#shuri x bucky




Some fluff based on the fanfic of the same name by @purselover2. Shuri is preggers and needs Bucky to help her put on her shoes. Excuse the wonky sofa, I kept changing my mind about it until I gave up . The link to the story is below.


I am speechless. This is beyond beautiful. Thank you so much love. ❤️


*Sighing deeply* Me unable to think about anything other than WinterPrincess…

@constantwriter85 and I agree. ❤️❤️


A WinterPrincess One Shot

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Shuri (Platonic, see A/N)

Word Count: 1561

Warnings: Angst, Minor Descriptions of Injuries, Mentions of the Death of (offscreen) Death of a Parent, General Winter Soldier Warnings

Summary: Shuri meets the man formerly known as the Winter Soldier. He’s not at all what she expected.

A/N: This is another WinterPrincess one shot in the series @purselover2​ and I started. See the masterpost for series description. This one is set when Bucky first arrives in Wakanda after the events of CACW, and it shows the first time Bucky and Shuri meet. This is a platonic WinterPrincess oneshot, as at this point in the timeline, Shuri is sixteen.

This fic was inspired by this gifsetby@thefudge​. Dividers by @firefly-graphics​.

Series Masterpost 

Keep reading


Playing With Fire Chapter 3 is officially up!Please check it out here, for anyone still interested!! (Also, feel free to read chapters 1 and 2 first, since it’s been ten years since I updated So sorry about that.)

*Side note: idk how many of you remember that snippet I posted a while back…yeah… I may have rewritten a good chunk of it and shifted it to a later chapter. Sorry ‍♀️ (it’ll be worth it though, bear with me lol).



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Series of the Year

Ship of the Year




Natasha/Maria Hill




Best OC (Original Character)

Best AU

Two Years Goneby@king-star (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)

Crownby@marvels-writings (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)

Must Be The Eyesby@zafirosreverie (Agatha Harkness x Reader)

Golden Affairsby@delfiore (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)

Under Pastel Skiesby@redgillan (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

Salt the Earthby@mallowswriting (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

Right Here Waitingby@celestialbarnes (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

Best Enemies-to-Lovers

“The Universe Between Your Hands”by@zafirosreverie (Agatha Harkness x Reader)

“Who’s Guarding Hades?”by@julesjohansson (Agatha Harkness x Reader)

Best One Shot - Angst

Best One Shot - Fluff

Best Quote

“Home. Wherever the hell that is.” - Home,by@allfiguredout

"I searched for you during centuries. Please don’t leave again.”- Venus,by@aethwrs

“Goodbye, my love. The stars will shine again.” - My Tears Are For You,by@lilian-maximoff

“You do, angel, just let me love you.” - Let Me Love You, by @nyx-aira

“Please don’t take… my… sunshine… away.” - @procrastinatingsapphictrash

Best Romantic Confession

“The best thank you, Y/N… is if you were to be my valentine.”- Chocolate and Flowers,by@ifnotlovepersevering

“You know, there was a point where I always wanted to stay asleep. Because my dreams used to be… the only place where I can find peace. Now, I would rather spend every second awake just so I could see you.” - A Reality Better Than My Dreams, by @allfiguredout

Author of the Year


































Tumbies will be awarded on May 30, 2021! Voting begins now and closes on May 21st.

Votefor the Tumbieshere!

Go vote for our very own @constantwriter85 and WinterPrincess is also nominated for ship of the year.

Please reblog. Voting ends tomorrow.


Bucky’s Mermaid

It’s MerMay and I just had to include my favorite ship!

Shuri and Bucky always.

This is gorgeous. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Title: Bath

Rating: Mature

Warning: fluff and bathing and Shuri is pregnant

Fandoms: Black Panther (2018)Marvel Cinematic UniverseMarvel

Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes & ShuriJames “Bucky” Barnes/Shuri

Characters: Shuri (Marvel)James “Bucky” Barnes

Additional Tags:

FluffDomestic FluffPregnancyBathing/Washing


Putting the key card up to the lock, Bucky waits for the green light and pushes the door open. Holding it he moves to the side to let Shuri enter first. She’s barely in the room before he sweeps her up in his arms and carries her into the bedroom. Sitting her carefully on the floor he moves behind her and unzips her dress and with a few careful tugs it falls to the floor leaving her in only her strapless bra, panties and shoes.

