#so yes


here at elrondfucker69 we support the protestors in Hong Kong doing their thing! The People’s Liberation Army, cops and the Communist Party would look up at the people they killed and ask them to dip their fingers in water to cool the fires around them!

swearyshera: zadelite: this is what happened canonically effective immediately This whole blog is caswearyshera: zadelite: this is what happened canonically effective immediately This whole blog is caswearyshera: zadelite: this is what happened canonically effective immediately This whole blog is caswearyshera: zadelite: this is what happened canonically effective immediately This whole blog is caswearyshera: zadelite: this is what happened canonically effective immediately This whole blog is ca



this is what happened canonically effective immediately

This whole blog is canon

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Representation of me wanting to write 3746219 fanfics/one shots including: one one shot about Steven Grant (X rader), plenty of Assassin’s Creed x reader one shots AND NOW EVEN a whole fanfic about Obi Wan Kenobi (while not even being sure if people would actually read anything non AC related, since my blog is and always has been Assassin’s Creed centred and consequently having fellow AC fans, yet just a couple of them still active in the fandom since everyone else seem like they disappeared [like I DID with this blog too] and with no one interacting with my blog if not for a couple of survivors who still stick around nevertheless since I stopped to be active on this blog altogether) :



pov logan sanders checks in on you to make sure you are supporting gay rights, yes it is a Threat

I love the fact that I say I’m not into OFF but my brain keeps giving me dreams about it

Precisly dreams including Enoch

Not that I’m complaining


“are u ok”

bro i am completely disconnected from reality right now

babyanimalgifs:Wait, some people don’t do this? Tw @dating.decisionsI mean… 1) I don’t ha


Wait, some people don’t do this?


I mean… 1) I don’t have a water purifier in the fridge and 2) why would I when tapwater is 100% safe and clean and 3) I drink the tapwater myself and 4) my cats prefer to drink from my soaked dishes anyway and why would I use fridge water to clean my dishes?

Is this some American thing? Because it sounds American. Or maybe just not Scandinavian?

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Yesterday I overheard someone talking about how he was taking classes at the University of Maryland because they offer free tuition if you’re over 60. 

My brain IMMEDIATELY began scripting a screwball comedy in which a broke millennial who desperately want to finish his long-abandoned degree but is drowning in student debt pretends to be a senior citizen in order to attend college for free.

I’m picturing someone Channing Tatumesque, applying age makeup every morning before he heads off to class. It’s sort of a cross between 21 Jump Street and Mrs. Doubtfire. He keeps forgetting which hip is supposed to be his bad one. His classmates laugh every time he uses slang. There’s definitely a scene where he attends a college party and busts it up on the dance floor.

He catches the eye of a fellow returning student, a woman in her 50s, but she thinks he’s like 70 and she’s already buried one husband, you know? She’s not interested in doing that again. When his charade unravels (hilariously) at the end of the movie, though, she finds out he’s actually like 30 and has abs you could bounce a quarter off. And he’s still super into her. And really, maybe it’s time she gave May-December romance a chance.

Okay so to refine this concept a little:

Our Hero is stuck in a job where he keep seeing people get promoted past him because they have a 4-year degree and he doesn’t. He can’t afford to go back to school until he finishes paying off his student loans for the degree he’s one semester from completing. If he got the promotion he wants he could pay them off a lot quicker. But he can’t get the promotion without the degree.

Along comes a clerical error in his almost-alma mater’s records which lists his birth year as 1948 instead of 1984. He gets a call from them about their “free tuition for seniors” program. “Wow, that sounds amazing!” he says. “I’ll be sure to tell my, uh, grandpa, as soon as he gets home.”

It’s one semester. If he can keep up the charade, he’ll have the degree, get the promotion, pay off the student loans. Hell, if they figure it out after the fact and come after him for the tuition, he’ll be able to afford it by then. He just needs to pass as a 70-year-old until graduation. How hard could it be?

(also, someone in the notes suggested “Senior Year” for a title, which is PERFECT.)

