#sims story

Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: WelcomChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-one| @amuhavnext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Welcom

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-one



KYRIE: Welcome back, Your Highness.

TAYUIN: Don’t call me that.

KYRIE: Why? There’s no one else around.

TAYUIN: That’s not the point…

KYRIE: Did you find your time in the realm of illusion to be productive?

TAYUIN: I got the key didn’t I? That’s all that matters.

KYRIE: Of course. That’s all that matters.

TAYUIN: Stop it, already!

KYRIE: But what have I done wrong?

TAYUIN! You know what! You’re so annoying! You always speak in that way, like you know everything about me. Well, I did your stupid task. And I don’t regret the how!

KYRIE: Is that the truth?


KYRIE: You don’t regret it?


KYRIE: I see. Well, you’re free to go. You need not stay here, if I upset you so much.

TAYUIN: Fine. I’m going now.

KYRIE: Tayuin.

TAYUIN: What do you want?

KYRIE: He wasn’t right, you know. You’re better than that.

TAYUIN: No, I’m not. It was my choice, after all. I put myself first. Because no one else will.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty| @amuhavPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for Tayuin Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty| @amuhavPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for Tayuin Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty| @amuhavPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for Tayuin Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty| @amuhavPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for Tayuin Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty| @amuhavPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for Tayuin

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty


The audience votes for Tayuin to play along, with 74% in favor, and only 26% opposed. Tayuin chooses one player to eliminate and receives a [KEY].


TAYUIN: Alright, I’ll play along. What’s your game?

MIRROR TAY: I told you, it’s very simple. All you have to do is give me one name.

TAYUIN: One name?

MIRROR TAY: In order for one to win, another one must fail. Name one of the Chosen to eliminate, and you shall have your key.

TAYUIN: All I have to do is pick someone? But… if I agree, will they know it was me?

MIRROR TAY: Only if you tell them so. It’ll stay between you and… well, you.

TAYUIN: And you swear this isn’t a trick.

MIRROR TAY: Promise.

TAYUIN: Then, I can pick anyone?

MIRROR TAY: Anyone at all. Just say the name.

TAYUIN: Very well then. I choose…

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, thChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-nine| @izayoichanPOLL RESULTS | With 55% opposed, th

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // thirty-nine


With 55% opposed, the audience votes not to help Therion. Indryr fails to receive a [KEY], but is rewarded [TRUTH SCROLL] instead.


THERION: So, are you going to help me or not?

INDRYR: No, I don’t think I will.

THERION: Then that’s your decision.

SPECTRE: Helping those in need, accepting whatever consequence to yourself, is a selfless feat. Perhaps, too great are such leaps of faith. In reward, you would have received this key. Though, in being wary in strange lands, and keeping one’s wits about them, is just as worthy of praise. For this, you shall receive this scroll, Indryr of Irauygate.

INDRYR: So, it was an illusion after all. Then, I’ve failed this test in some part… but what does the scroll grant me?

SPECTRE: This scroll is enchanted. It can be used to compel the truth— the most honest truth— from anyone upon whom you may wish to use its power. Simply read the incantation written inside, and no lie shall stand before you. The spell will work only once, so use it wisely.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-eight| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-eight| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-eight| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-eight| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-eight| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / be

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // thirty-eight



TALILA: So, you really don’t have any magic?

ASTER: Not unless you count my lyrical expertise, I’d say it’s quite enchanting.

TALILA: giggling Good thing I came along when I did. Actually, I’ve been trying to find someone since we got here, but this place seems so big. It’s sort of lonesome.  

ASTER: I hadn’t noticed. Then again, I’m used to doing things on my own.

TALILA: Mm. I know what it’s like.  

ASTER: You? But surely you have some handsome lovers back home.

TALILA: Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a lady about her list of lovers?

ASTER: Are you horribly offended?

TALILA: Oh yes, dreadfully offended. Maybe I should have let those monsters eat you whole.

ASTER: Well, I’m sure there’s a few people around here who might’ve. Lucky for me, my lady has a heart of gold and green.

TALILA: You know, we still haven’t addressed the subject of payment.

ASTER: Payment?

TALILA: Mhm! Like what I’m going to get for saving you.

ASTER: Besides time spent with my striking good looks and dazzling smile?

TALILA: Those are lovely, but these are matters of life and death. Very serious. Worth at least… two songs!

ASTER: You… want to hear me play?

TALILA: Is that bad?

ASTER: Of course not. I would happily oblige, anytime you’d like! No rescue necessary.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // thirty-seven| @rollingsim | @sani-simsINTERACTIVE VOTE |Sho

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // thirty-seven


Should Sarayn keep the key for himself or offer it to Eve?

next / previous/beginning

EVE: Have you studied magic long?

