#sims story


21 October, 1889

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Adaline tried to maintain her composure as she waited to make her final decision that night. She loved her family dearly, and the idea of hurting them broke her heart.

But she knew she needed to follow her heart, no matter what.

17 October, 1889

On the eve of her twenty-first birthday, Adaline Parlow struggled to make a decision she long thought would be simple: which marriage proposal should she accept?

The first belonged to Mr. Ernest Mackenzie, Henford’s sole pharmacist.

Although somewhat acquainted, the two did not become familiar with one another until Adaline began purchasing medicine for her father. Until his proposal, Adaline didn’t even realise he more than tolerated her: he had previously seemed uninterested in anyone else since the death of his wife three years prior.

But it was well-known his daughter was in urgent need of a mother figure, despite his seeming reservations. Adaline felt confident in her ability to be a nurturing, maternal support for the young girl, but could she break down the walls around her potential husband?

The second belonged, to, of all people, Lord Simon Longbourne, the newly inherited earl (and rumoured rake) of Henford.

Adaline never even expected that he knew her name, much less wished to marry her. Her family has worked for his since before either were born, granting her more knowledge of their dealings than most. She knew he thrived on scandal, taking joy in the anger and stress it caused his family.

It was almost a guarantee that this proposal was his newest ploy to shame his family. But it was a ploy Adaline could take advantage of. Should the proposal come to fruition, the earl’s resources would provide comfort and ease to her and her loved ones, but would she be able to win his heart as well?

The third proposal was one made in secret: that of Naveen Ghoshal.

For eleven years, Adaline has loved Naveen.

But Naveen’s financial woes made him an impossible match. Her family would never approve of a marriage between her and a street rat, which meant they would have to elope without the knowledge of her family. Adaline wasn’t sure if she could say goodbye to her ailing father and aging mother, but she wasn’t sure she was capable of saying goodbye to Naveen either. Would she have to sacrifice love for the sake of her family, or could she risk it all on the boy who’s loved her since they met?

This was not a decision to be made lightly, Adaline knew. But which man should she marry?

Start from the Beginning (You’re here!)|Next|Latest

Whose proposal should Adaline accept? The quiet and stoic pharmacist Ernest Mackenzie? The clever and sardonic Lord Simon Longbourne? Or the loving and devoted Naveen Ghoshal? The choice is yours!

Click here to vote! Please note that you are only allowed to vote once, and I can see if you have spammed! Vote ends January 4, 2022 at 9PM EST!

Introducing Naveen Ghoshal, Bachelor #3 for the CYOA Legacy

An orphan, Naveen grew up trying to fend for himself on the streets. The one constant bright spot of his childhood was Adaline Parlow, his first (and he hopes only) love. Naveen wants to prove himself capable of giving her a safe and comfortable life, but will Adaline’s own practicality spell the end of their innocent romance?

Why CYOA Legacy? Because you, the reader, will get to vote on which direction the story takes! Each major narrative decision is up to a 24-hour vote, meaning that you get to shape this legacy!

The challenge is scheduled to begin Monday, January 3 at 9pm EST.

Introducing Simon Longbourne, Bachelor #2 for the CYOA Legacy

Lord Longbourne is infamous for his charming, debonair personality, but underneath the surface lies a pensive and scheming soul. He seeks to shock the community with a proposal to Miss Parlow, the daughter of his groundskeeper. Will he get his way, or will Miss Parlow see through his tricks?

Why CYOA Legacy? Because you, the reader, will get to vote on which direction the story takes! Each major narrative decision is up to a 24-hour vote, meaning that you get to shape this legacy!

The challenge is scheduled to begin Monday, January 3 at 9pm EST.

Introducing Ernest Mackenzie, Bachelor #1 for the CYOA Legacy

Withdrawn and emotionally distant, no one expected Mr. Mackenzie was ready to move past the death of his wife until he was spotted in the company of Miss Adaline Parlow. But is this match meant to be, or should Mr. Mackenzie begin looking elsewhere?

Why CYOA Legacy? Because you, the reader, will get to vote on which direction the story takes! Each major narrative decision is up to a 24-hour vote, meaning that you get to shape this legacy!

The challenge is scheduled to begin Monday, January 3 at 9pm EST.

