#seeking arrangement


Oh I bet

Seeking is starting to look like a damn circus with all these clowns

March 10th 2020


Hey guys!

First update of the new year here!

It’s been too long again, but even when I’m not posting I’m still on here seeing all your guys’s messages and posts- happy it seems like everyone is doing well! ❤️

Just returned to my home state after having been in New York this past week! Spent majority of the time finishing putting up decorations in my new apartment. (Had it leased in October of ‘19, and it was only my third time staying there. Man when I say I’ve been busy, I’m not even playing ).

Didn’t do anything too fun while up there, truthfully been avoiding the general population as this corona health scare continues. Now I’m not one for perpetuating hysteria, but there have been confirmed cases in the state so better safe than sorry was my thinking.

Besides, my HW kept me otherwise busy safely indoors pouring hours into research and typing. Yay, lol.

Found out stagecoach and coachella might be getting postponed now too because of the virus??? (Do any of y’all also go to these music festivals as well?) Apparently within the next 48 hours a decision is to be made, but talks of rescheduling until October are on the table. It’ll be a bummer for sure, but for the public’s health I get it ‍♀️

In light of all this going on, I wanted to make a master post for the cleanest way to travel! Compiling tips and reminders for a safer way to use public spaces like an airport or train station, as well as the hotel rooms you stay in!

MUST HAVES for general travel:

-Hand sanitizer

-disinfectant wipes/ disposable plastic bag to place these items once used in.

-travel size lysol

Additional items during times of mass sickness:

-disposable gloves

-disposable masks

Airport/Plane Sanitation Tips:

1.) Always, always, always carry travel size hand sanitizer. This should be on your person, attached to your carry on, or purse, is a good spot.

2.) Sanitize your hands often. Especially after using one of the touch screen ticket kiosks, handling the bins you push your belongings through security in, also if you touch the handle rail on the stairs/escalators.

3.) Disposable gloves are not a bad option to have on hand either. Are these a necessity? Certainly not, but in times of mass virus spreading, ensuring your own health through any measures available is the right thing to do.

4.) Use the aforementioned disinfectant wipes to wipe down the handles of your airplane seat and tray.

5.) Also use the disinfectant wipes if your seat has a touch screen TV option in front of you.

6.) Those magazines in the seat pocket have been touched by everyone and their mom, don’t even think about it bring your own to look through!

7.) Disposable masks. Secure a box and hang on to them! Did I wear a mask the entire time I was at the airports this past week? YES. Even while on the plane. (Now do I normally do this? No. This tip is for times like now with Corona being on the rise, not necessary in events of normal travel.)

- if you don’t want to wear a mask the entire time you’re in the airport, consider wearing one at least in times of being stagnant near large groups of people. Like in lines at security, baggage claim, and while boarding on the ramp. (You could keep your mask on while sitting on the plane until you confirm you don’t hear people in the vicinity coughing or sneezing too.)

Hotel Sanitization:

1.) Now, obviously you should only stay at a hotel or Airbnb that you feel comfortable in, one in which you trust that their cleanliness is up to par- you can confirm this by researching and reading their reviews before booking!

2.) Upon arrival, wipe down any common surfaces with Lysol and/or disinfectant wipes.

- Places to consider: door knobs, tv remotes, light switches, ac/heat control panel, faucet knobs, coffee machine buttons, and room telephone.

3.) Inspect the bed sheets for any damage or stains. Bringing your own linens is always a good clean option as well! If I have the space for a change of sheets I’ll pack them, but at the very least I bring my own pillow cases every single time!

4.) Peel back the fitted sheet and examine the mattress for bedbugs or signs of them. Alert management right away if you spot dried blood stains, or anything suspect, which will almost never be the case in a reputable hotel- but worth a check nonetheless!

5.) Before using the shower, squirt shampoo in the tub and run the water on hot for a minute to decrease the number of germs where you’ll be standing, even if the bottom of the tub looks clean- DO IT ANYWAY. Laying a spare bath towel on the shower floor and standing on it for the duration of your wash is always a good way to eliminate likeliness of contact with any biofilm or fungus.

6.) Never touch the drapes. Forever haunted after reading a whole article about how statistically they’re one of the most likely yet overlooked place to trap a lot of debris and allergens, subsequently allowing germ build up over time.

7.) It’s best to limit direct skin contact with the carpet and furniture. Wear socks or slippers while walking around, and be fully clothed when sitting on chairs or the sofa.

8.) Don’t forget to show your hotel bathroom some love. Disinfecting the toilet seat and flusher should always be priority!

A lot of these may be common sense, but I’m sharing the reminders because I care, and being sick is absolutely no fun. If sounding like a broken record keeps even just a little bit healthier, than I’m cool with being thatguy

It’s important to remember that your chances of contracting the Corona virus, or any viral infections are very slim. This is statistically proven of course. But your chances are even lower when practicing good cleaning habits. It’s not “doing too much” when your health is on the line ‍♀️


I’ll be making a new post very very soon! So stay tuned for a more interesting update babydolls!

In the meantime, I hope you all of you have had an amazing start of the year thus far. Here’s to 2020 bringing all of you an outpouring of wealth, love, health and happiness throughout all of its remaining days.

Talk soon!



Update: December 4th, 2019


Hey Babydolls!

(December already, holy shit. )

Hope everyone who celebrates thanksgiving had a lovely holiday, and I hope the rest of you have been enjoying the transition into this beautiful season of winter and holiday lights!