“Damn baby. You are so sexy.” Bucky meant it. He thought she was sexy before she was pregnant, but now with his child growing inside of her, she was perfection.

“Thank you love, but I don’t feel very sexy right now. Everything hurts.” Shuri loved that he still found her sexy especially now that she was showing so much and could barely walk without a waddle.

“I know it does doll. I could tell you were uncomfortable pretty much all evening. I’m glad this was our last event before your due date. I hate seeing you miserable. Now you can wear comfy clothes and relax.” Bucky helped her step out of her dress and led her over the bed.

The dinner that evening had been their last official engagement before Shuri took maternity leave. They both knew she wouldn’t stay away from her lab, but she wouldn’t have to travel or represent the country at any events until well after the baby was born. This would give them time to finish preparing for their little ones arrival.

Sitting her down, he bent and raised first one foot then the other and removed her shoes. Rubbing her ankles as he did.

“Mmmmmm that feels amazing.” She closed her eyes and moaned.

“Good. Now you stay right here. I’m going to go run a bath.” He kissed her and got up and walked into the bathroom.

Starting the tub to run, Bucky removed a gift bad from under the sink. When Shuri had been showering before the party, he had called down to the Concierge and told her what he wanted. She had promised him to have it delivered to the room while they were at the party and where she would have it hidden. Pulling out a bottle of lavender and honey oil he added a few drops to the water and put the bottle aside. He then pulled out candles and a lighter and began to place them all around the room, lighting them as he went. Finally he pulled out a bar of lavender scented soap and placed it in the holder on the side of the tub. Turning off the water, he tested it to make sure it wasn’t too warm or not warm enough. Deciding that it was perfect, he made his way to the door and out to the bedroom.

“Doll?” He moved closer and she looked up at him. “Your bath is ready.” He reached out for her hand and led her into the bathroom.

When she saw the candles and smelled the lavender, she teared up. “Oh Bucky, thank you. It’s so pretty and it smells wonderful.”

“Anything for my Princess and little Princess.” He rubbed her belly.

“Still sure we’re having a girl eh?” Shuri had agreed not to find out. Bucky asked for very little from her, so when he asked if they could not find out the sex until the baby’s arrival, she had agreed.

“I know it. I can tell.” He helps her remove her robe and step into the water. Taking his white dress shirt off he hangs it on the hook behind the door.

“Aren’t you getting in?” She asked adjusting the neck pillow behind her head.

“Not tonight. Wanna take care of you.” He knelt down and took the wash cloth in his hand and grabbed the soap. Lathering up the cloth he sits the soap back down and picks up her arm.

Making slow steady strokes he washes both arms and then adds more soap. This time he focuses on her chest and stomach, taking time and care with her stomach. Leaning down he talks to it.

“Hey there little Princess. It’s your daddy. I’m taking good care of mommy so that when you decide you want to join us she’ll be rested and ready.” He leaned forward and kissed her stomach. “Daddy loves you.” Lathering up the cloth again he worked his way up and down each leg. Then he took first one foot and then the other and gently washing them and massaging the ball of the foot.

“Mmmmmm, Bast that feels good.” Shuri moaned and closed her eyes. She loved his hands on her and the metal hand enabled him to apply more than normal pressure on the areas that he knew hurt her the most. It was heaven.

“Glad you like it doll.” Rinsing the rag and laying aside, he takes the soap and this time lathered up his right hand never breaking eye contact with her. “Now why don’t you lean back and spread those pretty little legs for me?”

Shuri swallowed hard and did as he asked. He took his metal hand and gently raised her up out of the water by her rear. When she was clear of the water and her legs still apart, he took his hand and began washing her folds. Slow deliberate strokes, his finger barely grazing over her sensitive nub. Their sex life had always been great, but since she’d been pregnant and once the morning sickness had subsided she had the stamina of, well a super solder, not seeming to ever get enough.

