

Ik I run a Star Wars account but does anyone know why there are so many Harry/Voldemort fics on AO3??

Like what is going on there, it’s one of the most common tags in the fandom.

To whom it may concern,

By the time you read this I will be dead, my only hope is that you expose the greatest dark wizard of our time and destroy his horcrux, in the hope that he will one day meet his end.

Harry Potter thought he had learned all of Albus Dumbledore’s secrets the night before the Dark Lord fell, but the believed to be deceased wizard had shared his biggest secret with nobody, except his friend and noted dark wizard Gellert Grindlewald. The desire of the two young men to ascend to positions of ultimate power and overturn the statute of secrecy did not wane as they grew older, but rather intensified and grew in malevolence. Both men desired the Deathly Hallows in the belief that they would grant them immortality. However, they both knew that there could only be one master of death, and so Dumbledore educated Grindlewald on the subject of horcruxes. After much argument and deliberation it was decided that Gellert would have the Hallows and Albus would have horcruxes. Now all that was needed was a sacrificial victim and a vessel to contain the soul fragment. I do not know what the vessel is. I can only speculate that it may be the phoenix Fawkes, or perhaps Dumbledore made the vessel a completely random object, so that it may never be round. The identity of the horcrux aside, the choice of victim must have been an easy one.

After the funeral of Arianna Dumbledore, Grindlewald and Dumbledore went their separate ways. This was of course part of the plan but the two men were in nearly constant correspondence. The Hallows remained to be found, and it is likely that during the years they spent apart, resentment began to grow between the pair. Grindlewald’s frustration at not yet achieving immortality caused him to act rashly and eager to prove his power, he began his string of murders. Meanwhile Dumbledore was living up to his status as head boy and had secured employment at Hogwarts within a few years.  It wasn’t long before he set about concealing the horcrux books under the false pretence of protecting students from their contents. His real plan was to prevent any other student from following in his footsteps and posing a threat to his ascent to power.

The resentment between Dumbledore and Grindlewald must have reached its peak when Gellert announced himself as a dark lord and began to gather a significant 
following independent of Albus. This was not part of the plan and Dumbledore must have assumed that Grindlewald did not want to share power. Urged by the international magical community and no doubt by his own fury at Gellert for betraying him and had obtaining the Elder Wand without informing him, Dumbledore challenged and beat Grindlewald in wizard combat. Now he had a horcrux and one of the hallows, and was soon offered the post of Headmaster at Hogwarts which he gracefully accepted.

Dumbledore was offered the position of the minister of magic on many occasions and would have accepted, if it wasn’t for the one man who posed a threat to his sole dominion. Dumbledore had often suspected Tom Riddle of attempting to access the horcrux books during his time at Hogwarts but had grossly underestimated Tom’s ambition and magical prowess. Eager to maintain his favorable opinion in the eyes of his fellow wizards Dumbledore fought against Lord Voldemort as best he could, and was among those praised the highest when Voldemort was ‘defeated’ in 1981. Voldemorts downfall was not good news for Dumbledore who strongly suspected that Riddle had made horcruxes and this meant his plan to seize control was again delayed. 

You will of course be familiar with the story of Harry Potter. He was and still is a good man and righteous to the core. What made it easy for Dumbledore is that good men are predictable and easy to manipulate. It had been nearly eighty years since Dumbledore created his horcrux and his greed in obtaining the resurrection stone meant that his horcrux would be put to the test. When Harry Potter met with Dumbledore 'inside his head’ on the day Potter was 'killed’ little did he know Dumbledore had been inside him since the previous summer. When Dumbledore’s soul had been ripped from his body by Severus Snape it latched onto Harry Potter much like Voldemort’s had when he had failed to kill Harry back in 1981. When Voldemort destroyed his seventh, unintentional horcrux he did not destroy Dumbledore who was using Harry as a host body not as a horcrux, much like Voldemort used Quirrel. 

