#chibs imagine


Juice Ortiz Imagine




 Waking up the morning, you rushed to get out the house as soon as possible before he would wake up. You felt like work was your escape. You just really hoped he wouldn’t be at your house once you got back home. You didn’t want to talk about last night. But guess Juice got the message, he didn’t come back. That was it. 

You packed up all the things he had at your house, all the pictures you had with him, all the memories form the last 5 years. You couldn’t even find the guts to text him, you just dropped off the box at the clubhouse with Chucky.

Juice came back from a run beaten and bruised. Not one word from you all week. He never been in a serious relationship with anyone before you. Was this it for you guys? He wasn’t sure if it was a break up or not. Maybe another fight. He just wasn’t sure what he should do or allowed to do at this point. 

Once he was back in his dorm he found a large box. It was filled with everything. All his clothes from your house. All the presents he’s ever gotten you. Even all the photos. That’s all it took to piss him off before he found himself storming to your front door. 

“What?” You asked crossing your arms over your chest looking at Juice. You really weren’t expecting him to show up at your house. You haven’t heard from him since that night, now why would he need to say anything. 

“What the fuck is up with the box?” Juice asked as you see the anger in his brown eyes. 

“Your things. You told me to go find someone else life to make miserable. Sorry for bothering for the past 5 years.” You sassed knowing it was only going to make this situation a lot worse. Neither of you whiling to be the bigger person. 

“Just because I don’t want to get fucken married?” He argued back. 

“No it’s about you stringing me along for 5 years. You knew what I wanted and you just played me! Like what else we’re stuck. How is this relationship suppose to move forward when you aren’t making any steps to make a life with me!” You yelled back at him. You never ever fought like this before. 

“ I didn’t-” Juice started to say but he really didn’t know what to say anymore. 

“Bye Juice.” You mumbled rolling your eyes and closing the door in his face. Was this really it for you two? Did you really want to end it, 5 years for nothing. 

It was hard without Juice. It was hard to figure out a routine on your own. Most of your time you spent working, or at the gym. Nothing from Juice. A week turned into a month, a month turned into a few months. Now everything felt numb almost like Juice never was in your life in the first place. 

And you actually met someone. You weren’t out looking for someone, going on a date seemed far form reach. You told him all the shit but it seemed like you both where in the same boat of a failed relationship. and it was going good, he seemed more serious about you. 

You where completely surprised when at dinner for he proposed. You thought about this moment with Juice, how it never happened. How numb you ended up being towards the idea it’d never happen.  

The ring was huge, it was beautiful. He even was looking for a house to buy to get settled before getting married. All he wanted was for you to focus on choosing a date and planning a wedding. And that was the hardest part for you. 

Everything you tried to plan you’d end up thinking about Juice. You always thought it’d be him. You couldn’t keep living in a fantasy about him. That’s how you found yourself at home, magazines spread across the floor. You ripped some picture out for ideas. Other your printed out hoping to find something similar. You where even sure what you liked anymore. 

The door bell rang knocking you out of all your thoughts. You weren’t expecting your fiance back for another few days from his business trip.  You opened the door only to have your heart stop. 

“What are you doing here Juice?” You asked looking at the man who became a stranger. He looked just the same as that night. Nothing really changed about him these past months. He still had his silly mohawk, still has the Kutte. 

“I- uh How are you?” He asked his brown eyes scanning me. As if they where searching for something, almost pleading. 

“I’m okay. You?” You asked crossing your arms. This shouldn’t feel like this. It shouldn’t feel like a tone of bricks on your chest. You shouldn’t have your heart beating so hard at just the sight of him.

“Looks like your more then just fine Y/N.” Juice said his eyes locked on the diamond ring on your finger. 

“Yeah I am.” You said not sure what to say. You weren’t even sure why this felt so wrong. 

“It’s only been 7 months.” Juice said with a sigh. He wasn’t sure why he was even here anymore. He came to check on you, see how everything was. He was miserable without you. He never thought he’d show up and your happy, you’ve moved on from him so fast. Did you ever love him? 

“What are you doing here?” You asked him. You felt like you where going to burst into tears but you weren’t sure form what. 

“How’d you move on so fast?” He asked not being able to control his own emotions at this point. 

“I di- I wasn’t planing to. It just happened with him.” You whispered not sure how to explain it. Maybe you haven’t moved on from Juice, the emotions, the strong feels you had for him couldn’t just go away. But you got better at pushing them to the side. You and Juice had so much history it was hard to just move on. 

“Do you love him?” Juice asked, he knew he didn’t really want to know the answer to that. 

