#silmarillion cosplay


In Valinor… When he was young…

Maedhros: me | Phx: 无颜

The prince of Noldor.

Tindomiel: me | Phx: YURI | COSTUME MAKING: me Tindomiel was Elros’ daughter and a princess ofTindomiel: me | Phx: YURI | COSTUME MAKING: me Tindomiel was Elros’ daughter and a princess ofTindomiel: me | Phx: YURI | COSTUME MAKING: me Tindomiel was Elros’ daughter and a princess ofTindomiel: me | Phx: YURI | COSTUME MAKING: me Tindomiel was Elros’ daughter and a princess of

Tindomiel: me | Phx: YURI | COSTUME MAKING: me Tindomiel was Elros’ daughter and a princess of Numenor. Hope you guys like my new posts and best wishes to everyone❤ .

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did a sauron costest a while ago, then deleted most of my social media haha but anyway im working on a full costume !!

My Amarie cosplay, part 2 // part 1

Costume by me, photos by https://vk.com/eva_cosplay_photo

My Amarie cosplay, part 1 // part 2

It`s been a while since I posted here smth new Tolkien related!

I made this costume few years ago and posted some con photos of it here back then, but recently I was able to properly finish it and make a professional photoshoot. Better late than never!

Costume made by me, design inspired by Art Nouveau very much.

Photos by https://vk.com/eva_cosplay_photo

photo by Igor Zaitcev. Galadriel after the kinslaying based on Unfinished tales, story of Galadriel

photo by Igor Zaitcev. 

Galadriel after the kinslaying 

based on Unfinished tales, story of Galadriel and Celeborn 

“So it came to pass that when the light of Valinor failed, for ever as the Noldor thought, she joined the rebellion against the Valar who commanded them to stay; and once she had set foot upon that road of exile she would not relent, but rejected the last message of the Valar, and came under the Doom of Mandos. Even after the merciless assault upon the Teleri and the rape of their ships, though she fought fiercely against Fëanor in defence of her mother’s kin, she did not turn back. Her pride was unwilling to return, a defeated suppliant for pardon; but now she burned with desire to follow Fëanor with her anger to whatever lands he might come, and to thwart him in all ways that she could.”

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