#so many wips



I just can’t help myself *shrugs*

@elephant-in-the-pride-parade we are in this picture and I don’t like it.


I find the fact that many writers have a lot of unfinished WIPs with even more joining the pile quite beautiful, actually.

We have so many stories within us that can’t wait to be written down and shared because we’re so excited about them.

Isn’t it wonderful that we all have that many amazing ideas?

may i offer you some wips in this trying time?

i’m finished my final project (thank the looord) and i’m ready to start investing proper time in my tarot cards but unfortunately my joints are making it hard to do much outside of sit and watch run bts. anyway the point is, i’m done with my proper college work for this year so i have time to do all sorts of stuff now ‍♂️ that is all


omg, who made this, this is the realest thing i read for last 5 days

You never lost your honour because you didn’t finish an activity you began for fun. No one can take your honour for that.

But you can gain a great deal of healthy pride, and fresh confidence, and have a greater feeling of self-worth, and that is something no one can argue against.

Do not force yourself to finish a puzzle you began because it was a rainy day. You can carefully put the puzzle away and someday it will be waiting.

In the meantime, admire your finished puzzles, framed and beautiful, or look for inspiration in the displays others have shared. You can complete your puzzle when you are ready to.

And for the love of god if you’re missing a piece just skip it, watch He-Man What’s Going On, and then come back to it another time.

Sending love to all writers <3