Just returned back home to the us from Paris this morning, jet lagged and stiff from the flight, but happy to be back home in bed with a big mug of coffee and a blunt.

I’ve been to France several times before, but it’s always been a dream of mine to vacation over there during the holiday season- and it was as amazing as I had assumed. The lights everywhere illuminate the already glistening city, truly a magical sight to see.

My SD and I had a wonderful trip, didn’t get into anything too crazy, no parties this time lol. Laidback days and lowkey nights, a nice change of pace for relaxation purposes! My SD did meet up with some former classmates twice during our trip, so it was nice to do a little exploring alone. (Do any of you guys do this as well? Venture out on your own while in foreign places without your SD present? I know we are all grown ass adults who don’t need to be chaperoned- but there’s definitely a safety risk at play here. I was thinking about maybe doing a post of safety trips while going on solo missions- would anyone be interested in this? Just curious! )

Anyway, before I left for my trip I received some exciting news- I WILL BE WORKING WITH CHANEL IN THE NEW YEAR! Finally heard back from them after the interviews, I have a month of education training with them, and then I’ll be starting my position come 2020! WOOHOO


Yesterday as I was waiting for my plane to take off, I asked you guys to send questions on over about anything you wanted to know or needed help with in relation to being a SB.

I received two reoccurring questions from a lot of you guys that I definitely wanted to touch on, because I remember sharing these concerns.

“How do you handle being looked at and judged by other people while in public with your SD?”

I get it, this happens a lot more than what’s probably necessary but- *excuse my french* fuck ‘em.

Seriously. Concerning yourself with the judgements of strangers is a waste of energy and time, as I promise you someone’s silent judgement will have no effect on you if you do not let it.

Besides, people can be staring for many reasons, maybe you look hot as hell and they can’t help but admire you shamelessly- who knows ‍♀️

For all anyone knows you could be at dinner with your father, grandfather, friend, neighbor hell even your boss. But it’s certainly no ones business but your own!

Trust me, anyone whose staring isn’t going to even remember doing so in the next 3 hours after they’ve moved on. They aren’t going to dwell on it, you shouldn’t either. Chances of seeing nosy nancy and stares a lot susan again are very slim anyway.

If being looked at and sensing a feeling of judgement stirs up an anxiety within you however, let your SD know you aren’t comfortable with public displays of affection- without PDA you aren’t fueling any stares or suspicions from onlookers. Mentioning you prefer private and more intimate venues to spend time together in will also cut down on the amount of people you will be around.

But let me reiterate, fuck em. Do not let someone without a designer bag and savings account make you feel bad about anything, lol. Flash them a smile, give them a wink that says kiss my ass for good measure as well- they’re the ones who should feel bad diverting their energy into passing judgements onto a total stranger minding their own business and hurting absolutely no one.

“What’s the right way to ask for a gift/ tell my SD what I want for Christmas?”

I’m all for being direct all the time, if possible! Most SDs are very busy, whether that be with work or other obligations- so beating around the bush isn’t productive for either of you.

If he asks, which hey he might if he’s the type to give gifts anyway, tell him exactly what you want and do not hold back Send pictures, links, anything to make it an easy process and ensuring you’re receiving exactly what you’ve asked for.

Now if he hasn’t brought this up just yet, initiating the conversation innocently can definitely be an option as well!

Mentioning you’ve gotten him a gift will absolutely make him feel more obligated to return the favor, and he will likely appreciate the sentiment that you thought of him and included him in your holiday shopping.

Now this gift doesn’t have to be anything particularly extravagant; new cologne or even a new lingerie set to put on for him are good options.

As is the case most times, brining up the things you want is the best way to receive them.

“It would just absolutely make my Christmas if I got that new balenciaga bag I’ve had my eye on.”

“This holiday season has been so wonderful, the only way it could get any better is if I had a pair of yves st.laurent boots under my tree.”

It’s not too hard to work these into a conversation naturally, and it’s an eloquent finesse to lead someone into being inclined into fulfilling that wish for you.


With the holidays around the corner, and winter break for all my fellow students, there’s a lot to be excited about.

But this time of the year isn’t easy for everyone, please remember you are not alone if you feel this way. ❤️ Coming from the former foster care kid who lost their fiancé last year- I understand what this family centered holiday season can feel like when you are alone. Feel free to reach out anytime, I love meeting and chatting with other SBs on here!! Don’t isolate yourself, try to enjoy the wonders of this season in any capacity you can allow yourself to do so- you deserve this kind of happiness!

Asking Santa to bring you all wealth, health, and an abundance of positivity! ❤️☃️



Hey babydolls!


At the airport running around like crazy due to a gate change, but wanted to jump on here for a quick PSA.

Check out the message above, this scam was a new one for me! I’ve never heard of the website “payrollz” previously, but upon further investigation I found that in order to request the “$200 allowance” the above guy mentioned, I would have to provide my banking institution, USERNAME and PASSWORD. This has big ugly scam attempt all over it!

It’s almost 2020, I know all my sugar baby loves out there know to NEVER provide your personal bank account information to anyone, but this is a sneaky way for a scammer to indirectly get you to do just that.

As these scam artists evolve and try new ways to take advantage of us, we need to spread the word and stay one step ahead of them!

Reported this user on SA, but feel free to message me for his uncensored username.

Hope everyone is in good health, and that all your bank accounts are looking extra thick
