#signal boooooost











Heart attacks symptoms are different for women. I recently learned this. 

Everyone should know these things.

thanks to mainstream media and being unable to show breasts on TV, way too few people know about female signs of cardiac distress, and impending heart attacks. they only know about the “pain in the left arm” male symptom.

i had all these symptoms once and they sent me right to hospital

it was scary bc i didnt know these were the symptoms for female heart issues

Please, please, PLEASE, reblog this. i don’t know if I did save or called false alarm, with my boss’ life tonight. I felt I was being a bit paranoid, overreacting, but I told Mirage my thoughts and he, after reading over the article I showed him, immediately sprung into action and then shooed her off to the hospital. I don’t know if I did or not, but I knew she’d been super stressed. She’d off-handedly commented on her arm tingling and I asked her if she felt queasy on a hunch. I went to look at the symptoms and we went from there.

Holy shit, I didn’t even think the symptoms would be different between men and women. This is so hugely important and I don’t understand why we aren’t taught this. 

One of the other symptoms that doesn’t get talked about , especially in women, is a “feeling of impending doom”. I am not even kidding, that is a legitimate diagnostic criteria.

Please - if you are feeling any of these symptoms and a sudden onset of “Holy shit the world is ending” do not let anyone tell you it’s “just nerves” or “just heartburn” or something.

Keep these in mind ESPECIALLY IF YOU’VE GOT HEART DISEASE IN YOUR FAMILY!  So many more women die from heart attacks than because they don’t recognize the symptoms when they’re so different. Please stay safe and stay informed.


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Tepetochtli☀︎︎ (HE/HIM) At mariachigoth From TikTok

20, he/him, Nahua & (Reconnecting)-Úza Two-Spirit Trans Man

Video Caption & Creator’s pinned comments:

This is all very calculated and carefully planned on their end. We need to be miles ahead of them. #ICWA #reproductiverights #roevwade #IndianChildWelfareAct #Indigenous #indigenoustiktok #native #nativetiktok #reproductivejustice

Info From Threads:

[What can we do to support?]
1) Donate directly to indigenous families’ crowdfunding efforts. 2) show up and show out, protest with and for us.

Links that were brought up by the creator & some commentors as of 2022 June 25 21:57 Central Time. [trans-advice is using wayback archive versions]





Video Transcript:

Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade, they have their sights on the Indian Child Welfare Act as soon as next month. The Indian Child Welfare Act (“ICWA”, for short), is an act that prevents native children from being ripped away from Indigenous communities, and homes, and families, and place them to white families.

The ICWA keeps the jurisdiction of Welfare of children within respective tribes. It is not a coincidence they’ve overturned Roe v Wade, and now have their sights on the ICWA.

You can pause to read, but it says one of the reasons for overturning Roe was because “the domestic supply of infants” was too low for families wanting to adopt.

(Screenshot: Footnote 46: See, e.g. CDC, Adoption Experiences of Women and Men and Demand for Children To Adopt by Women 18-44 Years of Age in the United States 16 (Aug 2008).
[emphasized with yellow highlight by mariachigoth]: (“[N]early 1 million women were seeking to adopt children in 2002 (i.e. they were in demand for a child), whereas the domestic supply of infants relinquished at birth or within the first month of live and available to be adopted had become virtually nonexistent”); [End emphasis]
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, Adoption and Nonbiological Parenting, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/a-keystat.htm#adoption (showing that approximately 3.1 million women between the ages of 18-49 had ever “[t]aken steps to adopt a child” based on data collected from 2015-2019).

White adoptive families very often treat their adoptive native children as commodities, as accessories, as something that will benefit them. They cut cultural ties, and they assimilate them. Not only will this be encroaching on tribal sovereignty, but it also means that indigenous children will be ripped away from their families, from their communities, from their cultures, in order to be placed in white homes. It is an ongoing act of genocide.

[end of video]