The rest of the story remains uncertain. But what I do know is that the recent strain of attacks on muggles and muggle-borns is because of the direct or indirect actions of Albus Dumbledore in whatever form he is taking. I have scoured the Forbidden Forrest for the resurrection stone but it is gone. The portrait of Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts has been vacant for ten years. It is the only portrait of Albus Dumbledore in existence which suggests to me that Dumbledore has returned to a physical body once more.

It occurred to me that these facts were not absolute proof of his return. That is why I searched Dumbledores tomb this evening. A body was there, but it’s nose was not broken and it’s hand was not withered. It was not the body of Albus Dumbledore. I can only imagine that in the time Dumbledore spent separated from his body he forgot the minor details that a historian like myself would not. There is no recorded event of the tomb being penetrated other than when Voldemort took the Elder Wand. Everyone on the wizarding world regarded Dumbledore as a hero and would have no reason to disturb his tomb. The only explanation, is that Dumbledore returned to his original body and left a doppelganger in it’s place. 

As you may not be aware the cloak of invisibility was stolen from Albus Potter during his first year at Hogwarts, and the perpetrator was never caught. Having seen his father disappearing under the cloak on many occasions I am familiar with the shimmer of the cloak as it is thrown over the body. Upton my return to Hogsmeade I witnessed this same shivering just outside of the Hogshead pub. I heard screams from the pub, I thought I heard 'he’s dead, Dumbledore’s dead’. This of course was in reference to Aberforth Dumbledore. Then I saw it, a withered black hand, as though floating in mid air, it was pointed at me. Then a face appeared, it was horrible but distinct, the eyes glowed red in the darkness, the eyes of a soul torn in two. It was Albus Dumbledore. At that moment I knew, I knew the truth of things. Before he could strike me down I disaparated to my home and began writing this letter.

I suspect I shall be murdered before the night is over. But if you are reading this then I implore you to stop Albus Dumbledore. I am sorry for the crudeness of this letter and that I could not be more helpful. Knowing Dumbledore’s ability, his ascent to power would be even more great and terrible than that of Lord Voldemort or Gellert Grindlewald. He must be stopped.

Yours in Faith,


17th December 2017

To whom it may concern,

By the time you read this I will be dead, my only hope is that you expose the greatest dark wizard of our time and destroy his horcrux, in the hope that he will one day meet his end.

Harry Potter thought he had learned all of Albus Dumbledore’s secrets the night before the Dark Lord fell, but the believed to be deceased wizard had shared his biggest secret with nobody, except his friend and noted dark wizard Gellert Grindlewald. The desire of the two young men to ascend to positions of ultimate power and overturn the statute of secrecy did not wane as they grew older, but rather intensified and grew in malevolence. Both men desired the Deathly Hallows in the belief that they would grant them immortality. However, they both knew that there could only be one master of death, and so Dumbledore educated Grindlewald on the subject of horcruxes. After much argument and deliberation it was decided that Gellert would have the Hallows and Albus would have horcruxes. Now all that was needed was a sacrificial victim and a vessel to contain the soul fragment. I do not know what the vessel is. I can only speculate that it may be the phoenix Fawkes, or perhaps Dumbledore made the vessel a completely random object, so that it may never be round. The identity of the horcrux aside, the choice of victim must have been an easy one.

After the funeral of Arianna Dumbledore, Grindlewald and Dumbledore went their separate ways. This was of course part of the plan but the two men were in nearly constant correspondence. The Hallows remained to be found, and it is likely that during the years they spent apart, resentment began to grow between the pair. Grindlewald’s frustration at not yet achieving immortality caused him to act rashly and eager to prove his power, he began his string of murders. Meanwhile Dumbledore was living up to his status as head boy and had secured employment at Hogwarts within a few years.  It wasn’t long before he set about concealing the horcrux books under the false pretence of protecting students from their contents. His real plan was to prevent any other student from following in his footsteps and posing a threat to his ascent to power.