Once he was done he carefully lifted her from the tub. “Bucky, what are you doing?” She snuggled down into his arms.

“To the shower. It’s time to rinse and I need to make sure I didn’t miss any body parts.” He replied as he opened the shower door.

boston-cream-doughnut: Haze. Bucky and Shuri my only couple. Amazing as always love.



Bucky and Shuri my only couple.

Amazing as always love.

Post link

Title: Favors From the Princess

Summary: Bucky & Shuri are visiting the Wilsons and watching the boys so Sarah can go out. Pairing: Bucky x Shuri

Rated: PG-13 for innuendo

Warnings: Pretend hostage, play fighting, honestly just plain fun and cuteness

A/N: This is short and sweet and cute and everything in between. The scene of Bucky waking up on the couch and this is exactly where my mind went so I had to write it.

Thank you to @constantwriter85 who surprised me with a mood board. I love and you!!! ❤️


Bucky is awakened by the sound of battle and from the sound of it, it’s close. He opens his eyes from his place on the couch and focuses on the scene in front of him.

There is what appears to be a fort taking up most of the living room. Card board boxes of various sizes made up the fort and inside little Cass was trying to hold A.J. off with a plastic sword. Behind Cass, Shuri screamed playing her part of the damsel in destress to perfection.

A.J. would charge at Shuri, only to have Cass block him and declare, “You’ll never get the Princess! Never!”

“Oh yeah? We’ll see about that. I’ll release my secret weapon and he’ll tear the fort to the ground!” A.J retorted.

“You don’t have a secret weapon!” Cass yelled.

“Oh yes I do. And he’s going to help me take the fort AND the Princess.” A.J. boldly stated.

“What do you want with her?” Cass asked.

“She’s gonna be make me a suit like she made Uncle Sam and I’m gonna fly far far away.” A.J. answered.

Bucky chuckled which drew the attention of the trio. “Well it’s about time you woke up.” Shuri told him. “This invader is trying to take the fort AND me.”

Bucky just laid there and then slowly made his way off the couch and on to the floor. “Bucky, aren’t you going to help save me?” Shuri asked.

“Who the heck is Bucky?” He asked giving her and Cass a menacing look. “I’m White Wolf and I’m A.J.’s secret weapon.” He charged suddenly and crashed the fort wall down, card board boxes going every where. Using the distraction, A.J. rushed forward and grabbed the Princess and started pulling her out of the mess while she pretended to fight him off.

Cass knowing he had to do something fast, leaned down and whispered into the White Wolf’s ear. Listening intently, Bucky nods at what he’s being told. “Think so?” He asks, and Cass shakes his head. “Alright, deal.” He changes direction and charges towards A.J. and grabs the Princess up in his arms. She squeals and holds on tight as he takes her back to the fort.

A.J. stops and puts his hands on his hips. “Hey! You’re MY secret weapon, what are you doing?”

“Well, the good knight Cass has promised me a reward of great value and honor and I just couldn’t turn it down.” White Wolf explains.

“Whatever it was, I’ll double it!” A.J. counters.

“No deal, besides presently you are unable to offer the same reward. Now be off with you. White Wolf needs to collect his reward.” He sits the Princess down on her feet, but keeps a tight grip on her in case A.J. decides to charge again.

“Yes you two need to get cleaned up for lunch, but first these boxes need to go back where you found them. Mama will be home soon and if you get in trouble, there will be no playing with my tech.” Shuri threatened.

“Alright.” Both boys replied starting to gather the boxes and Shuri and Bucky made their way out of the mess and into the kitchen.

Shuri started towards the refrigerator, but Bucky stopped her. “Oh no Princess, I was promised a reward and I intend to collect.”

“Oh yeah? And what exactly were you promised White Wolf?” She moves closer to him. “Gold, title, land?”

“Knight Cass offered me the sweetest of rewards. A reward much more valuable than gold or any of those others. I dare say this reward is worth more than vibranium even.” He explained and moved even closer, placing his metal finger under her chin and raising her face to him. “He offered me the reward of a kiss from the Princess and I intend to collect and if her highness is agreeable, I intend to take more than one, for I am after all a greedy wolf who enjoys playing with my prey.”

