peter, Alice, Frank, Lily, Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, the Fat Lady, Mrs Norris, Nearly Headless Nick, the Giant Squid:YES.

Sirius: *crying* BUT IT’S SCARY.

Remus: Where have you been?! I was worried sick!

Sirius: *soaking wet* James and I decided to fight the giant squid because she stole his lunch, but we tried to do it wearing his invisibility cloak - long story short: that didn’t work, we lost the cloak and then we spent three hours trying to fish it back out with the squid attacking us.


Remus: Sirius, love of my life, sun to my moon, yee to my haw, what the actual fuck?

Sirius: *blushing* I’m the love of your life?


James and Lily Potter are playing with their son in the living room, watching him dart around on his toy broom and anxiously hovering over him to protect his head when he inevitably bumps into the sofa. They watch him lovingly as he gradually slumps in their arms, sleeping sweetly. Lily shushes James as they tiptoe out of the nursery, gently half-closing the door, so just a little bit of warm light peeks through and he won’t be scared when he wakes up. The two drowsily embrace one another before falling asleep themselves.

Harry Potter is sleeping peacefully, with two loving parents - James and Lily Potter, two young people enjoying their married life - because it isn’t the 31st of October yet, and their secret is safe for now.

James: Stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will” to become a happier person.

Remus: I will I wasn’t a werewolf.

Sirius: I will I had a good family.

Lily: I will my sister wasn’t such a bi-

James: And thaat’s enough sharing for today, folks.

James: Guys, we should really go out to Hogsmeade - it’s been ages! Pads, are you free after we get out of detention with McGonagall on Sunday?




James: Excellent! I’m not!



James: Have fun on your date!

Remus: Wait, did he really just…?

Sirius: *mouthing to James* Thank you.


Sirius: Remus’ hair looks so nice today.

James: Sure, mate.


Sirius: Merlin’s beard, his eyes are stunning - there’s like this ring of blue on the outside and it’s kind of brownish in the inner ring.

James: I never noticed.


Sirius: Tall people are just objectively way more attractive, you know?

James: Remus is tall.


random really pretty Hogwarts girl: Would you like to go to the dance with me?

Sirius: Thank you so much for the offer, but I’ll have to pass.



Sirius: James, I’ve never said this to anyone before, but I think I have a crush on-


Sirius: Wait, how?

James: How would you tell your crush that you like them?

Remus: Easy, I wouldn’t. I’ll just hold all my feelings right here *gestures to chest*, then one day I’ll die.

Sirius: So, you have a crush then?




After full moons, Remus was a wreck, he was lethargic, sore all over, and red from the new bruises and scars he had acquired through the night.

  • Oftentimes, he’d try to make it through lessons the next day, cloth bandages seeping with blood as he stumbled up and down the stairs, assisted by James and Sirius when his legs gave way. Halfway through he’d have to stop; by then a migraine would kick in, or his limbs would ache so greatly when he moved them that they would go numb and limp. Sirius always made sure he sat next to Remus in classes, so when it ended and the other students had left, he could discreetly carry him over to Madam Pomfrey. Remus would thank him apologetically, slumping in the bed as aches and pains continued to plague him. He could never conceal his frustration with the fact that he’d ‘given up’, announcing he would be fine by tomorrow. Peter would always smile in agreement, “Of course Moony, just rest now.”
  • Sometimes, he’d be so tired that nothing could wake him - and in the morning the Marauders would quietly get ready, leaving their dorm floor clear so he wouldn’t trip, and make sure some water and chocolate were placed by the bed - so if he woke up alone and unable to go to the kitchens at some point in the day, he’d have something to nibble on. Although James would reassure him, “Mate, you don’t have to leave the bed - don’t worry about anything, we’ve got you.” He’d still stumble out to do his homework, and on rare occasions, Sirius would discover him slumped over his desk, overcome with exhaustion. Remus would awaken - mysteriously back in his bed - tucked in cozily with Sirius sat beside him.
  • The other Gryffindors were always curious as to how James and Sirius could possibly be hungry enough to take spare food back to the dorm, but the house elves knew to leave a plate and utensils so Peter, James and Sirius could empty the contents of their stowaway dinner onto it and deliver it to him.
  • When it was really bad, Remus wouldn’t wake up until the middle of the night following his transformation; but he always awoke to a drowsy Sirius - with a cushion propped up by the bedside table and and a hand outstretched clasping his. “What are you doing awake at this hour?” He would whisper, combing his tense fingers through Sirius’ dark mane, to which Sirius would mutter something or other about a homework he hadn’t done or a book he was reading: Sirius was a terrible liar. Every single time, Remus would insist: “Pads, I’m fine, stop waiting up for me like this. I need you to sleep and not worry.” Sirius would nod his head, “Okay, okay - I promise.” - but he’d never stop, not even in Azkaban - where he’d perch anxiously by the cold window, staring at the full moon.
  • The Marauders would always delegate Remus’ classnotes and homeworks, which he hated, and always tried to cram in the week before his transformation to save his friends the trouble of completing all his work for him. James had unofficially decided to cover Transfiguration, Arithmancy and Potions, Sirius helped with Ancient Runes (though it was admittedly his worst subject), Charms, Divination and DADA, and Peter would pitch in with Astronomy, History of Magic and Herbology. Professors would occasionally receive identical homeworks with the same handwriting - but knew better than to inquire further: McGonagall had already chatted to teachers about leniency for Mr Lupin.
  • While Remus was resting in the hospital wing or the dorm, McGonagall would arrange to meet with the other boys: “How is he doing, Mr Potter?” “Have a biscuit, Sirius.” “Mr Pettigrew, I have spoken to Professor Sprout, about your recent absence of homework and ensured she will be more understanding of the situation in the future.” “So, I don’t have detention on Saturday?” As she watched them trail off to check on their friend, she couldn’t stop the smile that softened her serious demeanour. “Alright, Minerva?” Dumbledore would quip, pulling a lemon sherbert from his pocket. She’d smirk, “I have a reputation to uphold, Albus.” and promptly return to her usual affairs.

Sirius: If you aren’t someone the muggle church would have killed 300 years ago, are you even living?

James: Uh Pads, you do realise that we’re all witches and wizards, right?

Remus: *raises eyebrows* Perhaps he’s referencing something else.

James: I suppose I do have the slight tendency to be a bit hyperactive at times.




Sirius: A bit?

Professor McGonagall: At times?!