The resentment between Dumbledore and Grindlewald must have reached its peak when Gellert announced himself as a dark lord and began to gather a significant 
following independent of Albus. This was not part of the plan and Dumbledore must have assumed that Grindlewald did not want to share power. Urged by the international magical community and no doubt by his own fury at Gellert for betraying him and had obtaining the Elder Wand without informing him, Dumbledore challenged and beat Grindlewald in wizard combat. Now he had a horcrux and one of the hallows, and was soon offered the post of Headmaster at Hogwarts which he gracefully accepted.

Dumbledore was offered the position of the minister of magic on many occasions and would have accepted, if it wasn’t for the one man who posed a threat to his sole dominion. Dumbledore had often suspected Tom Riddle of attempting to access the horcrux books during his time at Hogwarts but had grossly underestimated Tom’s ambition and magical prowess. Eager to maintain his favorable opinion in the eyes of his fellow wizards Dumbledore fought against Lord Voldemort as best he could, and was among those praised the highest when Voldemort was ‘defeated’ in 1981. Voldemorts downfall was not good news for Dumbledore who strongly suspected that Riddle had made horcruxes and this meant his plan to seize control was again delayed. 

You will of course be familiar with the story of Harry Potter. He was and still is a good man and righteous to the core. What made it easy for Dumbledore is that good men are predictable and easy to manipulate. It had been nearly eighty years since Dumbledore created his horcrux and his greed in obtaining the resurrection stone meant that his horcrux would be put to the test. When Harry Potter met with Dumbledore 'inside his head’ on the day Potter was 'killed’ little did he know Dumbledore had been inside him since the previous summer. When Dumbledore’s soul had been ripped from his body by Severus Snape it latched onto Harry Potter much like Voldemort’s had when he had failed to kill Harry back in 1981. When Voldemort destroyed his seventh, unintentional horcrux he did not destroy Dumbledore who was using Harry as a host body not as a horcrux, much like Voldemort used Quirrel. 

The rest of the story remains uncertain. But what I do know is that the recent strain of attacks on muggles and muggle-borns is because of the direct or indirect actions of Albus Dumbledore in whatever form he is taking. I have scoured the Forbidden Forrest for the resurrection stone but it is gone. The portrait of Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts has been vacant for ten years. It is the only portrait of Albus Dumbledore in existence which suggests to me that Dumbledore has returned to a physical body once more.

It occurred to me that these facts were not absolute proof of his return. That is why I searched Dumbledores tomb this evening. A body was there, but it’s nose was not broken and it’s hand was not withered. It was not the body of Albus Dumbledore. I can only imagine that in the time Dumbledore spent separated from his body he forgot the minor details that a historian like myself would not. There is no recorded event of the tomb being penetrated other than when Voldemort took the Elder Wand. Everyone on the wizarding world regarded Dumbledore as a hero and would have no reason to disturb his tomb. The only explanation, is that Dumbledore returned to his original body and left a doppelganger in it’s place. 

As you may not be aware the cloak of invisibility was stolen from Albus Potter during his first year at Hogwarts, and the perpetrator was never caught. Having seen his father disappearing under the cloak on many occasions I am familiar with the shimmer of the cloak as it is thrown over the body. Upton my return to Hogsmeade I witnessed this same shivering just outside of the Hogshead pub. I heard screams from the pub, I thought I heard 'he’s dead, Dumbledore’s dead’. This of course was in reference to Aberforth Dumbledore. Then I saw it, a withered black hand, as though floating in mid air, it was pointed at me. Then a face appeared, it was horrible but distinct, the eyes glowed red in the darkness, the eyes of a soul torn in two. It was Albus Dumbledore. At that moment I knew, I knew the truth of things. Before he could strike me down I disaparated to my home and began writing this letter.

