#silk chameuse


Pattern: Butterick 5987 view B

Fabric: Italian digital printed silk charmeuse Interlining: silk organza. Lined with fashion fabric.

Modification: skirt is cut out of just 2 pieces (front and back) instead of 5 according to the pattern. Just because the fabric is wide enough. Have to take out quite a bit on the bodice side seam to get the neckline to hang right.


This looks like a really easy pattern but getting the perfect fit is not so trivial. I attempted this same pattern very early in my sewing days and it was disastrous. Granted I used silk satin face chiffon that was fairly difficult to handle for a novice. This time around I am more equipped.(tons of silk pins and shiny new needles)

Possible improvements: none that I can think of. It’s a classic style that just can’t go wrong.
