


Jewish amateur brass band in southern Ukraine, 1936

Problem is, the British were restricting Jewish immigration into israel - keeping the exiled European and Arabian and North African Jews from returning to their indigenous homeland.

So the Brits in essence caused the death of many hundreds of thousands if not millions of trapped diaspora Jews.


Very recently, a senior IRG Iranian terrorist was killed. The Iran Regime is all in a tizzy, as you can imagine, grasping at straws. After significant gumshoe detective work, Iran has released the name and picture of the person they believe to be the assassin: Tamar Rabinyan, an Israeli citizen. Only problem is, Tamar Rabinyan (the person pictured) is an Israeli actress on the IsraeliTV series (on Apple TV)  called “Tehran.” Her real name is Niv Sultan. 

She can come assassinate me tonight! 

Great article by my friends at White Rose magazine. This digital periodical that debunks old myths, got its name from a group of German college students during World War II, in the heart of Nazi Germany, made the sober decision to speak out against Nazi policies during a time of chaos. They were known as the White Rose Society, and the university students were eventually executed by the Nazi regime. This magazine is dedicated to their memories.


The Jewish community, however, is a distinct ethnoreligious group with diverse membership (like other Middle Eastern/North African-MENA communities), which is regularly targeted by extremists for both their religious and perceived racial differences. There is an undeniable double standard with a movement that contends Linda Sarsour is representative of an oppressed person of color, while at the same time collectively identifying Jews, or at least Ashkenazic Jews, as “white” and even more incredibly, as bastions of whiteness. This position is not only regressive; it ignores thousands of years of Jewish history, denies the experiences of the Jewish people as a nation, and it aids the campaign of those who ultimately seek the delegitimization of Hebrew or Judean self-determination. Setting aside for the moment that “race” itself is an ideological construct, this regressive characterization of Ashkenazic Jews ignores that every Middle Eastern and North African ethnicity (Arab, Amazigh, Copt, Jewish, Assyrian, etc.), as well as most Latino communities, is composed of members who, based on appearance alone, could “pass” for any number of races in the American racial identity chart.

Great article by my friends at White Rose magazine. This digital periodical that debunks old myths, got its name from a group of German college students during World War II, in the heart of Nazi Germany, made the sober decision to speak out against Nazi policies during a time of chaos. They were known as the White Rose Society, and the university students were eventually executed by the Nazi regime. This magazine is dedicated to their memories.


The Jewish community, however, is a distinct ethnoreligious group with diverse membership (like other Middle Eastern/North African-MENA communities), which is regularly targeted by extremists for both their religious and perceived racial differences. There is an undeniable double standard with a movement that contends Linda Sarsour is representative of an oppressed person of color, while at the same time collectively identifying Jews, or at least Ashkenazic Jews, as “white” and even more incredibly, as bastions of whiteness. This position is not only regressive; it ignores thousands of years of Jewish history, denies the experiences of the Jewish people as a nation, and it aids the campaign of those who ultimately seek the delegitimization of Hebrew or Judean self-determination. Setting aside for the moment that “race” itself is an ideological construct, this regressive characterization of Ashkenazic Jews ignores that every Middle Eastern and North African ethnicity (Arab, Amazigh, Copt, Jewish, Assyrian, etc.), as well as most Latino communities, is composed of members who, based on appearance alone, could “pass” for any number of races in the American racial identity chart.


“Shiloh, Bethel, Hebron, Bethlehem, so much of the Bible was recorded in Judea and Samaria that the world now calls the West Bank.”

Rabbi Gimpel said that everyone who’s a part of his community, Naveh Daniel, is a believer.

‘Every single person in the community believes in God, believes in the Bible, lives by the Bible.’

“You won’t find a town anywhere in the world where the entire town is dedicated to God, where the entire village will be religious believers,” Jeremy Gimpel proclaimed, saying that these are people who love God, fear God and live by the law of God.

“And it’s that place in particular, the West Bank, that is under the most attack from all of the nations of the world.”

“It’s that place that’s our mandate from the Bible, where all the events of the Bible were recorded in. That’s the place that the world wants to take away from the Jewish people and hand over to the Muslim terrorists,” Jeremy Gimpel explained.

So what is it about the West Bank that the world wants to take it away from the Israelis?


“Shiloh, Bethel, Hebron, Bethlehem, so much of the Bible was recorded in Judea and Samaria that the world now calls the West Bank.”

Rabbi Gimpel said that everyone who’s a part of his community, Naveh Daniel, is a believer.

‘Every single person in the community believes in God, believes in the Bible, lives by the Bible.’

“You won’t find a town anywhere in the world where the entire town is dedicated to God, where the entire village will be religious believers,” Jeremy Gimpel proclaimed, saying that these are people who love God, fear God and live by the law of God.

“And it’s that place in particular, the West Bank, that is under the most attack from all of the nations of the world.”

