#shojo anime



When the Supernatural finale happened one of my mutuals on Twitter posted something about “a guy and his femme-coded car flying straight into heaven while the gays roast in super-hell”.

But since I was never into Supernatural, and since the mutual & I were both Transformers fans, I wasted a lot of time checking all the TF news sites, wondering what Hasbro had done to Arcee.

Meanwhile, me reading the first paragraph as an anime fan my mind went “straight” to Revolutionary Girl. Utena.

Mama Yor unintentionally channeling out her Thorn Princess alter-ego…

and her “husband” and “daughter’s” reaction.(≧▽≦)

Underrated Shoujo Anime  part 2

1. One Week Friends 

2. No. 6

3.  Princess Jellyfish

4. Spice and Wolf

5. Tamako Market

6. Tonikaku Kawaii

7. Tada never falls in love 

8. Paradise Kiss

9. Orange

10. Ore Monogatari

Underrated Shoujo Anime

1. Honey and Clover

2. After the Rain

3. Ancient Magus Bride

4. Beyond the Boundary

5. Chihayafuru

6. Eden of the East

7. His and Her Circumstances

8. Kids on the Slope

9. Lovely Complex

10. Natsuyuki Rendezvous

Shoujo anime watchlist

1. Kimi ni Todoke

2. His and Her circumstances

3. Yona of the Dawn

4. Maid Sama

5. After the Rain

6. Fruits Basket

7. Ao Haru Ride

8. Ore Monogatari

9. Lovely Complex

10. Natsuyuki Rendezvous