Introducing Adaline Parlow, the CYOA Legacy Founder

As an only child, Adaline knows her future needs to be secured in order to best provide for her mother after her ailing father passes on. However, her headstrong nature and daydreaming tendencies threaten to override her need to be practical and realistic. Can she find the stability she needs along with the romantic life she wants, or will she have to choose between one or the other?

Why CYOA Legacy? Because you, the reader, will get to vote on which direction the story takes! Each major narrative decision is up to a 24-hour vote, meaning that you get to shape Adaline’s life!

The challenge is scheduled to begin Monday, January 3 at 9pm EST.

Malmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in tMalmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in tMalmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in tMalmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in t

Malmgren Family - The Twins Grow Up

By a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in the Malmgren house. Despite having a difficult toddlerhood, the boys grew up successfully into children with Platinum aspirations. Deragh also got two promotions at work with a better schedule, so she’s decided to keep her music job for now. Sam is very close to a promotion on the soccer team now that he’s done some networking.

A big snowstorm hit Pleasantview so the boys haven’t had their first day of school yet. Deragh made pancakes and hot chocolate for the snow day, and the kids made snowmen and snow angels. They got to play some Nintendo 64 with Sam after he came back from work that evening.

So far, River and Wilder have opposite personalities. One is extremely neat, the other very messy. One is nice, the other very grouchy. Deragh and Sam look forward to seeing how their personalities develop and hope they’ll do well in school once they get to go.

Malmgren Family Story: Newest First|Chronological Order

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Malmgren Family - Small UpdateSince we last checked in with the Malmgrens, things haven’t gone well.

Malmgren Family - Small Update

Since we last checked in with the Malmgrens, things haven’t gone well. Deragh and Sam have their hands full with the toddlers, and are having a hard time getting them on a good schedule. They’re often tired when they go to work, and sometimes have overlapping work schedules but can’t afford a nanny to help. Somehow, both boys have learned to walk, but there’s still potty training to be done.
Deragh is considering quitting her music store job and starting a home hairstyling business, but without much land to expand the house, she’d have to have clients in the kitchen. It’s something she wants to talk over in depth with Sam, if they can ever find some time alone.

Malmgren Family Story: Newest First|Chronological Order

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My entry for @thesimnova​ ‘s writing challenge! Just a short drabble and I’m a massive loser, becaus

My entry for @thesimnova​ ‘swriting challenge! Just a short drabble and I’m a massive loser, because it’s basically an AU for the main couple in my IG story… which in itself is already an AU for the novel I’ll never show anyone… lmao. I was reading about privateers and how they often turned pirate, and I thought I’d approach it the other way round. It’s also a little bit inspired by From The Room In The Tower, a storytelling game by my husband.

The thing is I’m really shy about sharing actual prose (hence why this took me so long to actually get out), and writing with other characters just wasn’t doing it for me. So for now the challenging part of the challenge is just… putting it out there, instead of leaving it to gather dust on my hard drive. 

♛  ☠

Story beneath cut

The Pirate and the Prince

It was extraordinary that they’d caught him, really. People on all sides of the Berren Sea had been trying for years, and not one of them had succeeded. Was it dumb luck that had allowed the pirate to fall into their trap? Prince Erurien wasn’t sure he believed in it.

The heir to the throne of Symara leant back and regarded the individual who’d been brought before him. The pirate sat so calmly that Erurien couldn’t help but entertain the nagging thought that this was not their victory at all; that the pirate was here because he wanted to be. It was ridiculous - he was chained, for gods’ sake - and yet the languorous gaze did not belong to a person who feared for their liberty. It was… calculating. Amused.

“Arrogant, isn’t he.” The soldier standing to the prince’s left bent down and murmured in his ear. “Careful with this one.”

Sarius was right, Erurien thought. He returned his gaze to the prisoner. The pirate wore a faintly ridiculous outfit, but Erurien knew clothes and he knew by the cut that it was expensive. Was it really his taste, or had the pirate dressed up deliberately before capture? A flamboyant show; an artful distraction.

Lilac eyes watched him from beneath the brim of the ostentatious hat, and the prince shifted uneasily. There was an intensity and an antiquity to those eyes which Erurien found perturbing; the contrast between their energy and the slack eyelids, with the languid posture, was striking and more than a little bewitching.

“I am glad you like what you see,” said the pirate softly, “but is there a reason Your Highness brought me here?

Erurien felt his cheeks colour and shot a look at Sarius, who stifled a snigger. “You’re… not what I expected,” he mumbled.

