#senpai ga uzai kouhai no hanashi




Yo Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi? Is getting an anime

Shame crazy people will come out of their crazy holes say that this is pedophilia because she is short and hes tall


Well, there’s still some days to go, but let’s round up the year, shall we? It fits well too, cos this ends the era of my previous laptop too.

What I find so sad bout the Year in Review posts is often how ppl only show just a smidge of what they’ve done in the year. I, for one, like to see them more as a summary for what I’ve done this year, so I added some more thourough look into this year XD

Ngl, I drew a lot more than I thought. I think, however, that this is linked to the habit I started at the start of the year with Undertale, that being the big ass sketching canvases. I just open up a big square canvas and have multiple sketching layers, just putting down anything that comes to mind. It feels like drawing on those took away my hesitance to draw and most finished drawings are just rendered sketches from this sketching compilations.

As for content, lots of fandom hopping again, but my love for muscles just grew so a lot of buff men were on the plate XD
And the fandoms show that the “Anime” in my name is rly just a big fat lie.

Welp, here’s to a better 2022

Woooh, summer episode!

…what do you mean it’s winter?

Nah, but for real, drawing sth like this while being bundled up in a blanket sure is weird hahaha.

Anyways, ep9 of My Senpai is Annoying was so damn adorable. (and we finally get some Takeda food )

I also havent made an actual illustration in AGES. As in, I started something that I actually planned out to be an illustration. It’s so weeeird.

Sleepy Cat and Bear.

I can’t even tell you how often I yawned while drawing this. And even if my hand is still exhausted from animating, rly had to get SOMETHING out of my system.

Is it obvious by now I love this show??

Anyways, a lot of sketching that started to pile up over the last few weeks. Featuring general shenanigans, some cute couples’ stuff and some tall ppl memes.

This manga wont ever give me this, istg, so I have to do it for myself.

(You know he’d have a shit eating grin everytime he surprised her like that.)