Shuri swallowed hard at the meaning behind his words. “One kiss White Wolf, the rest can be negotiated at a later time, say in the bedroom after the boys are asleep.”

“Well, I usually don’t negotiate, but I accept your terms.” He said as he took her lips and kissed her. Pulling back he chuckled.

“You find kissing me funny huh?” Shuri pulled back.

“Not at all. I was laughing at something Cass told me when he was negotiating. He told me that he could offer a kiss from the Princess, but to be prepared, kissing was gross and I wouldn’t like it.” Bucky explains.

Shuri laughed. “Well, I hope it wasn’t too gross.”

“Oh Princess, your kisses could never be gross.” He moved in for another and she dodged him and moved towards the cabinets.

“Not now greedy wolf. I have knights to feed and you need to help the them clean up the living room. I don’t want Sarah coming home and finding this place a wreck and her boys starving.” She pulled down some Mac and cheese and turned to find a pan.

“Alright fine, but later we’re going to negotiate my loyalty to your throne.” He moved towards the living room.

“But I don’t have a throne.” She said to his back.

Bucky turned around and smiled. “Not a throne for sitting Princess. You have a throne alright, one I plan on kneeling before tonight and worshiping.” Without another word he turned and walked away.

boston-cream-doughnut:“I think of you on Sunday afternoons” My heart! Love this!


“I think of you on Sunday afternoons”

My heart! Love this!

Post link


The fact that he didn’t address Shuri as her highness or Princess goes to show the familiarity he has with her. I only hope we can see this bond explored in black Panther 2 because it’s time for the white wolf to take his place with the Wakandans.

I want this more than I can say.

boston-cream-doughnut: “Back to the place we first met” - 1 year anniversary. O. M. G. This is beaut


“Back to the place we first met” - 1 year anniversary.

O. M. G. This is beautiful. I live for WinterPrincess art and you are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Post link


80 years of torture and pain by hydra and finally to hear the words “You are free”

Zemo used him to kill the king and yet he was saved by the daughter of the King he assassinated

I love Ayo so much but Shuri should have been in this scene. Shuri should have been with him saying the words. Shuri should have been there to hold him when it was all over. I feel robbed.

boston-cream-doughnut: “Hi honey, I’m home.” My heart. Your art is a gift.


“Hi honey, I’m home.”

My heart. Your art is a gift.

Post link


Title: When the Winter Soldier Comes for You

Pairing: Dark!Winter Solider x Shuri

Trigger Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut, BDSM, Sub/Dom, CNC Kink, Use of Safewords, Roleplay, Knifeplay, Oral (Female Receiving)

A/N: Thanks to @constantwriter85 for reading this and for giving me the courage to post it.

Shuri laid in the dark of her palace bedroom unaware that she was being watched. In the far corner of the room stood the Winter Soldier. He took some time to observe her, after all she had no idea he was there. She thought she was safe, but the locks on the doors and windows were no match for someone of his talents. Even the palace security systems and her own personal security systems didn’t stop him when he decided to pay her a visit.

He watched the princess as she slept, no idea that she was about to come face to face with the boogyman. After a few minutes he makes his way over to the bed and sits down. The motion causing Shuri to awaken. Just as her mouth opens, his hand covers it and the index finger of his other hand going to his lips in a shushing motion.

“You’re my mission. Understand?” He asked, his voice muffled and distorted coming from behind the face mask.

“Yes.” She replied trying to calm her breathing.

“Good. Now why don’t we start by you taking off that pretty little nightie for me.” By the tone of his voice she knew it wasn’t a request. She moved slowly not wanting her movements to agitate him.

Her hand slowly moves to draw one strap down her arm and then the other.

“Too slow Princess.” In one motion, a knife appears and before she can react, her nightgown is cut open and ripped away from her body. She shivers as the air in the room hits her exposed skin. Giving her a minute to recover, he picks her up lays her flat on the bed clothed only in a pair of lacy white panties.