“He makes me happy.” Was all that you could say. You couldn’t admit you loved another man to the man you’ve loved desperately for years. 

“Why are you going to marry him if you don’t love him?” He asked his voice slightly raising. There was a fire behind his warm brown eyes that you haven’t seen in such a long time.

“It’s not about that. We’re both on the same page, we want the same things. He makes me feel safe and loved.” You said trying to explain it. 

“That’s it?” Juice asked was plea and desperation in his voice. You have never heard him so broken before. 

“That’s it.” You said as he shook his head mumbling things under his breath. And just like that he was gone. All you could hear was the harley roaring down the street. part of you begged for him to stay but another part of you knew he couldn’t. 

I have a couple SOA fanfics if anybody is interested! I just started the Kozik one so don’t expect aI have a couple SOA fanfics if anybody is interested! I just started the Kozik one so don’t expect a

I have a couple SOA fanfics if anybody is interested! I just started the Kozik one so don’t expect a ton of chapters just yet. They’re both love stories with a plus sized girl named Jakki, based on me because I wanted to write out a little something for me. These stories are even opened to people who just like a good love story. I would I appreciate the reads and anyone who reblogs. Thanks, lovelies <3

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Don’t Leave Me Like This

Part. 1

*Note: This is just something i wroted back in summer and I tried to fix it a little bit and I decided to post it ;), Let me know if someone is interested for part 2 !

They say that your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die, but for me there wasn’t anything. Just endless darkness that felt overwhelming. Was I even dead ?

I opened my eyes slowly taking in the surroundings. My ears were ringing so i didn’t hear anything. Only that annoying high pitched noice in my head that just couldn’t shut itself.

I lowered my eyes and i saw my blood soaked yellow T-shirt. I started to breath faster and i clutched my hands to my bloody wet shirt. Was i injured ?!

I didn’t feel any pain and i sighed i reliefe when i realised i wasn’t hurt. Wait. Whos blood this is then if it’s not mine?

I finally lifted my eyes from my hands and i watched silently my surroundings. I was at the TM-auto’s parking lot, behind one of the cars. Thats when i again heard a gunshot and a angry yell of a man. Thats when i turned my head to the left and i saw Tig and Happy hiding behind couple of their bikes that were parked at the nice and clean row in front of metal rail. The two guys both were squating behind the bikes and i saw they had guns in their hands.

Couple gunshots were shot into air towards us and then i heard high sound of tires squealing on the asphalt and more yells. When the guys runned to the gate of the lot shouting something. I took deep breath.

Thats when i heard the low growl from the beside me. I turned my head to the direction of the sound. Thats the moment when i felt everything go into slowmotion and the total shock settled into my guts and made my throath thighten, few tears coming from my eyes.

That growls owner was my old man. Chibs. Chibs was shot. He was half laying and half sitting against the wall of the garage and he was clutching his stomach. Hid gun abandoned near to his legs.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I just stared at him with wide eyes, with a blurred vision by the tears that were now running down my cheeks. Thats when i finally managed to let high pitched whine left my lips

“FILIP !” I got up stumbling and i fell to my knees besides him.

He was breathing heavily and uneven breaths. He turned his half lidded dark brown eyes to me, those eyes that i loved so much were now just a distant thing. He gave me a small half smile and looked me in the eyes

“are ya okay, lass?… did ya get hurt?” He asked with a raspy and almost like whisper kind of voice. It almost didn’t even sound like him.

That made me cry even harder and i just managed to nod my head. I put my hands over his bloodied ones.

“You got shot ?!” I asked between my sobs

“nah, it’s..s just an scratch”, he said with a snarl and he leaned his head against the wall.

I shaked my head and i yelled help. It didn’t take long when i saw Tig running to us with Jax behind him. I turned my head back to coughing Filip and i saw the blood dripping down from his mouth. I felt pair of hands around me that tried to drag me away from Filip. Tig dropped down to his knees and moved Chibs hands from the wound and his face was serious. Tig put his own hands to apply pressure to that heavily bleeding wound.

“Don’t you dare to die you Scottish bastard you hear me ?!” Tig said with a growl, but didn’t get answer as Chibs was dozing out and his head rolled to the side. Eyes looking into distance.

It was Jax who was holding me and let me lean onto him while i was staring into nothing. I had stopped crying and those tears were now drying to my cheeks. I didn’t hear anything. Only thing that was playing inside my head was the flashback of Chibs shoving me to the behind that car when the shooting started.

*he’s gonna die….he’s gonna die* i repeated to myself.