“What did you expect?”

Erurien thought of the unblemished skin, those tranquil hands, the elegant clothes on the graceful frame, and pretended to be very interested in his papers. “I didn’t know you were a vampire.”

This seemed to amuse the person seated in front of him, but the pirate said nothing. He simply smiled, wide enough for a fang to catch the sunlight.


“A ship at sea seems like a bad place for a vampire,” Eruien continued, still shuffling the papers on his desk. “Doesn’t the sun burn you?”

The pirate stretched, manacles clanking as he moved his unbound arm into the beam of light from the window. He turned his hand thoughtfully, slender fingers extended, and said: “Not all rumours are true.” He glanced sideways, his expression sly. “For example, I heard that the crown prince was a witless child blessed with neither looks nor brains. We have both been misled.”

Sarius placed a warning hand on the hilt of his sword but Erurien, his brain struggling desperately to pin down all the thoughts spiraling through it, realised with a shock that he’d just been complimented - in a somewhat backhanded way.


“You’re very experienced,” he said, and nearly foundered again when the plucked eyebrows rose in gentle surprise. “I mean, you’re a talented sea - er, sailor. Pirate. Goddammit,” Erurien snapped, turning to the man beside him. “Do you need a break?”

Sarius shook his head, body shaking with badly-suppressed laughter, and wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. “No, Your Highness.”

Sarius only referred to him formally when he was taking the piss and Erurien responded with a well-practiced glare. He turned back to the pirate, who blinked at him politely.

“We want to hire you,” said Erurien, a little desperately.

“Interesting,” said the pirate.

His accent was hard to place; it was lilting and smooth, and though he enunciated each syllable with care the pronunciation of some words was ever-so-slightly off. Erurien thought he was probably not a native speaker. Where had he come from? There was very little information on the person reclining so casually before him. His council knew he was ruthless; they knew that he’d terrorised their enemies as much as he’d targeted their own ships; they knew of his extraordinary exploits at Perreg Pros, exploits which had made him seem ideal for this task; but they hadn’t known about the vampirism, and Erurien certainly hadn’t known that the pirate captain would be so beautiful.

He cleared his throat, awkwardly.

“The war between Gebreles and Hothea,” he said. “It’s-”

“Profitable,” supplied the pirate.

“…No.” Erurien frowned. “It’s abhorrent. People are dying, needlessly. But as part of the Alliance my kingdom needs to honour our contract and go to Hothea’s aid. And I think we’re at the stage where we can’t simply send in ambassadors and put our hopes in some half-baked peace treaty. We need to take action - decisive, one-time action.”

The bird-of-prey eyes had become very focused. The pirate watched Erurien with an intensity the prince found increasingly uncomfortable, all amusement gone from his features. He was serious now. He was listening.

Erurien glanced at Sarius who gave him a subtle, encouraging smile.

“Sarius believes this entire war can be stopped with one well-timed intervention. And I believe that you’re the person to do it.”

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Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4next | previous | beginning

Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 4


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Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3next | previous | beginning

Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 3


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Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 before all of you flame me for having a character named after Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 before all of you flame me for having a character named after Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 before all of you flame me for having a character named after Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 before all of you flame me for having a character named after Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 before all of you flame me for having a character named after Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 before all of you flame me for having a character named after

Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 1 

before all of you flame me for having a character named after myself, the beautiful Jade belongs to @sani-sims4


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Chapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - Endnext | previous | beginning

Chapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 18 - End


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Chapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginningChapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17next | previous | beginning

Chapter 6 // Le Cirque des Ombres // Episode 17


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Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6featured song: ♫Perrie is by @momoceptionGamemaster is by @catsChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6featured song: ♫Perrie is by @momoceptionGamemaster is by @catsChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6featured song: ♫Perrie is by @momoceptionGamemaster is by @catsChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6featured song: ♫Perrie is by @momoceptionGamemaster is by @catsChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6featured song: ♫Perrie is by @momoceptionGamemaster is by @catsChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6featured song: ♫Perrie is by @momoceptionGamemaster is by @cats

Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 6

featured song:
Perrie is by @momoception
Gamemaster is by @catssimblr (since I never credit you for your sims, also every other sim that isn’t mine or momo’s in this set lmao)


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Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5next | previous | beginningChapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5next | previous | beginning

Chapter 7 // Paper Faces // Episode 5


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