#so good



“He’s smart. He’s competent. His sarcasm is funny and his bitterness can be bracing. He always knows what to do. He’s always there when you need him. There are things that only Snape can do. A wizard who has done evil and then felt remorse knows how to undo evil magic in a way that those who have always been good cannot know.”

from the Introduction, Snape:  A Definitive Reading


rip gideon the ninth you will ALWAYS be famous


tamsyn muir is good at writing manipulative characters because instead of writing mustache-twirling littlefinger clones she writes people who are actually likeable and funny.

like a lot of the time i’ll read/watch something where the protagonist gets manipulated by the most Evil Motherfucker and i’m totally checked out because i’m like why are you listening to this guy. but even though cytherea and john are obviously sinister in their own ways they are endearing and personable and you really understand why gideon/harrow & john’s lyctors respectively would want to willingly ignore the warning signs that you, the reader, can see. and it makes their manipulations infinitely more compelling!


Wanna Smoke a Joint? - Bruise Fanfic

Summary:Kai and Jay are regular marijuana users, one night they introduce it to Cole and a whole mess comes about

Pairing:Jay x Cole

Warnings:light making out, swearing

Word Count: 10,595 (I know it’s long… but give it a chance! I thought about splitting it into two but I think it works better as one part)

A/N:Yeah so I had a small idea and it turned into a really long short story. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

After every big victory, the ninjas like to hold celebratory parties. Usually they consist of the elemental masters being stupid and having fun. There’s alcohol, music, and sometimes there’s marijuana.

The night usually goes as follows: Zane and Lloyd babysitting Nya, Cole, and Pixel as they drink a little too much while Kai and Jay hung out in another room, secluded and indulging in another substance.

Tonight, the party was being held at the house Jay inherited from his biological dad. It was packed. As per usual, Pixel and Nya headed straight for the booze. Jay tried to say a quick goodbye to Nya, but she ignored it. Jay’s mood fell slightly as he and Kai made their way to the rooftop. Coming along tonight was Bolobo, Shade, Tox, and Skylor. Skylor had never joined the group before, but Kai piqued her interest.

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neonjawbone: “You got an eviction notice, Ned?”I’m real jazzed about TAZ: Amnesty and I’m a fan of


“You got an eviction notice, Ned?”

I’m real jazzed about TAZ: Amnesty and I’m a fan of Ned “Why use one word when you can use many many more” Chicane

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Todays doodles are Myras personal Horse Acting Guide!

DISCLAIMER: im not a horse expert, but i’ve been hobby riding for 13 years and read some books through the years, so it’s just my personal experience. I dont know everything and people have different ways!
