#sex ed spoilers


Just finished Sex Education, and I’d like to say I’m so glad Madam was found.

It’s my time to spill the actual tea on Sex Ed Season 3, well.. it may contain spoilers but I don’t really care no more cause well, it’s been a week+ so get over it and lets go!! (It’s long but someone has to do the all 8 episode, right..?)

  • Everyone is having sex now, even Otis, that’s well.. new, but what a wired montage, sings along to “I think we’re alone now” but loved watching Aimee, my sweet babes still over come every like the queen she is and Adam, damn Adam, you’re precious and I love you ♥️
  • Jean’s pregnancy lasted for the entire covid time, that’s nice and perhaps because of that it’s hard passing by your ex (and maybe) baby daddy to tell him so
  • Maeve, that’s a sweet bangs, I Love Goat, and Aimee, always !
  • Hope, that sounds like a name that would bring some horror
  • Sex king huh? I think I know who’s the real king of everything here ;) and yeah.. Jean I’m talking about you queen, and she’s definitely aware of it
  • OTIS( with mustache) AND RUBY!!! ROTIS!!! it kinda makes sense, I mean she told him he would fall for her or is it just sex … Nah she’s gonna slay him and with him all day long.
  • Okay, Cal, that’s awesome having NB character
  • I don’t get it, way to insist on putting make up on Adam, he’s already gorgeous but him telling himself “I look quite pretty” was all I ever needed , adamina .. I mean wutttt
  • Okay, RUBY is definitely queen Dom as always
  • Okay I know I can talk about Isaac being the snob but that’s not why you kept reading till here but if you did, he’s just an arse
  • The line, the line the line that definitely won’t help but you do you, K Hope? Loved the little dance due
  • That’s a step, Therapy for non relationship with (might not be yours) baby on the ay
  • Lily and her aliens, always good plot for passing time (STILL NEED A VIDEO OF THIS PLAY)
  • Okay not in right order but ADAM IS A MALFOY.. kidding .. or maybe not, just loving seeing Jason everywhere

Okay Maybe I’ll do it for few parts cause now it’s time to celebrate S4 confirmation!!!

Underrated moments this season:

- Maureen going up the ladder because she is the grown-up (anything Maureen does really)

- Jean screaming at the male doctor specialized in women’s reproductive system

- Jean driving so much around Jakob’s place of work and chickening out in the last minute only for him to believe she was stalking him and her finally getting out of the car

- Adam hugging Madam after the break-up (anything that Madam does I love the Kardashian of tiny dogs)

- “Did you little dog win?”

- the mutual solidarity between Adam and Rahim

- Michael Groff finally experiencing joy while cooking and him telling of his brother

- Any moments between Ruby and Adam and Ola and Adam

- Hope and Ruby’s catfight (anything that Ruby does also)

- Jackson going on a run with his mom

- Vic telling that french woman about her bf in a public restroom

- Mr Hendricks looking around the headteacher’s office and considering applying for the position

- Mr Hendricks offering to give the driver 20 euros to get back on schedule only for him to continue scrolling his phone and then barely avoiding traffic accidents

- Anything regarding his and Ms Sands’ relationship (also I love Emily)

- Ms Sands unplugging the toilet while talking about helping students achieve their potential

-That couple that pops out of nowhere and has sex everywhere

- Dex running with the goat

- Adam sniffling the mic in E1

- Adam and Eric’s little wrestling match

- Otis and Jakob working on the tree house together

Add your own

On the topic of Adam and Eric’s relationship.

I don’t mind that it came to an end that much because the reasoning behind it makes sense: they are at different points in their life and can’t offer their partener what they want.

HOWEVER, the way the writers chose to put an end to this relationship is just lazy. There is nothing wrong with an amiable break up between people who realize things simply won’t work out anymore, but inserting unnecessary drama such as cheating is just not it.

Why did Eric have to kiss someone he had no emotional connection with out of the blue just to realise he wanted to go out and party? He could have realised that just by being in the club and having a good time by himself. But no… God forbid we get an accurate depiction of a healthy and natural break up. Now we see the pattern of Eric cheating on his SO’s and that’s just not nice, because eventually the audience catches on and it feels like he doesn’t care so we shouldn’t either.

They both deserved better

I think the reason why dynamics such as Ruby x Otis and Adam x Eric work - or worked, rather - so well is because of the very underrated trope of “I hate everyone but them” and “Everyone hates them and at a time I did too, but I got to see something I didn’t know was there when they tried to be better” and I think that’s beautiful
