






The only thing tempting me to play resident evil 2 rn is that one pic of the main twink with his titties just popping out of that vest

t i t s

Ok I wasn’t even interested in this game but now…

I mean…

Yeah, hate to break it to y’all’s, but this costume isn’t in the game, like, at all. I haven’t even found a mod with this costume…

But here are the Leon costumes that are in the game, and some of them, like the Noir and Sheriff costumes, are $2.99 each. Let’s start off with my fav because they changed his hair to something other than a asymmetrical bowlcut!

Noir’ Leon

'Noir' Leon Costume

Sheriff’ Leon

'Sheriff' Leon Costume

Then you have the costumes you unlock in the course of the game that are just subtle alterations to the main one and a ‘casual’ look…

Alternative Leon Costumes

The last costume is the amazing ‘98’ costume and both Leon and a Claire have a version of this, and yes I paid nearly 3 whole American dollars for this. IT WAS WORTH IT.

'98' Leon Costume

Other than that, you have the Wild Wild West of mods… Unfortunately nothing looks as good as that first bulletproof body armor Leon in the original post. I like it because it’s slightly more logical for him to still keep the body armor in the zombie apocalypse/outbreak instead of just a thong…

Underwear Leon Mod Close Up
Underwear Leon Mod

Then to pair up your thong’d/nearly naked Leon, you can add the Mr. X underwear mod, for those out there that think that a trench coat and fedora wearing Mr. X isn’t nearly terrifying enough…

Mr. X Underwear Mod

I installed this mod and played it on stream once, and it was actually legitimately more terrifying than vanilla Mr. X…

Ohhh no… It happened…

Overwatch 2 was officially announced at BlizzCon 2019 today! From someone that has been mildly and unhealthily obsessed with Overwatch since it was first announced (you could even say I was interested even before it was officially known as Overwatch, RIP Titan), I think OW2 looks amazing, and I am already consummately consumed with anticipatory-giddiness!

Anyway! With the new iteration comes some great character redesigns! Ithink all of them are mostly fantastic (Reinhardt’s top-knot hair is… Choices™️) and it’s nice that they’re more subtle tweaks instead of complete reworkings or overhauls. The silhouettes of these characters are just so well crafted! Both from a character/personality standpoint and from a game design perspective; the silhouettes immediately signal to players which character is which, even from large distances, even with the expansive library of skins. So these designs are excellent because it shows proportionate character progression (it’s just been 3 years since OW was released, but I don’t know how much in-game time has supposedly passed) while simultaneously streamlining and modernizing the character’s designs.

They haven’t released all of the updated designs, but I’ve made these handy GIFs that compare the New Lewks with the Current Lewk for each hero since the interface on PlayOverwatch.com kinda sucks…

Now my only hope is that Blizzard stops being a dumbass in time for Overwatch 2′s release! Because I definitely won’t buy anything from Blizzard while they’re still stifling the right to protest and freespeech.

Anyway, follow me for more Overwatch and other various LGBTQ+ Gaming related things on Twitch (nearly daily) and Tumblr!
