#sekaiichi hatsukoi



Yokozawa, at his desk after being caught kissing Kirishima at work: I’m gonna kill myself.

Henmi: Come on, Yokozawa-san! Look on the bright side of it!



Yokozawa: Well? What’s the bright side of it?

Henmi: Oh. I didn’t think so far.

Shjr characters as things said at my work place this week part 3

Kisa:*lets out a breathy moan*

Onodera coming around the corner:*Stares at him*…

Kisa looks up with handful of chocolate halfway to his face:Uuuuhhh

Onodera:*proceeds to act like he didn’t hear anything*

Takano:I’m going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on. No more games

Onodera:I’m always straight

Kisa:You weren’t last night

Isaka:I’m going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on. No more games

Onodera:I’m always straight

Takano:Oh man, that’s the biggest lie you ever told

Kisa:Hey Takano, wanna hear a joke?


Kisa:Why did the chicken cross the road?


Kisa:To get to the idiots house on the other side


Kisa:Knock knock

Takano:Who’s there?

Kisa:The chicken



Takano:I won’t punish you on one condition

Kisa:What is it?

Takano:Go tell that joke to Yokozawa


Yokozawa: look, last night was a mistake.

Kirishima: a sexy mistake.

Yokozawa: no, just a regular mistake.

Sihjr characters as things said at my work place this week pt2

Kisa bumps into a shelf infront of Onodera:Shit


Kisa:Oh, I’m sorry

Ritsu:No its okay

Kisa:I probably hit the shelf because I must’ve been distracted by your gorgeousness

Sihjr characters as things said at my work place this week (with a few changes)

Yukinas friend:Used a whole cart just for a box, thought it would be more

Yukina:Shut up

Friend:Just one box

Yukina shows wrist in a brace: Shut up

Friend: ha really

Yukina:I will beat you up, the professor would probably let me

Friend:Go ahead. My mom would also probably let you


Usami:Yeah that skirt’s pretty sexy

Aikawa:Yeah i would wear it-



Kisa:Come on just one more round of drinks

Onodera laughing:No means no kisa, no means no

Kisa:Pretty please with cherries on top

Onodera sighing:Fine


Aikawa:Good morning Misaki, how are you?

Misaki:Im okay, how are you?

Aikawa stressed laughing:I’m here aren’t I?


Takano:Work as a shoujo manga head editor, it’ll be easy they said. Easy my ass


Hiroki:Oops sorry almost hit your head

Usami:Ooh you almost hit my head. Would’ve gave me a concussion

Usami muttering under breath:A hit on the head means a concussion, a concussion means a visit to the hospital, a visit to the hospital means a day off

Usami:Lets try again! Come back! Hurry hit me! I’ll stand still

Yokozawa:*grabs Kirishima by the collar*Say you’re sorry!

Kirishima:I’m sorry!

Yokozawa:And what are you sorry for?!

Kirishima wailing:For saying you’re aggressive!

Takano:Do you think twins ever compare dick sizes to see if they’re the same?

Yokozawa:I hate you

ramen-roaches: Takano smokin to calm da nerves,, his ceo bf is busy @literally-ritsu Hehehe!!!! Isaa


Takano smokin to calm da nerves,, his ceo bf is busy @literally-ritsu

Hehehe!!!! Isaac Ilysm and I love him he’s just chillin, little does he know Ritsu fell asleep at his desk again

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Why Takano deserves love/forgiveness: an essay

Takano is a jerk and a menace but I love him and in this essay I will-

First of all, the boy has literally had a shitty life since his early childhood so let’s cut him some slack. Okay? Cool. Yes his backstory is rather ‘generic’ so, from a media consumers perspective, I can see how people can dismiss him as a cliche. But as a person? Who also grew up trapped in a household where the parental figures would have caused so much less damage to themselves and the child if they’d just bitten the bullet and split up? That shit leaves a fucking lasting impression. It’s a miracle he was able to fall in love at all after that bullshit. It fucks you up. It gets in your head and it stays there. Saga’s desire to crush Ritsu’s rose colored glasses are a grade a example of what that kind of shit can do to you. He didn’t even consider that Ritsu was serious, at first. Because the only love he ever had exemplified to him was unhealthy and suffocating and I understand why he would want no part of it. It’s a defense mechanism. By the time he was seventeen, his parents had already basically abandoned him. He’d only had himself to depend on for years. It’s honestly impressive that he’s as much of a functioning member of society as he is. And all of this is not me saying he’s perfect. He screws up a lot and he’s pushy and demanding because that’s what he had to become to survive. And he especially screws up a lot when it comes to Ritsu. This isn’t done out of malicious intent or self servingness. He just literally has no idea what he’s doing. He doesn’t know what a healthy relationship is. And that’s not Ritsu’s fault and it still isn’t fair that he gets caught in the crossfire so often, but seriously, the miscommunications happen on both their parts so many times that it’s actually painful. There are two people in their relationship, and yes, the power imbalance complicates things, but so does everything else. Takano and Ritsu have history. Ritsu isn’t just some employee that Takano likes to harass. Ritsu is the first person he ever actually let himself fall for and I can’t imagine how it must have felt to have gotten literally kicked in the face for it without really knowing why. And then, ten years later, he finds out it was all just because of a misunderstanding? I’d be pissed as hell too, but he got over that fairly quickly, all things considered, and told Ritsu he had no plans of letting him go again. Very concerning and possessive I know, but consider, they’re meant to be actual people with actual feelings and if I thought I’d lost someone I loved for the rest of my life and then all of the sudden they got dropped into my lap, I’d cling too tightly too. And throughout all of this, everyone seems to forget every single instance where he’s tried to communicate with Ritsu and is given just enough of a more positive mixed signal to keep him going. He’s impulsive. He’s pushy. He’s an ass and a prick and immature in a lot of ways. But he’s not a monster for holding onto Ritsu as tight as he can after losing him once and I’m tired of everyone deciding he is.

Tl;dr: Takano sucks I know but he’s Doing His Best and I’m tired of him being demonized

I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love nostalgia I love

Do you really love SIH if you don’t also hate it and want to change everything about it

I’m all for calling old JR/SIH “fans” and fandom contributors “veterans” because we all fought a meaningless war and now we have PTSD

I edited the second pic into the first fyi

I edited the second pic into the first fyi

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Enjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long timeEnjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent auI’ve had this idea for a long time

Enjoy my completely self-indulgent fem!trifecta au / genderbent au
I’ve had this idea for a long time and finally decided to work on it. I’m very happy with the results! I tried to imitate the artstyle, I really did…
They now live in my mind rent free

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