“Why princess what adorable panties you have. If I touch them are they going to be wet?” Leaning down close to her ear, he whispers, “For what I have planned for you, you better hope they are.” He takes a finger and moves to run it across the lacy band at the top and then with one jerk of his finger, the panties shred and she’s left completely bare.

“Such a pretty pussy. Has anyone ever had it before?” He takes a finger and lightly traces his finger from one nipple down to where she’s doing her best to keep her legs closed. “Answer me.”

“Yes.” She whispers.

He didn’t like that answer and taking his metal hand pushes her legs open. Staring down at her wetness, he removes his mask and tosses it to the side. Licking his lips he bends down and draws one slow lick up her folds, stopping when he gets to her swollen bud. Taking his lips he kisses it. Raising himself up he takes two metal fingers and inserts them inside curving them as they go. Shuri gasps and raises up off the bed, only to find herself pushed back down. Pulling his fingers out of her, he licks them clean.

“Oh Princess I can’t wait any longer.” Taking his legs he spreads her apart and unzips his pants. Her eyes go wide as he pulls out his cock. It was long and thick. The head was swollen and an angry red. Precum ran down the side. She got no warning before he took the head and put it inside her giving her a second to adapt and then pushed in all the way. She makes a noise that almost sounds distressful and he stops and pulls out.

“Doll are you okay? I hurt you. Damn it. I knew I would hurt you. I knew this was a bad idea.” Bucky sits up and pushes himself to the other side of the bed with his back to her.

Getting up she crawls over to him and wraps her arms around him from behind.

“Buck. I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me. It just stretched me a little more than it normally does. I’m fine. I was enjoying it. I promise. I knew our word for me to use. We talked about this. If I really got scared, or wanted to stop I would have used it.” She kisses his shoulder. “I was really into it and I think you were too.”

“‘I was enjoying parts of it, but I just can’t do it again. Okay? I’m sorry, its just too real for me.” He pulls her into his lap and holds her.

“No need to apologize love. We only do things that both of us enjoy. You were willing to try and we did. I love you. Now how about we go to bed and I’ll hold you?” She reaches up and kisses him.

“I love you too doll. Sounds good. Let me get these clothes off.” Standing up Shuri watches as he removes each article of clothing and kicks them over to the corner. Coming back to bed, he picks Shuri up and moves her to the middle and lays her down. She opens her arms and he doesn’t hesitate to move into them. She wraps them around him and kisses the top of his head.

“Sleep love, I’ve got you.”

Thank you all for the love. ❤️

Title: When the Winter Soldier Comes for You

Pairing: Dark!Winter Solider x Shuri

Trigger Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut, BDSM, Sub/Dom, CNC Kink, Use of Safewords, Roleplay, Knifeplay, Oral (Female Receiving)

A/N: Thanks to @constantwriter85 for reading this and for giving me the courage to post it.

Shuri laid in the dark of her palace bedroom unaware that she was being watched. In the far corner of the room stood the Winter Soldier. He took some time to observe her, after all she had no idea he was there. She thought she was safe, but the locks on the doors and windows were no match for someone of his talents. Even the palace security systems and her own personal security systems didn’t stop him when he decided to pay her a visit.

He watched the princess as she slept, no idea that she was about to come face to face with the boogyman. After a few minutes he makes his way over to the bed and sits down. The motion causing Shuri to awaken. Just as her mouth opens, his hand covers it and the index finger of his other hand going to his lips in a shushing motion.

“You’re my mission. Understand?” He asked, his voice muffled and distorted coming from behind the face mask.

“Yes.” She replied trying to calm her breathing.

“Good. Now why don’t we start by you taking off that pretty little nightie for me.” By the tone of his voice she knew it wasn’t a request. She moved slowly not wanting her movements to agitate him.

Her hand slowly moves to draw one strap down her arm and then the other.

“Too slow Princess.” In one motion, a knife appears and before she can react, her nightgown is cut open and ripped away from her body. She shivers as the air in the room hits her exposed skin. Giving her a minute to recover, he picks her up lays her flat on the bed clothed only in a pair of lacy white panties.

“Why princess what adorable panties you have. If I touch them are they going to be wet?” Leaning down close to her ear, he whispers, “For what I have planned for you, you better hope they are.” He takes a finger and moves to run it across the lacy band at the top and then with one jerk of his finger, the panties shred and she’s left completely bare.