SARAYN: Since I was young.

EVE: Ah, I imagine you must be very skilled! My brothers are also powerful mages, like you. I suppose, I’m a little late to the game. I’ve only recently come to the academy. In fact, this place sort of reminds me of it.

SARAYN: You have an incredible gift. It is, perhaps, the one magic I could never master.

EVE: You mean…?

SARAYN: Healing.

EVE: Maybe one just needs the right teacher. Not to say you’ve had bad ones. I’m sorry, that was rude of me.

SARAYN: Not at all.

EVE: Well, I’m sure there’s nothing I could teach you that you don’t already know.

SARAYN: You’re much too kind for your own good.

EVE: But you smiled.


EVE: Where do you think it leads?

SARAYN: I’m not sure. We should proceed with caution. Let me go on ahead.

EVE: Is that really necessary? You haven’t seen a single shadow since meeting me. If we go together, surely it will be safer for both of us.

SARAYN: That’s not a risk I’m willing to take.

EVE: Very well… I guess…

SARAYN: Wait here. I will come back for you once I’ve cleared any danger.

EVE: Please, be careful Lord Tev’us.

SARAYN: Thank you.

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Castle Swanburg, Grantbury, Sunday Morning

Footman: Her Majesty, the Queen Marie of Caxony.

Queen Marie: (to ladies-in-waiting) I wish to be alone with my nieces.

Princess Charlotte: You must have had quite the journey, Aunt Marie.

Queen Marie: I believe it is not as exciting as it is made out to be. The weather on the sea was just too tumultuous, and I was discouraged from traveling. So I waited at my house in Saint Uinen until I was allowed to get on the ship. And unfortunately I could not send a message either, so… I hope you did not worry too much, especially you, little one.

Lady Lilian: I was worried… but now I am glad you are here.

Princess Juliet: Now that we have telegraphs, we should be able to communicate more easily in the future. I doubt we should have to rely on letters for much longer.

Queen Marie: Perhaps. I don’t understand the technology, but I should talk to my son.

Princess Charlotte: We should have a nice week together, Aunt Marie. The ball is tonight, and after that there will be a dinner in your honor, but other than that, there are only minor events in the diary. We should have a grand old time.

Queen Marie: I’m sure of it, as it is so lovely to be with you all here. And perhaps we will also get to celebrate an engagement? Juliet?

Princess Juliet: How do you know?!

Queen Marie: My maid said it was the main topic in the servant’s hall, that there would be an official announcement any day?

Princess Juliet:

Princess Valeria: They pretend they don’t have an understanding, but everyone knows it is going to happen. Quite pathetic honestly. Just admit to it already.

Princess Charlotte: Now, now… We don’t need to be unkind.

Princess Valeria: Unkind!? They’re treating us as if we were blind!

Queen Marie: I am sure that is not the intention here. And sit up straight, Valeria, don’t slouch, you look like a peasant’s daughter!

Princess Valeria: Forgive me, Aunt. (mumbles) a peasant’s daughter is still a peasant…

Princess Juliet: Charles and I are not engaged, Aunt Marie, but… perhaps he might propose soon, I am not sure. It is difficult to know what he thinks.

Princess Charlotte: I believe the way that he seeks you out in a crowded room is already a sign that he must be madly in love with you; before the war he usually kept to the shadows, or sat and growled at everyone.

Lady Lilian: I think it’s romantic, him coming home from the war and falling in love…

Queen Marie: Has he spoken to your father yet? To ask permission?

Princess Juliet: Not to my knowledge, but I should not think it matters. I’m not promised to anyone else, and Papa thinks highly of Charles. And this way, I could stay here in Anland and could be close to our families.

Queen Marie: I see… well my darlings, let me give you some advice. You are still so young. And you are right at the limbo between coming of age and starting your life in society and being married. You should do your very best to make this time one of joy. The friendships you make now could last a lifetime, you have the opportunity to meet the most interesting people of our lifetime of course! But don’t forget to behave properly either… Rumors about impropriety can also follow you until your deathbed. Would you not agree, Valeria?

Princess Valeria: Why would you tell me this, Aunt?

Queen Marie: All I will say is this: the servant’s hall is apparently also full of your exploits, dearest.

Princess Valeria:What?!

Queen Marie: I do not wish to discuss the matter, but let this be a tale of caution for you.

Princess Juliet: Would you approve of it thought? If it came through, that is?

Queen Marie: Of what?

Princess Juliet: This… match. If he did propose, would you approve of it?

Queen Marie: Of course, my child. As long as it is what you truly want.

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