“It’s that place that’s our mandate from the Bible, where all the events of the Bible were recorded in. That’s the place that the world wants to take away from the Jewish people and hand over to the Muslim terrorists,” Jeremy Gimpel explained.

So what is it about the West Bank that the world wants to take it away from the Israelis?

Don’t forget the ancient ancestors of the Palestinian people – the palestinasaurus.

Don’t forget the ancient ancestors of the Palestinian people – the palestinasaurus.

One of the biggest, most stubborn and costliest untruths of our time is the notion that the jihad waged by Arabs in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza against Jews in Israel is a national struggle of an indigenous people for independence.No matter the facts, the lie persists to the tune of billions of dollars in international aid and political prestige, which makes it increasingly difficult for anyone involved to admit that the whole thing is nothing more than a propaganda stunt.Unlike the fairy tale of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, everyone pretends to be blind and deaf when it is pointed out that the emperor is naked. In fact, if the emperor himself were to stand up and yell, ‘I am naked folks, go home!’ the crowd would go on complimenting his non-existent garments.Last week the naked emperor did just that:“Before the Balfour Promise, when the Ottoman rule [1517-1917] ended, Palestine’s political borders as we know them today did not exist, and there was nothing called a Palestinian people with a political identity as we know today”, historian Abd Al-Ghani admitted on official PA TV on November 1.“Since Palestine’s lines of administrative division stretched from east to west and included Jordan and southern Lebanon, and like all peoples of the region [the Palestinians] were liberated from the Turkish rule and immediately moved to colonial rule, without forming a Palestinian people’s political identity.”In 1917, says this Arab historian on official PA TV, there was no such thing as a Palestinian people. This statement amounts to saying that the whole narrative of an ‘indigenous Palestinian people’ was made up at a later point in time.As Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad speaking on Al-Hekma TV said in March 2012: “Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians…”There is a reason, why the “Palestinian National Museum” is empty of historical artifacts.The Arab historian’s admission corroborates the observations of 19th century travelers to the region, who notably had no specific political agenda when they visited, unlike so many visitors to Israel today:”Outside the gates of Jerusalem, we saw indeed no living object, heard no living sound”, wrote French poet Alphonse de Lamartine about his visit in 1835.”The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population.” wrote British Consul James Finn in his 1857 description of the Holy Land.”Palestine sits in a sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that withered its fields and fettered its energies. …Palestine is desolate and unlovely….It is a hopeless dreary, heartbroken land.” wrote American author Mark Twain in his description of his visit in 1867.Nevertheless, the Arab propaganda machine gets away with publishing fantastic falsehoods, such as this one on the Palestinian Authority’s tourism website: “With a history that envelops more than one million years, Palestine has played an important role in human civilization. The crucible of prehistoric cultures, it is where settled society, the alphabet, religion, and literature developed, and would become a meeting place for diverse cultures and ideas that shaped the world we know today”.The international community not only approves of these falsehoods, it happily pays for them.Historian Abd Al-Ghani’s declaration on PA TV was a historic, highly newsworthy admission that ought to have made the headlines everywhere, considering the importance the issue is given by political leaders, diplomats, the media and other establishment figures all over the world.After all, if the Arabs themselves admit that the ‘Palestinian people’ is an invented entity, should not the consequence be that the countless UN projects, billions of dollars in international aid, and the endless campaigns against Israel cease and be used for more noble purposes?The answer is yes, but no one is paying attention.We live in a post-factual world. Facts no longer have any currency, unlike feelings and ideological posturing. The truth has been reduced to a troublesome inconvenience and if it happens to stare you in the face, nothing could be easier than closing your eyes or simply looking away.


“Nakba” means 5 Arab armies trying to “throw the Jews into the sea” failed & a Jewish state survived.

There should be a Congressional resolution that recognizes the real Nakba, the catastrophe of five Arab countries attacking the State of Israel on the day it was created, in order to murder every Jew there, rather than accept a partition plan to create their own Palestinian State

Antisemitic Arab worker in Israel desecrating an an Israeli flag in the town of Akiva and posting on Tik Tik.

It may be time to formerly expel anyone exhibiting this kind of antisemitic, anti-Israel behavior. They don’t deserve the freedom and civil rights that Israel offers all citizens, rights that don’t exist in the Arab world.


Antisemitic Arab worker in Israel desecrating an an Israeli flag in the town of Akiva and posting on Tik Tik.

It may be time to formerly expel anyone exhibiting this kind of antisemitic, anti-Israel behavior. They don’t deserve the freedom and civil rights that Israel offers all citizens, rights that don’t exist in the Arab world.


When the modern state of Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, it was immediately attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

Why wasn’t Israel attacked by “Palestine”? Because no such country existed. It was created by Arafat (an Egyptian) in the mid 1960s.

When the modern state of Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, it was immediately attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

Why wasn’t Israel attacked by “Palestine”? Because no such country existed. It was created by Arafat (an Egyptian) in the mid 1960s.