“Such a pretty pussy. Has anyone ever had it before?” He takes a finger and lightly traces his finger from one nipple down to where she’s doing her best to keep her legs closed. “Answer me.”

“Yes.” She whispers.

He didn’t like that answer and taking his metal hand pushes her legs open. Staring down at her wetness, he removes his mask and tosses it to the side. Licking his lips he bends down and draws one slow lick up her folds, stopping when he gets to her swollen bud. Taking his lips he kisses it. Raising himself up he takes two metal fingers and inserts them inside curving them as they go. Shuri gasps and raises up off the bed, only to find herself pushed back down. Pulling his fingers out of her, he licks them clean.

“Oh Princess I can’t wait any longer.” Taking his legs he spreads her apart and unzips his pants. Her eyes go wide as he pulls out his cock. It was long and thick. The head was swollen and an angry red. Precum ran down the side. She got no warning before he took the head and put it inside her giving her a second to adapt and then pushed in all the way. She makes a noise that almost sounds distressful and he stops and pulls out.

“Doll are you okay? I hurt you. Damn it. I knew I would hurt you. I knew this was a bad idea.” Bucky sits up and pushes himself to the other side of the bed with his back to her.

Getting up she crawls over to him and wraps her arms around him from behind.

“Buck. I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me. It just stretched me a little more than it normally does. I’m fine. I was enjoying it. I promise. I knew our word for me to use. We talked about this. If I really got scared, or wanted to stop I would have used it.” She kisses his shoulder. “I was really into it and I think you were too.”

“‘I was enjoying parts of it, but I just can’t do it again. Okay? I’m sorry, its just too real for me.” He pulls her into his lap and holds her.

“No need to apologize love. We only do things that both of us enjoy. You were willing to try and we did. I love you. Now how about we go to bed and I’ll hold you?” She reaches up and kisses him.

“I love you too doll. Sounds good. Let me get these clothes off.” Standing up Shuri watches as he removes each article of clothing and kicks them over to the corner. Coming back to bed, he picks Shuri up and moves her to the middle and lays her down. She opens her arms and he doesn’t hesitate to move into them. She wraps them around him and kisses the top of his head.

“Sleep love, I’ve got you.”


WinterPrincess Moodboard for my girl @purselover2​.

I’m screaming this is so perfect. Thank you love

I have to share with my WinterPrincess family.

@babybubastis@scotchandwhitelies@boston-cream-doughnut@wakandacoconutoil@royalwolfhall@troydonnahughes and I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone.

boston-cream-doughnut: Red, White(Wolf), and Blue My happiness is WinterPrincess.


Red, White(Wolf), and Blue

My happiness is WinterPrincess.

Post link


Sunlight Sonata.

I love this so much.

Having a rough go as of late, but I’m going to try to dive back into working on my fics. I’m currently editing chapter 19 of Playing With Fire, for those of you who are looking forward to it. And of course, my brain decided I don’t have enough to work on, so here’s a snippet from an upcoming wip.

Untitled, but it’s Shuri x Bucky, set during The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, right after the trio leaves Madripoor. Bucky is still reeling from having to pretend to be TWS, when he gets an unexpected phone call.


He almost doesn’t answer it.

The name flashes across his screen and his heart just stops. Leaps right into his throat, cutting off his air supply.

The phone keeps ringing and ringing.

And ringing.

Guilt winds itself around his gut then, squeezing until bile starts to rise. What the hell is he supposed to say? Does she know about Zemo? Should he tell her?

His phone keeps ringing, and his heart starts up again, faster, erratic. Pull your shit together, Buck. He’ll regret it more if he doesn’t just pick up now.

Swallowing the bile down, around the stubborn lump in his throat, he taps the screen and lifts the phone to his ear.


“Are you alright?”

His pulse instantly slows at the sound of her voice, like some kind of sedative has been shot into his veins, and he just barely suppresses a sigh.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” he murmurs, standing from his seat. Sam frowns up at him in question and Zemo gives an irritating arch of his brow. Bucky waves them off, gives a slight shake of his head before retreating to the back of the cabin.

