#sims 2 buy mode


this isn’t so much original content as it is a collection of some of my favourite build items streamlined aha. The base is a selection of 8KandMercurywalls + a few maxis walls + a lil bit of extra edits by HodgekissandShasta, streamlined into the same 4 maxis colours (yes only 4 because there’s a hecc ton of versions of these and even 4 is pushing it a bit for the number of packages you get)- black, oak, mahogany and walnut. these preview pictures mostly use the mahogany colours! then included are matching recolours of BB’s nooks and niches (to fill in any gaps etc- these meshes aren’t included as there’s so many of them, just use them with whatever you usually use), SLU’s Fusuma set (meshes included + the same frame recolours I made previously as they match and are in separate packages), plus matching recolours of a few of keto’s windows to cover any parts that the fusuma set doesn’t ^^

so ya big set have a lookie under the cut

the last pic shows some walls made with Shishi2011’s free hanahuda stamps collection as they’re so dang pretty and I’ve been meaning to find something to put em on for an age ♥

a lot of the walls have single panel option as well as centre, left and right versions also so you can mix it up a lil. this does make for a lot of packages though, 124 packages of just walls, so unless you’re well into building Japanese row houses like me, you may want to pick and choose. I’ve also included Shasta’s poured wall in ivory as its the base texture for the poured parts of my wall recolours, and thus can be used with this set.

swatches:barred panel full~barred panel ¾~barred panel ½~barred panel~wood panel full~wood panel ½~sliding panel~shoji panel full~shoji panel ¾~shoji panel ½ ~shoji full paper~poured walls with trims~hanahuda walls~misc patterned walls

As for floors, I tend to just match em with maxis ones and use the tatami rug for my tatami rooms ^^

Download Ochaya build set!

If you’d like to support me making more CC, please support me on my Ko-fi so I’ll be able to spend time on it!