I suspect I shall be murdered before the night is over. But if you are reading this then I implore you to stop Albus Dumbledore. I am sorry for the crudeness of this letter and that I could not be more helpful. Knowing Dumbledore’s ability, his ascent to power would be even more great and terrible than that of Lord Voldemort or Gellert Grindlewald. He must be stopped.

Yours in Faith,


17th December 2017

Out of context thing about the second-hand Voldemort doll I got.

“I have experimented; I have pushed the boundaries of magic further, perhaps, than they have ever been pushed — ”

“Of some kinds of magic,” Dumbledore corrected him quietly. “Of some. Of others, you remain … forgive me … woefully ignorant.

For the first time, Voldemort smiled. It was a taut leer, an evil thing, more threatening than a look of rage. “The old argument,” he said softly. “But nothing I have seen in the world has supported your famous pronouncements that love is more powerful than my kind of magic, Dumbledore.”

Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places,” suggested Dumbledore.


Gellert: “Kill me, then, Voldemort, I welcome death! But my death will not bring you what you seek… there is so much you do not understand…“


Albus: “That which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to comprehend. Of house-elves and children’s tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing.”


At last he said, ‘Grindelwald tried to stop Voldemort going after the wand. He lied, you know, pretended he had never had it.’

Dumbledore nodded, looking down at his lap, tears still glittering on the crooked nose. ‘They say he showed remorse in later years, alone in his cell at Nurmengard. I hope that it is true. I would like to think he did feel the horror and shame of what he had done. Perhaps that lie to Voldemort was his attempt to make amends … to prevent Voldemort from taking the Hallow …

‘…or maybe from breaking into your tomb?’ suggested Harry, and Dumbledore dabbed his eyes.

Death’s got an Invisibility Cloak?“ Harry interrupted again.

"So he can sneak up on people,” said Ron. “Sometimes he gets bored of running at them, flapping his arms and shrieking…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows / J.K. Rowling


I have always enjoyed the Harry Potter series, but this book is definitely the saddest of them all, but also the most inspiring. Too many of the characters die, including my favourite- Fred Weasley! The film misses out quite a few parts but it also adds in bits that aren’t from the film. 5/5

Death Eater 1: I think I know why the Dark Lord doesn’t want us to use his name.

Death Eater 2: What are you on about now?

Death Eater 1 : I was talking to my french cousin. Apparently, ‘vol’ means flight and 'mort’ is death. His name is basically 'Flight of Death’.

Death Eater 2: Be quiet! Someone might hear you!

Death Eater 1: Who names themselves 'Flight of Death’? Teenagers, that’s who. No wonder he doesn’t want anyone using it. I’d be embarrassed too.

Death Eater 2: Would you shut up! You’re going to get us killed!

Death Eater 1: I wonder if he also regrets the Dark Mark - skulls and snakes, he definitely wasn’t going through a phase…

Death Eater 2: If anyone asks, I don’t know you.

Death Eater 1: I didn’t even want to be here! Don’t worry, if we get in trouble I’ll just get a toddler. It’ll probably work even better than a baby …

cyber-logic:Happy Disney Ending. This is the best edited version of the photo you will find anywhe


Happy Disney Ending. 

This is the best edited version of the photo you will find anywhere. Courtesy: Me. I gave Ralph Voldy’s nose and put Harry’s glasses on Dan. :-P

Original photo: http://imgur.com/uvOHVNq.jpg

Reblogging this because I updated the image recently, and now Dan is wearing Harry’s glasses in this photo. XD

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Lord Voldermis

A biopsy of a region of skin-that-shall-not-be-named (dermis/hypodermis junction shhh), complete with nerves, vessels, sweat glands and hair follicles.


by @nejiby

The Dark Lord and His Forces on Flickr.“The Dark Lord and His Forces” photographer- @chr

The Dark Lord and His Forces on Flickr.

“The Dark Lord and His Forces”
photographer- @christajnewman
Time/Place- Dragon*Con 2011

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