#skam spain


“it’s interesting how you, who describe yourself as a “feminist”, is calling others girls sluts.”

noora amalie sætre.

ngl, i’m lowkey team miquel.


I’m definitely starting to get bored of watching the same S1 story…

Obviously, all the remakes are a little different, and like, I’m still gonna watch them, because, I’m really liking some of the remakes versions of the characters, but, at this point, even S2’s (which, for the most part, I can’t stand) storyline is starting to sound appealing. I want to see these characters in new (well, new outside of og skam) situations. Please, just roll on with the new seasons already!

I agree. I’m done with the remakes. I’m not watching Spain or NL. I’ll watch the pretty gifs and random clips but I don’t have it in me to watch two other season 1s of Skam.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing abaut.


