#snape fandom

severusdefender: lunniere: “It is Veritaserum - a truth potion so powerful that three drops would ha



“It is Veritaserum - a truth potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets for this entire class to hear,” said Snape viciously. “Now, the use of this potion is controlled by very strict Ministry guidelines. But unless you watch your step, you might just find that my hand slips right over your evening pumpkin juice.

this is so funny

He always tries so hard to look bad and menacing, but then he outdoes himself with the results.

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by MARiKaArt on deviantart.[ link to the original post ]*I saw this fanart and immediately knew that

by MARiKaArt on deviantart.
[ link to the original post ]*

I saw this fanart and immediately knew that mySev was depicted. I couldn’t miss to have it on my tumblr, since it’s dedicated to queer Sev (in every shade possible of the word). Also, everyone who hasn’t seen it yet HAD to do it. It’s a pretty old fanart, but there’s so much out there that I somehow unfortunately hadn’t come across it… 

*I’ve had the permission by the author to repost this artwork.

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serosvit:Snape as a potions apprentice after Hogwarts.


Snape as a potions apprentice after Hogwarts.

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Someone: Snape’s a villain.

Alan Rickman:

Alan was the ultimate pro Snape.

quite literally!!!

[gif taken by @ourheroictommo]




Another thing I’ve pondered is what Rowling (not that I hold much weight to her opinions, even of her own work. She’s a mess) said about Snape becoming a DE to impress Lily. First time I read that I just didn’t get it, how could becoming a DE impress a muggleborn? Then I realized that Snape was watching as James Potter strung him up with his own spell, filled his mouth with soap, and stripped him, and Lily was impressed by this. Yes she came to Snape’s defense, but there is an underlying implication that Lily found James’s actions, as titillating as they were repulsive, and even begins to flirt with him. In a horrific way, maybe Severus assumed this was the kind of behavior that Lily found appealing. I realized this was just the kind of ridiculous thing a boy Sev’s age would assume. That Lily wanted a man who was demonstrative of his own power and authority over others. Yikes.

Internalized misoginy. I understand this. Being taught that when a guy pursues you, it’s the sign of true love. That when he’s a “bad boy”, the key thing to wait for him is to “grow up” as in “doing as you wish” a bit. Thinking that hot masculinity is display of power as a game. Thinking that when a guy refuses you, it’s again love, that when he catcalls you everywhere, it’s just love and he can’t control it, that when he says “what’s gotten to her?” as though you were being just hysterical and his friend answers in your place playing down what you said it’s just boys being boys and that’s supposed to be hot, that it’s best to marry soon and have a child because apparently soulmates exist and you belong to them. That what counts is inside, not the red flags they display; that whenever they do wrong, “it’s different”. Oh and why? Because of the status they hold, not what they do.

It’s blatant misoginy from the 70-90ies and even 2000’, impressive how disgusting it became.

“How come Lily married James? She hated him.”

“Did she? You’re a woman, you know what I mean.”

There it is. Rowling hold the same discourse as Sirius and it’s misogynistic.

On a sidenote, I just read “Miso Ginny” and that’s funny to think that poor Ginevra aquired the diminutive of “misogyny”.



So sexy he makes lightning strike.

I’m just a little black rain cloud…

The one thing Snape-haters always get wrong is that they think that Snape-lovers deify him. We don’t. We understand him for who he is. We have no illusions about what he did and how it affected the lives of others. But we also know why he did them. And why did he grew up to be the cold, vindictive man people find so hard to redeem.

Snape’s journey is one of rising above the very demons that once led him astray. By respecting Snape we don’t glorify him into something he is not. We take his side knowing who he is. Because he has shown that you can muster the strength to stay true to your love depsite knowing that there’s no happy ending.

On the night James and Lily died…

In Noctem

Carry my soul into the night

May the stars light my way

I glory in the sight

As darkness takes the day

Ferte in noctem animam meam

Illustrent stellae viam meam

Aspectu illo glorior

Dum capit nox diem

Cantate vitae canticum

Sine dolore actae

Dicite eis quos amabam

Me nunquam obliturum

Sing a song, a song of life

Lived without regret

Tell the ones, the ones I loved

I never will forget.

Never will forget.
