#falcon and the winter solider spoilers

Zemo’s reading choices:Alexander Von Humboldt -  German polymath, geographer, naturalist, explorer,

Zemo’s reading choices:

Alexander Von Humboldt -  German polymath, geographer, naturalist, explorer, and proponent of Romantic philosophy and science.

Alexander Pushkin -  Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era.

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That first flashback scene of Ayo and Bucky in Wakanda clearly shows that there is a very definite connection between those two and I’m really sad and upset that Bucky and Ayo fell out.

I honestly think Bucky should have coordinated this whole thing (freeing Zemo, that is) with Wakanda. Given everything those people did for him, it was the least he could do. And he didn’t. The guy murdered their king, their beloved leader and Bucky didn’t even give them a heads up that he was going to free him (even if only for a time and as a means to an end). 

Maybe he had his reasons we don’t know about. Sure he knew Wakandans would know about the prison break literally seconds after Zemo was gone and would quickly track them. Stil, it’s a matter of trust and respect.

Ayo had every right to chastise Bucky. And she even gave him eight hours before she and Dora Milaje came for Zemo. 

Now as for Ayo removing Bucky’s arm… That scene was upsetting as hell, but I think Ayo felt really betrayed by Bucky. As already stated, Marvel made a point of showing that Ayo and Bucky were important to each other (her being the one to finally “test” him, witnesing one of the most important moments of Bucky’s life, being so clearly happy for him) and then Bucky had to go and fck all that trust up. I mean, Ayo clearly still trusts Bucky (otherwise she wouldn’t give him time, wouldn’t speak to him even), but she also feels vulnerable and betrayed. Perhaps her removing Bucky’s arm was her way of making Bucky understand her emotions - the vulnerability, the betrayal. I wonder what she said to him in that scene, when she called him James. 

Whatever happens in this show, I dearly hope Bucky makes it up to Ayo and they recover their relationship.

Prompting is closed! Now it’s time for claims!

Thank you all so much for prompting and promo-ing! For this year’s fest we have 115 prompts up for grabs! Hurt/Comfort has the most prompts with 46, followed by Fantasy/Supernatural with 39, and finally Mutual Pining with 30

And if any of those don’t appeal to you, you can always self prompt!

Claims will open at 5:30PM EST, today, September 13th. What time is that for me?

View all our prompts here!

More info about the fest here!

We all have our favorite fandom tropes and themes. For this round of MU, we’ll have the top two tropes, chosen by you, battle it out for dominance. Vote for your favorite tropes here, and at the end of the voting period, we’ll announce the top two winners. After the winners are chosen we will have a call for prompts based on both tropes!


A WinterPrincess One Shot

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Shuri

Authors:@purselover2​​ and @constantwriter85​​

Word Count: 5387

Warnings:*18+**, TFATWS Spoilers, TFATWS fix-it, Mention of Past Winter Soldier Murders, Violence, Angst, Smut, Fluff

Summary: Six years ago, Shuri set him free from the Winter Soldier programming. But time has been cruel to them both, and when Bucky finds himself standing opposite her once again, the woman he swore his heart and his life to, he begins to wonder if what he’s doing is the right thing after all.  

A/N: This fic was a labor of love between @purselover2​ and @constantwriter85​​. This is our very first collaboration together, born out of our love for WinterPrincess and our desire to address a few issues TFATWS missed out on. We hope you like it! This fic contains spoilers for the show, so heed the warnings. Dividers by @firefly-graphics


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This was a joy to write and @constantwriter85 is the best partner ever.

Title: Favors From the Princess

Summary: Bucky & Shuri are visiting the Wilsons and watching the boys so Sarah can go out. Pairing: Bucky x Shuri

Rated: PG-13 for innuendo

Warnings: Pretend hostage, play fighting, honestly just plain fun and cuteness

A/N: This is short and sweet and cute and everything in between. The scene of Bucky waking up on the couch and this is exactly where my mind went so I had to write it.

Thank you to @constantwriter85 who surprised me with a mood board. I love and you!!! ❤️


Bucky is awakened by the sound of battle and from the sound of it, it’s close. He opens his eyes from his place on the couch and focuses on the scene in front of him.

There is what appears to be a fort taking up most of the living room. Card board boxes of various sizes made up the fort and inside little Cass was trying to hold A.J. off with a plastic sword. Behind Cass, Shuri screamed playing her part of the damsel in destress to perfection.

A.J. would charge at Shuri, only to have Cass block him and declare, “You’ll never get the Princess! Never!”

“Oh yeah? We’ll see about that. I’ll release my secret weapon and he’ll tear the fort to the ground!” A.J retorted.

“You don’t have a secret weapon!” Cass yelled.

“Oh yes I do. And he’s going to help me take the fort AND the Princess.” A.J. boldly stated.

“What do you want with her?” Cass asked.

“She’s gonna be make me a suit like she made Uncle Sam and I’m gonna fly far far away.” A.J. answered.

Bucky chuckled which drew the attention of the trio. “Well it’s about time you woke up.” Shuri told him. “This invader is trying to take the fort AND me.”

Bucky just laid there and then slowly made his way off the couch and on to the floor. “Bucky, aren’t you going to help save me?” Shuri asked.