At the same time Happy was on the phone calling for an ambulance. Chibs was momenterally concious and insisted that he can handle it and didn’t need to go to the hospital ”I can handle it. No..No hospital”. Tig talked something to him and called him an idiot. Thats when Chibs went unconscious again.

The silent and distant sound of sirens were echoing through the small town and woked peoples interest. This town is cursed…really charming indeed…

The guys left me to tend to Chibs for a moment as they talked to each other at the side. I held my hands against Chib’s stomach and I wiped my tears away with my shoulder. Chibs turned his distant eyes to me and smiled slightly.

”hav..have I ever told ya how beautiful you are ??” Chibs slurred to me

I just looked at his restfull face and i couldn’t keep my smile out of my face ”I think you have..”, i chuckled with nervousness

”Marry me..”, he dropped the bomb without a warning.

I watched at his pale face with wide eyes and all the words got caught in my throath and i couldn’t form a word.

When the paramedics came and took care of Chibs and moved him into the ambulance i was standing between Happy and Jax when Jax started to lead me to the ambulance. I watched to him with a shake of my head. I didn’t wanna go there, what if…

I didn’t have time to ask it when Jax gave me sad smile and nodded “he needs you…we are coming behind”, he said silently and i nodded my head slowly. Paramedic helped me to climb into the back of the ambulance and i sat on the pench next to the paramedic who was examining Chibs. I stared at lifeless looking man at the front of me. I grapped carefully his hand that was caked with dryed blood and i bringed it to my lips. I gave a small kiss and i looked at his face with tears rolling down my cheeks again.

*please ,god…don’t take him away from me. Not yet…I need him….*

My Mysterious Scotcman•

Chapter: 2

There it was. Their target. Sitting on a chair back towards the crew, seemingly writing something that made him sigh and rub his forehead. Filip swallowed and his throath felt thight, this was really happening now. No backing down anymore.

*you can do it..c'moon don’t be stupid chicken shite..*, Filip thought .

Finally the group leader moved forward and it was time for action. They catched that guy without him noticing anything. The guy fell of his chair and stumbled on floor trying to get away from us. The blond haired leader catched the back of his jacket and banged the guys face against the hard wooden table.

Filip had taken his gun from back of his jeans and now held it with both hands. His hands shaking and heart beating. Everyone had gathered around there. Few watching out of windows or keeping eye on the doors. When Filip saw the guys face he was shocked. That guy who they were supposed to kill. He wouldn’t be more than a bit over 20 years. Filip swallowed and held his gun lower, biting the inside of his cheek.

“Shoot him”, growled the leader who was standing beside the trembling body.

“DO IT!!” The other one yelled with really annoyed tone.

It was like the whole time stopped in that very place. The only thing that the young boy with a gun heard was his own beating heart. He rised his gun, not shaking anymore. He shot twice that young guy to head and he dropped to the floor while his life was escaping his body. Filip lowered his gun and sighed. He couldn’t believe what he just did. He watched the growing dark puddle of blood that was leaking on the floor. He felt heavy clap on his shoulder, but he couldn’t react.

“Great now let’s get the hell out of here..”, one of the crew members growled until one of the boys runned to the mainroom.

“Lads..we have company”, he said with an scared expression.

“Shit…”, the boss growled when there was sounds coming from the front door “They said that the place will be empty…god, let’s go !!” He yelled and all started to run to the door. But one stayed almost like glued to the floor.

Filip just stood there. Still eyes glued to the body that was laying at his feet. He couldn’t take his eyes away from it, he couldn’t watch away from the mess on the floor. The guilt flowed through him.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Came the voice of an confused and pissed man

Filip rised his gaze finally breaking the spell but too late as the other guy who came from the behind of the guy who spoke. That man had gun in his hand and rised it . Filip didn’t have time to react as the Next thing he felt was the fastly spreading pain at his thigh as the bullet hit his leg. He stumbled down on to the floor, beside the already cold body of their victim’s. He forced himself up from the floor with final glance to the body .

“I’m Sorry”, he mouthed and jolted towards the back door where they came in .

He heard angry shouts and yelling from behind him as the guys discovered their dead friend. They started chasing after him down the streets under the dark and rainy evening.

They say that adrenalin makes you do crazy things. It’s meant to help you survive in dangerous situation. Maybe that and the shock from the pain was driving the young guy forward through the side streets. He didn’t feel the burning pain of the shot wound as he ran as fast as his legs could go. He probably haven’t ever run as fast as he did now.

The only thought that was running through his dead was the voice telling him *murderer*. Why was he so weak. What lead him into this situation.

