#skin care


Today calls for a Weed Whacker nose + ear hair trimming session with the boys.

 A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorativ

A brand new batch of soaps are up on my mom’s and family friend’s Etsy store! If you like decorative soap or want a fun gift, check out the main store linked below. :)

✦ Click here for the Etsy page! ✦

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Hello My Dear Readers,

I have been on a roll when it comes to my skincare. Not because I am wearing less makeup— but I am loving how the skin looks on my makeup free days. I have been experimenting with a few products for some time. I like to really take my time when it comes to reviewing skin care items. It takes more than two weeks to effectively see if a certain moisturizer or serum is in fact…

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Laneige Cream Skin Toner & Moisturizer

Hello Everyone!

I hope that everyone is doing well and most importantly doing your part while we still try to get out of the woods with this while Covid-19 situation. Not sure if it’s the warm weather, or the fact that all of the flowers are finally in bloom at my house, but it feels like there is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. I hope life can go back to normal soon!

This week I am back…

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Product Review: AHC Skin Care

Hello My Lovelies!

I hope all of you are having a fantastic summer so far! I actually just got back from spending some time away in Central America; specifically El Salvador. It was lovely and a much needed break!  I did come back to a lovely surprise. I was picked by Influenster to participate in one of their Voxbox to review the AHC Skincare line! I was super excited for this.  Those that are…

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Pink Cloud Rose Water Review

Hello my dearies,

I hope this week was fabulous and productive! Celebrate it because you survived another work week and you have made it to Friday! Fabulous feeling right? Soak it people! Personally, this week has been a bit of a rollercoaster. But hey, not everyday can be a good day right? The important thing is that we survived, we pushed forward and we got things done!

I do however want to…

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