Holy shitballs.



we love palamedes and camilla in this house. muir really got that sollux and kanaya’s dynamic is one of the best despite being so very rare and wrote them literary descendants that never leave each other’s sides

Also implied in HtN, if they had the opportunity, they’d both be fucking Dulcinea.

Cheesecake Cookie from Cookie Run reads Warrior Cats(requested by @chiantighost)Cheesecake Cookie from Cookie Run reads Warrior Cats(requested by @chiantighost)

Cheesecake Cookie from Cookie Run reads Warrior Cats

(requested by @chiantighost)

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OOC: Jess and I got some dates mixed up, so see you all Sunday instead! ❤️

lescarnetsdehaku: I love all Martin headcanons, but have you considered short-but-strong Martin?lescarnetsdehaku: I love all Martin headcanons, but have you considered short-but-strong Martin?lescarnetsdehaku: I love all Martin headcanons, but have you considered short-but-strong Martin?


I love all Martin headcanons, but have you considered short-but-strong Martin?

Post link


i love girls with no ‘maternal warmth’. girls who are affectionate in awkward ways. girls who are not ‘caregivers’ so much as care needers. girls who mean well but come across as assholes. girls who don’t mean well. girls who cry a lot but it isn’t ‘cute’ it’s just annoying. girls who aren’t always the most beautiful one in the room. girls who are obnoxious. girls who kind of suck but u can’t help but love them bc they really are just trying,









frodo baggins the iconic reluctant hero who saved the entirety of arda deserves so much better than “sam gamgee is the real hero” i said what i said

#yes!!!!!! its not that sam’s contributions shouldn’t be appreciated#but frodo bore like impossible psychological torment and despair#and yet clowns still act like this because#he does actually crack and struggle under the stress#and he doesn’t have some aragorn style battle scene#but GO OFF i guess

“Frodo deserved all honour because he spent every drop of his power of will and body, and that was just sufficient to bring him to the destined point, and no further. Few others, possibly no others of his time, would have got so far.” –J. R. R. Tolkien, Letter 192

Let’s be real, at least half the reason people refuse to see Frodo as the “real hero” of the story is because he actively chooses non-violence and mercy. 

I remember some YouTube commenter writing “Frodo is so overrated, he never even kills anyone” and if that doesn’t win the award for Most Impressive Failure to Get the Point, I’m not sure what does. 

#tbh I adore sam gamgee#but he would throw hands if he knew people were praising him by putting frodo down via@the-artifice-of-eternity

some little hobbit child listening to a story: geez did Frodo even do anything

all the adults in the room: no doN’T

samwise gamgee vaulting in through the window: FIRST OF ALL

Hot Take time:

Neither of them is a hero.

They are two halves of a single hero. (No, this is not a joke about being hobbit-sized.)

Frodo is the one who has to bear the mental torture and hardship of the Ring–but without Sam, he couldn’t have. Who is there to offer a joke, a smile, a hug, an unjudging ear, an extra bite of bread when Frodo looks peaky and ill, a doubled-up bedroll when it’s too cold for a small hobbit used to a good hole with a warm fire? Frodo would have failed long before he reached Mount Doom without Sam to cheer him on.

Likewise: Sam could never have made the journey alone. He doesn’t have Frodo’s mental strength. But he’s a gardener: his job is to make things grow, to nurture them and make them flourish. Who is there to give him a purpose as he travels across a land so big, so far, hoping to save his home?

Separate the pair of them, and neither would have made it. Frodo needed the shelter of Sam’s heart in order to find his way–and Sam needed a leader.

It’s literally love and friendship and camaraderie that save Middle Earth. Neither could be the chosen one alone.

It’s literally love and friendship and camaraderie that saved Middle Earth. Neither could be the chosen one alone.

And that was, in fact, Tolkien’s entire point.


these are always immensely entertaining to me so reblog and put in the tags if you’d trust your pfp with the aux chord on a road trip.