*? POV*

The rain was still heavily assaulting the city of Belfast as I left my work place in hospital. I was casually driving my car and silently singing along with a song that was coming from the radio at low volume. I was totally in my own world as i started jamming along with the song. My whole day had been hectic and total chaos because of this wet rainy day.

I’m still not used to these rainy days, not even after a half of year of living now in this autumn time Ireland. Yes you heard right. I am not from here. I was born and rised in the United States, I had lived my whole life there. Until that one day when i just wanted to get away and have a fresh start. Change of the scenario as you would say. So I ended up here, in this happy place called Belfast. I moved to live with my aunt who happened to live here and she gave me an offer to come to her place and crash there. I took the offer and soon I found myself from here. No one wouldn’t believe that nor would I had as a kid. After few months of living on my aunts hair i decided to get my own place. I moved to live with my one long term friend who had moved here few years before me. We were almost like sisters before she moved to be closer to her family. Now we lived in the same house like some teenagers.

I started working in the hospital as a nurse. The job that i had went to school for. I think i always wanted to work in medical side. I loved helping peoples it was some sort of calling for me, but sometimes the hard job and being the superhero of the day can suck all your juices away and left you all weary. Like today. From all the days, today everyone chosed to break what ever bone they can break or fall at home and fracture something. Sick elderly people coming to reception just hoping for a chat with someone. There actually never was anything wrong just normal old peoples stuff. The list goes on and on. I was totally ready to get to my bed, pull the blanket over my head and sleep for the next 24 hours. Straight. Not kidding.

As I drived down the dark and dimly lit street, only the cars light illuminating the road with yellow light. I wasn’t prepared that someone would be outside at this time of the night. There wasn’t change for me to react faster than i did as some dark object run straight infront of my car getting hit by me. With a loud thud the dark object fell down onto the street from the force of the car.

I did fast brake and i rised my hands over my mouth. Did I just run over someone ?! All kind of scenarios started to run in my head as I opened the car door and i unbuckled my seatbelt. I hopped out of the car into the cold and wet air as i walked to the front of my car. On the ground there was laying dark clothed person who i assumed to be young man. He was hurriedly trying to get up from the street as i shook my head getting back into this moment.

“Hey, stay down !” I suddenly opened my mouth and the person tried to get up even faster but failed with their attempt. Apperently he was clutching at his leg.

I moved fast squating down and carefully placing my hand on the shaking body on the ground “Hey ? Did you get hurt ?” I asked. I immedietly mentally kicked myself. It was stupid question of course you get hurt when you get hit by a car. Stupid me.

The man still kept trying to get away from me what showed me that he couldn’t be that much hurt. I studied him with my eyes in the light of my car and i saw blood on the street. The blood had to come from him and what ever it was that was bleeding, was bleeding heavily. And when i saw his bloody hands.

“Hey, don’t move you are bleeding..”, i said with a rised voice. I tried my best to stay calm and keep the man on the ground “You need to go to hospital..”, I said as the man suddenly had his attention to me

“No hospital !!!”, he growled at me “They..will find me”, he Whispered almost with inaudible voice. He had an thick accent what was hard to understand. Even for me who was constantly around Irish and british accents. This was different.

I looked at him and then around to our surroundings. Who would find him ? What had this poor man put himself into. What ever it was i wouldn’t liked to be part of that. No i was just an avarage working woman.

I was again snapped out of my thoughts as the man tried once again to get up but fell flat on his stomach on the wet street. Breathing heavily. It was more like huffing than breathing anyways. I needed to do something…it’s my curse as an nurse I swore it in my vow.

Then the light bulp went on my head and i made probably the worst decision what you can make with completely stranger, but it was the only option at this point. I stumbled up from the ground and i sneaked my arms around his torso, getting only a painful grunts and growling from him

“C'moon help me a bit”, i hissed at him and i got him up from the ground and to the backseat of my car we went. Slowly but we made it. After a little of fightning back, he was nicely seated there as buckled him up and i closed the door.

This mysterious man was already drifting from consciousness so i have to go fast. As i was walking around my car i saw dark clothed peoples at the end of the dark alley. I gulped and basically runned fastly to drivers side door and i hopped in . Fastly change gear and started driving forward. Those peoples didn’t have any kind of nice vibe coming from them.

I looked at the backview mirror, and to the mysterious man who was now sitting at the backseat of my car. What the hell i was thinking about ?! Is he dangerous ?? What if those peoples were chasing him and they follow me back to our house . I couldn’t put my finger on those thoughts and my heart kept racing the whole drive back to me and my friends house. As i watched at the rewiev mirror to the man who was hunched at the back seat i had feeling in my heart. I have to help him, I almost just killed him so i have it for him.

To be continued…
