#shookspeare oc


Ballerina Girl (Theo x Freda)

Hewwo my lil duckies! So I’ve written an Arthur x Freda piece, some drabbles for them + Theo in their poly relationship and a few other little things for the three of them (coming soon!) so, I thought I’d write a lil Theo x Freda thing because i love them so much ^^ I hope y’all enjoy it~ (❁´◡`❁)

- JJ x


Theodorus van Gogh:

Theo wasn’t entirely sure of what but, something felt off: He never usually tossed and turned in his sleep, his mind restless even though his body was relaxed in his warm bed. Caribbean blue eyes shot open, wide as he assessed the empty right side of the bed where his girlfriend should have been - Freda was nowhere to be seen - and Theo, a usually calm and rational man, began to panic slightly. The art dealer’s strong, muscular legs carried him out of bed and around the mansion, checking every room and asking each resident he bumped into, not that there were many awake at such a ridiculous hour, until he came up the ground floor hallway where he noticed the soft glow of candlelight coming from the ballroom. Quietly, Theo approached the ballroom and stood in the doorway, captivated by what he saw; Freda, in her powder blue nightdress which reached just below her knees was elegantly dancing around the hall without a care in the world. She was graceful, a far cry from the clumsy woman who rushed around the mansion on the day to day and her hair which was the colour of hot coffee on a cold day seemed to float in the air when she effortlessly pirouetted, the blocks of her pointe shoes making the faintest of sounds against the marble floors. Theo knew that Freda was the apple of his eye, but in that moment, he finally realised that he’d never lay his eyes on a painting more beautiful than her.

Freda’s Gainesboro grey eyes widened with shock when she turned to see her boyfriend and her pale porcelain cheeks burned with the pinkish heat of embarrassment at being watched. The lady stilled in place, playing with the ruffled cuff of her long sleeve nervously, unable to meet Theo’s observant gaze. The Dutch man approached his woman, large hands reaching out to catch her waist in his grasp and pull her close, “The bed is cold without you,” he mumbled as their eyes met.

“I’m sorry, Theo,” Freda sighed, smiling guiltily up at Theo who stood almost a foot taller than her and leaning into his embrace, her hands finding his broad shoulders, “I couldn’t sleep. Ballet helps calm down my anxiety.” She admitted earnestly and rested her head against her lover’s chest, her racing heart beginning to settle as she listened to his steady, constant pulse.

“It’s okay,” he replied, smiling softly and squeezing Freda’s sides lovingly. Theo grinned and stepped back slightly, just far enough to offer Freda his large left hand; a hand, the lady thought looked like it were sculpted in fine marble by Michelangelo himself and fit for a Greek god. Freda could see Theo’s fangs glinting in the candlelight as he smirked at her, “May I have this dance?”

“You don’t even need to ask,” the housemaid responded, placing her dainty hand in Theo’s much larger palm and stepping closer to him once again, allowing him to take her up into a waltz hold and slowly lead her around the dancefloor. There was no need for an audience or a stage as the couple danced: all they needed was the gently flickering candles, the soft twinkling of the piano from just down the corridor and each other. For as much as he was usually brash and rough around the edges, Theo danced like a gentleman, his hands on her body attentive and gentle like she were Water Lily Pond, a masterpiece to be cradled and treated with the greatest of care. There was no semblance of a tease on his lips as Theo sighed blissfully when Freda rested her cheek upon his shoulder to which the lady grinned, her eyes fluttering shut, “Sometimes I forget that you’re such a gentleman, teddy bear.”

“Oi,” the vampire felt his heart stutter at his girlfriend’s nickname for him and a blush creep onto his handsome face, grumbling lowly, “If you’re not careful I’ll show you how ungentlemanly I can be.” Theo’s cerulean blue eyes held a challenge when Freda gazed up at him, her own eyes brimming with an unfamiliar confidence which made his heart stir with emotion once again.

Standing up on the toes of her pointe shoes to gain a few inches of height, Freda whispered into Theo’s ear, her breath cool on his skin like the metal ear cuff that he wore, “Is that a promise?” The Dutch man abruptly let go of the Danish woman’s waist only to pick her up with ease and sling her over his shoulder, carrying her towards the hallway, which had the lady squealing with delight, “Oh no, have I pushed one too many buttons, baby?” She teased.

“Mhm,”Theo hummed curtly in response, striding through the mansion like his life depended on it with his girlfriend in a firm fireman’s hold and a light scowl on his lips, “You’ll see when we get back to bed, hondje.” 