“Who the heck is Bucky?” He asked giving her and Cass a menacing look. “I’m White Wolf and I’m A.J.’s secret weapon.” He charged suddenly and crashed the fort wall down, card board boxes going every where. Using the distraction, A.J. rushed forward and grabbed the Princess and started pulling her out of the mess while she pretended to fight him off.

Cass knowing he had to do something fast, leaned down and whispered into the White Wolf’s ear. Listening intently, Bucky nods at what he’s being told. “Think so?” He asks, and Cass shakes his head. “Alright, deal.” He changes direction and charges towards A.J. and grabs the Princess up in his arms. She squeals and holds on tight as he takes her back to the fort.

A.J. stops and puts his hands on his hips. “Hey! You’re MY secret weapon, what are you doing?”

“Well, the good knight Cass has promised me a reward of great value and honor and I just couldn’t turn it down.” White Wolf explains.

“Whatever it was, I’ll double it!” A.J. counters.

“No deal, besides presently you are unable to offer the same reward. Now be off with you. White Wolf needs to collect his reward.” He sits the Princess down on her feet, but keeps a tight grip on her in case A.J. decides to charge again.

“Yes you two need to get cleaned up for lunch, but first these boxes need to go back where you found them. Mama will be home soon and if you get in trouble, there will be no playing with my tech.” Shuri threatened.

“Alright.” Both boys replied starting to gather the boxes and Shuri and Bucky made their way out of the mess and into the kitchen.

Shuri started towards the refrigerator, but Bucky stopped her. “Oh no Princess, I was promised a reward and I intend to collect.”

“Oh yeah? And what exactly were you promised White Wolf?” She moves closer to him. “Gold, title, land?”

“Knight Cass offered me the sweetest of rewards. A reward much more valuable than gold or any of those others. I dare say this reward is worth more than vibranium even.” He explained and moved even closer, placing his metal finger under her chin and raising her face to him. “He offered me the reward of a kiss from the Princess and I intend to collect and if her highness is agreeable, I intend to take more than one, for I am after all a greedy wolf who enjoys playing with my prey.”

Shuri swallowed hard at the meaning behind his words. “One kiss White Wolf, the rest can be negotiated at a later time, say in the bedroom after the boys are asleep.”

“Well, I usually don’t negotiate, but I accept your terms.” He said as he took her lips and kissed her. Pulling back he chuckled.

“You find kissing me funny huh?” Shuri pulled back.

“Not at all. I was laughing at something Cass told me when he was negotiating. He told me that he could offer a kiss from the Princess, but to be prepared, kissing was gross and I wouldn’t like it.” Bucky explains.

Shuri laughed. “Well, I hope it wasn’t too gross.”

“Oh Princess, your kisses could never be gross.” He moved in for another and she dodged him and moved towards the cabinets.

“Not now greedy wolf. I have knights to feed and you need to help the them clean up the living room. I don’t want Sarah coming home and finding this place a wreck and her boys starving.” She pulled down some Mac and cheese and turned to find a pan.

“Alright fine, but later we’re going to negotiate my loyalty to your throne.” He moved towards the living room.

“But I don’t have a throne.” She said to his back.

Bucky turned around and smiled. “Not a throne for sitting Princess. You have a throne alright, one I plan on kneeling before tonight and worshiping.” Without another word he turned and walked away.

Damn Shuri did an amazing job on Sam’s suit. I love it.

Does this count as a live action Captain Falcon?

Bucky Barnes - Drabble

Gif cred @mcavoys

“He fucking gave it up,” I jumped as Bucky stormed into the kitchen, voice booming and practically shaking the windows.

“What?” I frowned, drying my hands.

“Sam,” Buck began to pace. “He gave up the shield and now they have this clown parading around as Captain America,”

“What are you talking about?” I was quickly led into the living room where the TV was playing a news segment called: The New Cap?

“He’s a coward.” Bucky grumbled as he crossed his arms.

I sighed. “He isn’t.” I mumbled back.

“What?” Bucky’s eyes widened.

“I understand why Sam did it,” I wandered back into the kitchen, Bucky hot on my heels.

“Steve chose him, not this joker.” Bucky’s anger was getting the better of him.

“Steve didn’t understand the pressure that went with the job,” I said. “It’s a very different thing creating a name and then carrying it on,”

“Steve obviously saw something in Sam that made him think he could carry it on, and Sam didn’t even try,” Bucky began to flush with anger.

“Maybe Steve was wrong,” I simply shrugged, not thinking of my statement.

There was a beat of silence. “Steve wasn’t wrong.”

“Is that so ridiculous to think?” I asked.

“Yes, it is.” Bucky’s fists clenched at his sides.


“Because if Steve was wrong about Sam, then Steve was wrong about me,” his voice dropped a tone, shoulders hunching.

“What?” I frowned.

“Is that so ridiculous to think?” He mocked me.

“Yes, it is.” I mocked back. “This isn’t about you Bucky, this is about Sam,”

His face contorted in anger. “That shield is as much mine as it was Sams, I was there when he got it!”

“No it isn’t,” I snapped back. “It was Steve’s and then it was Sams, it was never yours.”

I jumped as Bucky grabbed a near by glass and hurled it at the wall, the feeble thing shattering all over the floor. I looked over to Bucky, eyes wide and face pale as Bucky’s breathing heaved.

“Fuck you,” was all he uttered before storming out of the apartment.
