

My changeling bard, Pip! They were raised in the Autumn Court and they don’t like to show people their true form

Some goth twins that run the village funeral home

Keeping up with my practice using my tablet and different brushes!

Ya boi coming at you 20 years late with JoJo fanart because I only just started it and their poses kill me every time. Not to mention the art style and palette changes- I’m in love

Some more arcane fanart of the girls I didn’t know I shipped until I was in way too deep

Sometimes a family is just a group of crazy, mutant criminals and their boss’s adopteddaughter

This one took longer than I would’ve liked because work has been a Lot recently

Devo La Main, current resident pretty boy of The Adventure Zone and a 23 year old cloister runaway (a.k.a. A child)

Victoriocity is so good and you should all give it a try! Clara Entwhistle is ADORABLE and I can’t wait to finalize a design for Archie

Playing around with character design for Victoriocity! I absolutely adore these two

I’m not thrilled with how this turned out, but it was certainly good practice!

More figures, but this time with LIGHTING oooooooo

Some more figures with the great smudge tool, because who doesn’t like buff women

*crawls out of the ground*

I’m back from my hiatus! Taking a break from tumblr was a real gift to my mental health

Please enjoy these rule breaking demons- not wearing any kinds of pads!

Some warmups

Ive been less active here, but you can still find me on Instagram @silvascribble ^-^
