

House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus), male, from a banding. Jerusalem Bird Observatory (JBO). 21.10.21

House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus), male (left) and female (right), from a banding. Jerusalem Bird Observatory (JBO). 14.10.21

House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus), male, from a banding. Jerusalem Bird Observatory (JBO). 14.10.21

House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus), female, from a banding. Jerusalem Bird Observatory (JBO). 14.10.21

A finch-like bird with a white throat, chest, wing patches, and crescent under its eye, a tan underside, black band across its chest, and dark grey bill and legs perches on a slanted branch in front of grasses, against a light green backgroundALT

May 18, 2022 - Morelet’s Seedeater (Sporophila morelleti)

Found from southern Texas through eastern Mexico to Panama, these seedeaters live in grasslands, savannas, and shrublands. They eat mostly seeds and insects, usually foraging in flocks in low vegetation, or sometimes on the ground, in bushes, or in low trees. Frequently breeding in small colonies, females probably build the small cup-shaped nests from grass, small twigs, rootlets, plant fibers, and other materials in shrubs or large weeds. While females likely incubate the eggs alone, both parents feed the chicks.

Just some lazy doodles of EJ and Seed
