#sex worker positive


Imagine being a sex worker in ancient Athensnamed:Mnesaretebut everyone calls you:

and then some guy named Praxiteles looks at you and goes, “I'ma make you a naked statue, but not just any statue, a naked Aphrodite statue,” sells it to Knidos and calls it “Aphrodite of Knidos.”

Whichturns you into such a legend making so much moneythatyour ex lovers are suing you and your current lovers are defending you,and you get acquitted by showing off your breasts to the judges to prove you have the favor of the gods:

But you showing off your bits is debatable because so many ancient people are writing stories about you, so we don’t know if you showed off your bits, your lover did, the judges requested it or what but we do know you went to court.

You are literally the face of Aphrodite

and your statue is so famous that it breaks the minds of ancient Greek people who have never seen a goddess depicted naked before.Your statue also gives Praxiteles massive fame and the invention of the Praxitelan S-curve.

Your statue hasa famous legend attached to it:

about a young guy who commited suicide after breaking into a temple to try to have sex with your statue and getting caught by the priest:(LINK)

Also everyone is trying to buy your statue and putting the small town that bought iton the mapbecause every one and their mother is going to see this statue, so it becomes a big tourist attraction and a major source of income for the town.

And if that’s not all, evenafter you DIE the Romans become OBSESSED with your statueand they make different versions and poses with your FACE on themand canonize your face as Aphrodite to future generations forever.

and you were just this poor sex worker trying to live in a world that hates you and the women who are in the same boat as you,but Aphrodite looked at you and inspired Praxiteles to be like “Yup, that’s her, that’s the face of Aphrodite”which proves the idea of Aphrodite being known as the oldest fate: (The one that changes your fate in an instant because going from poor to rich AF in ancient Greece for an independent woman was practically IMPOSSIBLE).

And people still believe that Aphrodite does not protect or even likes sex workers while they look at the literal face of a sex worker whenever they look at a traditional statue of Aphrodite like…

You’re exhausting….