Shuri snorts on the other end of the line. “When have you ever known me to turn in before midnight?” Bucky breathes out something resembling a chuckle. Damn, he’s missed her. “You didn’t answer my question,” she continues, “are you alright?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

Bucky can almost hearher rolling her eyes. “Don’t bullshit me, Barnes. You ignore my calls for weeks, don’t even bother to text. And then, out of nowhere, I stumble on a video posted online of The Winter Soldier wiping the floor with some lowlifes in Madripoor?”

Bucky winces. Shit, the internet works fast. “Ah. Yeah.” He drops his head, pinches the bridge of his nose. “About that…”

“I don’t need to know the details, James.” Ouch. His actual first name. She’s never said it like that before. It freezes the guilt in his gut like ice so that it sits there, cold and sharp. Shuri sighs, and the guilt scrapes at his insides. “I just needed to make sure you’re still you.”

Bucky swallows. The lump in his throat refuses to budge. He glances over his shoulder again to find Sam trying - and failing - to pretend he’s not eavesdropping. Bucky turns back around and lowers his voice. “You having doubts about your work, Your Highness?”

He can’t help the fondness that bleeds into his tone as he uses her official title, so that it sounds more like an endearment than a sign of respect.

Shuri scoffs, and it makes the corners of his lips twitch. “Of course not. Are you?”

“‘Course not.”

“Good. Just- whatever you’re mixed up in…” she pauses. Her voice is lower when she speaks again, weighed down with fatigue and something else he can’t quite pinpoint. “Just take care of yourself, Buck. The programming may be gone, but I know his memories are still in there. I’m willing to bet you’re still having a nightmare or two.”

Bucky’s breath catches in his chest. His pulse pounds in his ears. It’s almost scary how well she knows him.

“That’s what I thought. You don’t have to talk to me, that’s fine.” She sniffs, and the ice in his gut shoots straight to his heart. “Just talk to someone other than that court-mandated therapist. Don’t lose yourself in whatever mess you’re caught up in, yeah?”

The line goes dead just as he’s opening his mouth, and his heart drops from his throat to his stomach, right on down to the floor.

MerBucky and The Princess

So much going on right now. I’m working to turn this drawing for fun into a business to make more money. My brother has been in the hospital for a month. I’m worried about my mother….ayeeeee it’s a lot! One of the ways I’ve been coping is by drawing. It’s Mermay and l switched it up this year. I know you can’t see the faces completely, but it Bucky and Shuri because l say so! Hope you all like it.

It’s Bucky’s birthday and in my world he’s with the people who care about him the most…his friends are his family and Natasha is still alive and Steve didn’t go back in time! I’m using my what would be his actual age for 2022 and not the MCU. Sam’s date is Monica Rambau… I’m including her because Disney is on that phuck shit with telling her story, especially after the end of Wanda Vision. Anyway, hopefully I’ll be getting my computer fixed to do more digital work, because my markers dried the hell up when l needed them and l had to work, so this could have been so much better. For now it is what it is.

Valentine’s in Wakanda

Happy Valentine’s Day! This was an experiment that served double duty for an art challenge I’m doing because l got sick last week and didn’t have time to do two separate illustrations. I’m practicing using watercolors…I need more practice! Mistakes were made, but lessons were learned! Anyway, I’m liking they more intimate images of this couple…and l can pretend it’s me, tee hee Hope you like.

Happy New Year!

This is very late, but it’s still January 1st in NYC so…

Santa Bucky and Shuri

Can’t wait to get back to my regular schedule so l can have more time to draw. This one was so much fun to do…even if it was last minute and took me way longer than l had planned…

Happy Holidays!

WinterPrincess Spooky House Scare!

I’m tired and over worked, but I couldn’t let Holloween pass without doing a quick quickie of my favorites for spooky season. Happy Halloween!


Some fluff based on the fanfic of the same name by @purselover2. Shuri is preggers and needs Bucky to help her put on her shoes. Excuse the wonky sofa, I kept changing my mind about it until I gave up . The link to the story is below.

