#six of crows fanfic


“The Wrong Ones”

New chapter is live on “Dealing With Our Demons” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

Oooooofffff this one was hard to write. I hope y’all love it. I’m pretty nervous about this one, tbh. Idk. Self doubt and all that.

Thank you for everything, dear readers.

Linking my kofi! Right now I’m actually looking at binding my own copy of DWOD thus far and I’d love to go for it so I can have my own work on my shelf! That is to say that if I receive any donations for the next few weeks, I’ll be saving them for that, this time. If you can’t, please know I already owe you everything for just being here and reading what I write. I love you

Okay… so I’m verrrrrryyyyy motivated right now. Do y’all want me to aim to post DWOD & Dregs tonight or DWOD & battles of before???? (DWOD either way cause I can’t stop)

Emilia Winstrad watching me write the previous chapter and my next one:

(Also, she is almost exactly how I picture Emilia, though with black hair & dark eyes. In case you all wanted to put a face to our well-dressed, Sapphic, whiskey drinking Queen. *I cannot!!!! Cannot!!! Stress how excited I am to introduce even more facets of this character to you.)

I posted another look at my debut novel on tiktok if y’all care to see it! just wanted to hype it out cause I’m trying to get better at sharing about my original world and story as well as my fics!


New chapter is live on “Dealing With Our Demons” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

So, please read the warning in my authors note. This ones heavy in true Bardugo fashion. I’m very very nervous for this chapter and I can’t decide whether I love it or hate it and I just would love to hear from y’all. Thank you forever

Linking my kofi! It would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out, I’m currently saving for self publication if the traditional route doesn’t pan out. If you can’t, please know you already do more than enough by reading what I write and by being here.

So I know I have followers who are also artists (which I desperately wish I was but alas words are my thing not drawing/painting/anything else). My point to this post is I’m literally on my hands and knees praying for someone to draw Emilia.

I just…. I just wanna show y’all how much I love her. How proud I am of this character.(THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH MY NEXT CHAPTER. None. None whatsoever.)

Anyways…. I’ll fade back into the ether now. New chapter to edit before it goes live and all that nonsense.

So I know I’ve uploaded a lot the past few days, how y’all feeling about one more chapter up later? Or should I be slower? It’s how I am, when I’m ready to go, I launch. I also know everyone has gotten used to my slower updates as of late…. What do we think? (also I still cannot respond in the comments of posts on here I don’t know why but I do read them!)

“That Kind”

New chapter is live on “Dealing With Our Demons” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

I hope you love it, guys. I cannot wait for the next one. Thank you for being here and I love you (keeping this note short because I’m very sleepy sorry ily)

Linking my kofi! If you love my work it would mean the world to me if you could check it out- but as always, just know that reading what I write is the biggest form of support I could possibly hope for as an author! I love you

“Mistakes In The Mending”

New chapter is live on “Dealing With Our Demons” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

Guys… I just hope you love it. I really do. It’s a tough one and a special one. I can’t wait to hear what you think. Seriously. Ahh!

Linking my kofi page! If you love my writing, I’d appreciate it so much if you checked it out! If you can’t, just know that you are supporting me more than I could ever hope for by just reading what I write and being here. I love you forever

So I just had an entire Kanej modern au write itself in my head and I either need y’all to talk me down from adding a project onto my plate or hype it up. I…. I think it could be good. Like, actually worthy of a contemporary romance book good??? I don’t know…. Do I do it? Do I tackle another fic? Or don’t i???

In other news, DWOD will be updated later tonight.

PS- I can no longer seem to respond on posts on tumblr? Does anyone know how to fix it??? It’s so weird. My asks still work and I can still post/reblog/etc but it won’t let me comment anywhere or respond even on my own posts??

“Courageous Houses”

New chapter is live on “Dealing With Our Demons” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

Guys. Guys. GUYS. I’m so effing excited for this one and the next. Like, had to stop myself from just staying up all night even though I have work in the morning just to try and edit 5k more words to smoosh the two chapters together. Ultimately, I have to make the choice here to split them both because it’s smart and because I can’t not sleep as I so often do. BUT IM SO EXCITED. I hope you love it and I hope you’re all here until the end because I still have some mega plot things up my sleeve that I cannot wait to share. I love you all and I hope you enjoy! I’ve missed you lately and I just wanted you to know that.

Linking my kofi! If you love my writing I’d love for you to check it out! If not, know that every time you read what I write you are supporting a dream I have spent my life chasing and will continue to chase. It means more to me than anything else in the world.

Hey y’all Going to be uploading soon! I’m so excited for what’s coming up for all the stories! You cannot imagine how long I’ve waited for you to read some of this! I just wanted to update you because I’ve been having some technical issues (see also: my cat got to my laptop charger, despite that I’d put it out of his reach, and chewed through it) Which I cannot tell you how frustrating it is.

That being said, if y’all love my writing and want to help fund my new laptop charger and a better squirt bottle for my cat, I’m linking my kofi page here! I’m never really the type to ask for help but it would be greatly appreciated as it’s not a cheap mistake that occurred.

If not, guys you know reading my stuff is more support than I could ever deserve or earn and I love ya the most. Just be patient with me over the next few days as I get my uploads up anyways thanks for reading this whole dang thing.

So I uh, just posted a sneak peek of my debut novel on tiktok…. If you guys are interested… *nervous screech*. If you love found family, LGBTQIA+ rep, POC rep, multiple POV & a slow burn sort of love (you know I do)…then this ones for you (see also: Six of Crows meets Moonknight with a pinch of Mulan style women empowerment)

Based off of Egyptian mythology with a wild streak of fantasy, I welcome you into the world of Duat… When ashes and sand collide, who can separate one grain from the next? Working title: ‘Desert’s Dance’ by yours truly.

If y’all have ever wanted to hype my writing…. Please hype this one, I’m querying now! Thank you for reading my fics, and I hope someday to take you to new places with my writing….

Hi everyone! Popping on here to let you know I’m editing my next uploads for all stories currently and I’m so happy to be back to posting. I’ve missed you guys a ton! In that same vein, I’ll have my tumblr logged in this afternoon and if you guys have any questions, shoot me an ask! Keep me company? (this is just an easy way for me to get back to y’all in closer to real time!)

“Have Me”

New chapter is live on “Dealing With Our Demons” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

Hi guys, I’m finally back. To save you from reading a long message here, please read my authors notes. But to put a long ramble short: I’ve missed you all and I love you to pieces.

Thank you forever & a day for your unending support and kindness & for reading what I write.

Linking my kofi! If you love what I write, please consider checking it out. Literally anything helps right now as I’m saving toward publication of my own novels in case traditional publishing doesn’t work out. I also use this to help fund my copious caffeine addiction and writing subscriptions to Microsoft word etc. If you cannot, please know that reading what I write is already more support than I could ever ask for or earn. Thank you.

“Something Sour This Way Comes”

New chapter is live on “The Dregs” by ravenyenn19 on Ao3

Hi hello I’m sorry it’s taken so long. Please read the authors note so I don’t ramble here, but I’m so happy to be back. Specifically with this story- I never would have started when I did if I’d known I wouldn’t be able to offer the level of consistency I wanted, but I hope you’re all excited and I’ve missed you so much.

As always, thank you for being here. For supporting me, even during hiatuses, and for just reading what I write. I love you.

So. If I decided to write (or maybe already wrote during my hiatus), the internal monologues of Kaz & Inej during scenes from the show…. Would you guys want me to publish them as a series? Would you want to read them?

If not, that’s okay!!! I just was playing with it and I think some of it is good and and *nervous author screeches into the void*
